A jmeer.
D ehly.
L ahoor.
M u l t a n .
C ashmere.
the Otnrabs quarrelled among themfelves, which brought on
the ruin of their country. Akbar concluded with the taking of
Surat in the fame year.
Ajmeer was conquered by the emperor Akbar in 1567.
Dehly was among the firft conquefts o f the Mahometans.
Lahoor was conquered by the firft Mahometan invaders, and
remained annexed to the empire till the great diffolution of
that vaft body in our days. It is at prefent the capital o f the
Multan had been frequently conquered by the emperors, and
finally and effeitually by Humaioon.
Tatab was conquered by the troops o f the fame emperor.
T h e conqueft of Cajhmere, by Akbar, is related in the hiftory
o f that happy valley. Cajhmere, fays its hiftorians, had its own
princes four thoufand years before its conqueft by Akbar in
1585. Akbar would have found difficulty to reduce this para-
dife o f the Indies, fituated as it is within fuch a fortrefs of
mountains; but its monarch, Tufof Khan, was bafely betrayed
by his Omrabs. Akbar ufed his conqueft with moderation, and
allowed a penfion to the conquered Khan and his gallant fon.
He tookCabul in 1581, but refigned it to Hakin, prince- o f
the country, whom he had defeated in battle juft before. This
was the fum of the Mogulempire under Akbar. It was referved
for his great grandfonto carry wrongful conqueft, fire, fword,
and perfecution, among the remaining independent Hindoo nations.
No fedts perfecuted with the violence and zeal equal
to the Mahometans. Every one of the invaders deftroyed with
fire and fword all fuch who refufed to receive the doitrine of
G A N G E T I C H I N D O O S T A N . 335
U n d e r AUR
E N G Z E B E .
their prophet, and deftroyed, with the fury o f a John Knox, the
magnificent temples, and every religious edifice; even Aureng-
zt’.be, as late as the year 1689, could put to death with the moft
horrid cruelties Prince Sambagi, the fon of the famous founder
of the Mahratta empire, becaufe be would not forfake the religion
of his anceftors. He fuffered, with the fortitude and
refignation of a martyr; and i f the Brahmins have a calendar of
faints, Sambagi ought certainly to be enrolled amongft the moft
exalted of religious fufferers.
Aurengzebe, diftinguifhed for his great abilities, bigotry, and
hypoerify, added four more great kingdoms to the empire.
T h e kingdom of Golconda was added to the Mogul empire by G oiconha,
that monarch, when its capital was taken in October 1687, and
the prince treated, fays Mr. Orme, in his fragments, p. 218,
in the moft infamous manner. On the furrender o f the capital,
he was brought before Sultan Azim, one of the fons of Aurengzebe,
who before he would fee him, fuffered him to ftand
feveral hours in the fun, and when- the unfortunate prince was
admitted, he tried to mollify the Sultan by prefenting him with,
a purfe of diamonds of immenfe value; the other particulars of
the fiege, and its events, are given in a preceding page.
T h e Deccan was long tributary to the Mogul. It rebelled in
rfi2a, in the reign of Shah Jehan, fays Ferijhta, iii. 169; but was*
ibon reduced to obedience. It muft not be underftood that the
Deccan, taking the word in its full extent, was ever completely
conquered. The more fouthern provinces were even fcarcely*
known at this time, fo that they made part of the great empire
of Hindoojlan. Aurengzebe completed, the. conqueft^ and died’
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