E A S T E R N H IN D .O O S T A N.
man face on the top, and a"golden, glory above. Three hun-
died dancing girls, and a certain number of mufic men, are in
cOnftant attendance, who daily celebrate praifes o f their deitiesj
with melody and dance *.
T h e VUygaroo rifes from: fe.veral ftreams' i n the province of
Dindigul, which unite juft as they enter the kingdom o f .Madura.,
and run in a fingle channel as-far as th e head o f the
Delta.. Dindigul extends about ' eighty miles‘from foufh-weft
to north-eaft, and is about thirty-five miles in breadth; Its
eaftern boundaries* are Tinepetfy a.n<\ Madura; its weftern,: Co-
mbetore. This was; one of the conquefts of DppmlSultan. I My-
confluence would -never revolt at wrefiing thefe-ufurpations
from a cruel tyrant. It; is- called the valley o f Dindigul, . a trait
extremely productive o f rice,- The town is large/and well fortified.
Its principal ftrength confifts in a high and almoft in.
acceflible rock, on which is- a fortrefs which might be made
impregnable, but it was taken by ftorm in 1783 +, and is now
garrifoned by the company’s troops. The valley, o f Dindigul is
feated amidlt lofty mountains. • We-poflefs this,’ and the otheh
ceded countries o f Barra-mahal and ¿Wh» in fuU "of - fove-;
reignty: the manufaaures o f thofe countries will produce to *
the company a complete inveftment o f cloth for the European."
markets; their produce is eftiroated at annually, -
, Baramaul and Selim - -457512
Dindigitl, - - . _ . 120000 ■
' ; 577512 Pagodas, or:
¿.231,004. 16s. reckoning each pagoda at 8r|.
* Archad. x. p. 453. + Fullarton’s Campaigns, p. 1 ,3 . ■ t THo.-Einga:,tt, .Itrq.-
‘ V o l . II. c * ^ Barra*
P rovince of
D indigul.