cblan built one entirely out o f a Angle tree. A purple color is
obtained from the tender leaves, ufeful in dying filk.arid cotton,
which are alfo medicinal. A fyrup extracted from them, mixed
with-fugar, cures the AphtPee;.: the flowers, mixed with hoiiey,
are prefcribed in dropfies.
T h e Poon tree, Uvaria altißma o f Koenig, ferves for the P o on , o r M a s t
mafts; its chief excellence is its ftraightnefs, and its lightnefs; Tree-
it is tolerably ftrong, but unlefs great care is taken to keep the'
ends dry, it is apt to rot. It grows to the heighto.f fixty feet?
My good old friend Dottor Patrick R u jel* ihewed me a branch
of this fpecies, and told me it was called in'India the: Maß tree.
M. Sonnerät, ii. p. 233, tab. 131, gives a figure of it, under the
name of VArbre de Mature.
Surat for a long time was; open to every atlapk';.nor was
the fortification attended to till after it was taken • and plundered,
in 1664, by the famous Sevatj.ee. The EnglißrmADutch, Sbvatjee,-
flood oh the defen five, and were left unmolefted. The Gover- FouNDi!R or-
nordeferted the place, and retired into the caftle; befides that,
ft had no;other protection than a mud wall. After the retreat
o f the free-booters, the citizens,requefted of Aurengzebe, that
he would fecure them with a wall; accordingly .one was built
taking -in a fpace o f four miles in circuit. It wasmf brick, eight
yards high, .with. rpund baftions, and on each were-five or fix,
Europeans are furprifed to hear o f the extent of an Indiam
city, but they muft be told.that,.befides their, towns being very
populous, every houfe confifts but o f one floor,,which makes.
» See a full account of this great Botanift, in the Preface to the Plants of Coromandel, b y '
Dt. Patrick Ruffel. }
2 them