A l l our factories from Tat ta to Anjengo, and alfo thofe in
the gulph of Perjia (if we have any that remain), and that at
Bajora, are fubordinate to the prefidentihip of Bombay.
T he ihips are built o f the Téek-wood, the Tektona grandis of T e e k W«».
Linnaus, Suppl. p. 151, Hort. Malab. iv. 57. tab. 27, Plant. Coromandel,
i. p. xo. N” 6. a vaft tree, both in height and bulk, of
the Peniandria Monogynia clafs. It grows in extenfive forefts,
along the hills, at the foot of the. Ghaut mountains, and to the
north and north-eaft of Bajfein, and is readily brought down
the various ftreams that flow from them, on the river Geoda-
verie, on the Coromandel c. oaft; in Barmab, north o f Pegu; in the
ifle of Sumatra, and pofiibly in many other places. The property
of this timber, in refilling the worm, rènders it invaluable
; yet it has been negleCted by the non-application of it
for the building our ihips' of wan The words o f that very intelligent
writer Mr. Rennel, will heft convey the idea, o f the
importance of this invaluable tree.
ft I c a n n o t clofe this account without remarking the imparti
donable negligence wë are guilty of, in delaying to build teek
*8 ihips of war for the ufe of the Indian feas. They might be
“ freighted home, without thé ceremony of regular equipment,
4 as to mails, fails, and furniture, which might be calculated
“ juft to anfwer the purpofe o f the home paffage at the beft
“ feafon ; and crews could be provided in India. The letter an-
“ nexed, which was written with the beft intentions, nine or ten
“ years ago, will explain the circumftances o f the cafe. Teek VastDbra-
ihips of forty years old and upwards, are no uncommon
“ objects in the Indian feas; while an European built fhip is
<( ruined there in five years. The iliips built at Bombay are the
V o l . I. - M « beft,