A D V E R T I S E M E N T .
I make him fo nearly the Alpha and Omega of this my
labor. The various pen of my illuftrious countryman excelled
in every fcience. Phcebus fmiled on all his undertakings,
and he was faluted by the whole circle attendant
on the deity, as Gallus is faid to have been of old:
— A truer limile cannot be adduced.
Utque vero P h o e b i Chorus furrexerit dmnis 1
I muft not be filent in refpedt to the labors of another
gentleman, who, notwithftanding he never vifited
Hindoojian, has written with uncommon fuccefs on the
■wonderful mythology of the Hindoo religion, derived moft
happily the fources of many o f its myfteries, and traced
their origins, nearly loft in the mifts of fable, from the facred
purity of H o l y W r i t . He has done the fame by numbers
of the abftrufeft antiquities of the works of a r t; and
that with a depth of learning and perfpicuity rarely to be
met with. But, alas! no C h o i r rifes to falute the Reverend
Thomas Maurice. This learned divine bends under
the weight of honejia pauperies. That ftill voice which
hurt-merit and confcious modefty cannot always fupprefs,
is often drowned in the clamors of the undaunted throng,
fo as never to emerge into the notice of thofe whole
A D V E R T I S E M E N T .
peculiar duty it is to fearch deeply into charaders, be they
in courts or choirs, and to put to flight the ignavum pecusy
which are too frequently the pefts of both,
Who, for their bellies fake,
Creep and intrude, and climb into the fold.
Of other care they little reck'ning make,
Than how to fcramble at the ihearers feaft,
And lhove away the worthy bidden gueft 1
D o w n i n g *
January I, 1798k
T H O M A S P E N N A N T .