T he fmall white Heron called Caboga, with a yellow bill, and
black legs,— 236, and the yellow necked, with a pendulous black
creft,— 239, are fpecies added by Mr. Middletonr
T he Cinnamon,— 233, is another new fpecies.
T he yellow llipper’d Egret is a fpecies added by Sir E. Impey,
of a pure white color, with black legs and yellow feet.
T he great white Egret is frequent; thé European Heron,
B r. Zool. ii. N° 173. The Bittern,— N* 174, and the little Bittern,
—ii. App. tab. viii. The Stork, Latbam, v. 47, and the NySi-
corax,— S3, may be given as birds of Bengal.
A l a u g e r and leffer bittern form new fpecies, from the col-
ledlion o f Sir E. Impey. The crown of the head of the firft is
dufky, fpotted with white. The bill of the leifer is o f a fine
yellow; crown, head and neck tawny; wings and back ferruginous.
C ranes. A m o n g birds o f this clafs is the elegant Indian Crane, Latbam,
38, 39. Edw. tab. xlv, a migratory fpecies even as far as
Lake Baikal. The common Grane, Br. Zool. App. tab. vi. The
Lemoijelle, Latbam, p. 35, which, with the Indian, are in vaft
flocks on the banks of the Ganges ; and finally, I may add the
bunch-back, a new fpecies, of large fize, with a black bill and
crown, white neck, and all the reft of the body black ; the legs
dirty yellow : the fhoulders are fo elevated that I give it the
name of deformity.
T he white headed Ibis o f p. 212 o f the firft volume is common;
it is called at Calcutta, Junghil-, the pink colored feathers
o f the tail are there ufed by the ladies as part o f their head-
drefs. The black headed, Latham, vii. 240, is named Buttore,
and is of the fize of a heron. There is a third fpecies o f the
fame fize, with a long yellow bill, cheeks naked and yellow,
wings pale brown, tail black,, legs long, and pink colored.
To the Snipes may be added the White, Latham, v. 141, in
which, white and grey predominate.
T he Golden Plover, Br. Zool, ii. N" 208, is found here, from
the very ar-Slic regions. The Indian, Latham, vii. 254» does not
exceed the fize o f a lark-
T he Fappi pi Jacana, Latham, vii. 256. tab. cxvii, is a fine
bird, as big as a golden pheafant; the two middle feathers of
the tail are of a vaft length, and incurvafed like thofe of the
T he Flamingo, Latham, v. 298, is common on the banks of
the Ganges.
T he knowlege of the gulls and’ terns o f India is a dejidera--
tum. The white,, vii. 266, is faid to be found there. Among
Sir E. Impey'% birds I found a very fmall black crowned gull,
above of a lighta fh color, white below, wing white, edged with
T he Barred-head Goofe, vi. 277, is as large as the common
goofe, with a bright yellow bill; head, throat, and hind part o f
the neck white; the back part o f the neck marked with two
black crefcents; back and tail fine pale grey, front of the neck
black, legs reddifh yellow ; arrives in Bengal in the wet feafon
by hundreds,,as is fuppofed, from the Thibet mountains; refts
on the com fields in the upper part of the country, and is very
deftrudtive to the grain ; its fleih efteemed ; departs at approach
of fummer.