¡E n g l i s h F a c t
o r y .
W E S T E R N H I N D O O S T A N .
'which probably may have revived equal to that of its
belt days*.
We have ftill a confiderable faCtory here; and to this great
emporium o f trade, on the weftern fide of India, are fent, by
different routes, the rich manufactures of Cacbemere, particularly
fhawls. Unwrought cotton is the principal article o f exportation
; befides this, numberlefs kinds o f manufactured cotton,
made in the neighborhood, and the various manufactures of
Cambay, Barocbia, Brodera, &c. - centre in Surat, and are included
in its exports. I know o f no medicinal articles, either
the produce of, or exported from Surat. The furrounding
country abounds with wheat, equal in goodnefs with that of
Europel. This valuable grain feldom grows farther South than
this latitude, and I think never exceeds that o f 20". Our faCtory
there confifts of a Chief, (who is always one of the council of
Bombay) two or three gentlemen, as counfellors to him, and four
or five inferior fervants o f the company, as clerks; in all, perhaps,
eight or ten Europeans. Our trade to and from Surat is
very extenfive, and our political influence is very confiderable,
fince we got the government o f the Caftle by a grant from
the Mogul-, we likewife receive, jointly with the Mahra-ttas,
and the Nabab, or governor, the amount of all the import and
export duties; and, for the maintenance o f two or three companies
of fepoys, to garrifon the caftle, we have a Jagbire in
lands which yields a handfome revenue. The country in the
neighborhood of Surat, is partly fubjeCt to the Mahrattas, and
partly to fome fmall tribes. The Nabab'1s authority extends
little beyond the city.
* 'J'om. ii. 41 to 6.2» f Hamilton i. p. 161*
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