only arms were bows and arrows : but there were always
wretched travellers or ftragglers, who were fure to fall viitims
to their barbarity.
I t was the good fortune of this diftriit to have Mr. Cleveland
placed over it. He boldly entered their country alone, and
unarmed ; convened fome o f the principal chieftains, and gave
them the full affurance o f his good intentions ; and by various
prefents to them, and their wives and children, gained their
confidence. When he found he had fully acquired their
friendihip, and prepared them for the propofed civilization,
most complete- he ordered uniforms to be made like thofe o f the Com-
pany’s Seapoys for a few. He gave them mufquets, and
they became regularly drilled. They grew proud o f their
knowlege. They defired that a battalion might be formed
out o f them for the prefervation of good order; and in lefs
than two years* thofe very people, who fome time before
were as wild and dangerous as the beafts in the forefts, were
in 1785 perfectly civilized, and employed in protecting their
neighbors whom they were accuftomed to pillage and murder t.
A camp was formed for a corps o f a thoufand o f thofe very
men near Boglepour, where their families refided with them,
and the ftridteft difcipline obferved. All by the ingenuity,
addrefs, and humanity of a fingle man. This ornament to
human nature was loft to India in 1783, and interred at
* Hodges’s Travels, p. p. 88, 89,90. f Broome’s Elucidations, p. 213.
G A N G E T I C H I N D O O S T A N .
handfome monument. Let this be his
Boglepour, under a
merited epitaph,
Is genus indocile ac difperfum montibus altis
Compofuit, legefque dedit.
A bout twenty-five miles below Rajahmabel flood a city o f G a n o ia R e g ia .
great antiquity, the Gangia Regia of Ptolemy. Ferijhta, i. p. 18,
gives it a very high origin indeed, telling us, that it was rebuilt
and beautified 732 years before Christ, by Shinkol. The name
was then Goura, and Lucknouti; it ftill retains in the maps that
o f Gour. It was taken in 1009, by Mabmood I. and the king
made prifoner. Like Hannibal, he kept poifon concealed in his
ring, which he took, and put an end to his life. His country was
annexed to the dominion o f Gbizni *. In io n , he reduced
Debli, the firft city of that name, and in 1018 made himfelf
mafter of the great city o f Canoge.
Goura.wzs deftroyed after Tamerlane's invafion o f Hindoojlan,
but reftored and ornamented by Akbar in 1573, who called it
Jennutabad; originally it was waihed by the Ganges, but that
mutable ftream at prefent does not come within four miles o f
the neareft part. The extent of the ruins are not lefs than
fifteen miles, ftretching along the old banks of the Ganges; the
breadth between two and three miles. Over the fite are fcat-
tered feveral villages, and thick woods, the haunts o f tigers and
beafts of prey. The chief remains are a mofque, lined with
black marble, elaborately carved, and two gates o f the citadel,
* Feriihta, i. p. 55.