B loody
a t t a c k
E nglish.
dong, a town on the eaftern fide of the river juft within their
territory. We added to the Nabobfhip o f Oude thé province of
Rohulcund, but baniihed to the weft fide of the Ganges, about
feventeen or eighteen thoufand men and their families, the
moft rebellious of the nation. This-war was reprefented at
home in the moft infamous light, that for the aggrandizement
or the pleafure of an ally, “ the whole nation, with inconfider-
“ able exceptions, was flaughtered and baniihed ; the country
“ was laid wafte with fire and fword, and that land, diftinguiihed
“ above moft others by the ehearful face of paternal govern-
“ ment, and protected labour, the chofen feat of cultivation and
“ plenty, is now throughout a dreary defert, covered with ruihes
“ and briars, and jungles full of wild beafts ! ! ! * "■
L et me add, we got an increafe of fubfidy to the conquering
brigade, and the diftrift of Benares for the Company, of the
yearly income of two hundred and forty thoufand pounds. As
to the brigade it is to over-awe the neighboring ftate, and more
than probable to keep in order our nominal ally, but realfub-
je£t, This for a time may enable us to fupport our unhappy
boaft of having a territory from the ftreights of Kupeli to the.
mouth of the Ganges, reckoning along its windings a courfe of
thirteen hundred and fifty miles. Sutnbul, Anopchine, and Bu~
dayoon, are places diftinguiihed by capital letters on the banks-
of the Ganges, but their hiftory is not given. Furruckabad is
another capital of a fmall diftrift, feated alfo on the Ganges, belonging
to a Robilla chief,
- In 1794, thefe favage clans arofe with all. their native ferocity,.
1 imagine the caufe to have been a feudal quarrel between the
* Same p. p. 252, 268»-
chieftain of Rampore, and fome clamant on his title. General
Abercrombie commanded in thofe parts. On November 26th, a
bloody aition took place; our whole line was fet in motion :
the charge of the enemy was moft daring and gallant; it could
not be furpafied; both lines met and intermingled ; the bayonet
prevaled, and our army purfued the enemy acrofs the
Doojure Millach. The Robillas were twenty-five thoufand in
number: the charge of the enemy was peculiarly lingular;
they formed in a line infinitely beyond the extent of ours, in
deep wedges, fuppofed to be fifty deep : when both lines came
within about five hundred yards, Golaum'% people fcattered
individually, approached in that extraordinary manner, and
contefted the point with our bayonets : they appeared to defpife
our mufquetry, and upon every difcharge of artillery embraced
the ground, inftantly riling and advancing to the charge. Their
arms were fpears, match-locks, and fwords, which latter they
employed with deftructive effedt; and their attack-, as by uni-
verfal confent, was called the Highland charge. The daughter
on both fides was dreadful; that of the Englijh moft uncommon
: befides privates we loft one colonel, one major, two captains,
and nine lieutenants, and had eleven officers wounded;
a proportion far beyond what ever was known in engagements
with undifciplined favages *.
Canoge is at prefent a middle fized town on the weft fide of C akoge.
the Ganges, in Lat. 27° 3', and in the great Nabobfhip of Oude,
feated at the jundtion with the Calini or Callynuddi. The city
may have been the Calinipaxa o f Pliny. It is a place o f great
* Calcutta Gazette.— Golaum was one of the chieftains.
Z 2 reputed