I N E E X.
Damoon, a ftrong town - 87 G .
Darius, his voyage down the Indus W 29 Page
Date tree I t 248 Galle, Punta de - 255
Deccan - 2 Gallivats - 106
Delamcotta - - s; 5 Gamboge, drug and paint - 229
Delhi - 39 Ganges, the Ceylonefe - 189
Delta, the, of the Indus - ,. - 25> 29 Gedrofia ■ - - 27
Deluge, notion of 49 Gekko, a moil poifonous lizard - 200
Defert, fandy 30 Gems, ancient - 134
Dilla mount - 129 o f Ceylon - - - 189
Dondra-head 255 Genoa - - - 11
Draco volans, an innocent lizard - - 201 Getae - - - 25
Diu - . - - ’ - 60 61 Ghauts, the - 88
height of . - - 132
E.* afcent of - 117
Ghebres - - - 37
Earthquake - - - P 48 Gheriah - 107
Ebony - g 228 Ghizni - - - - 15
Elephants, ancient commerce in - 193 Ginger - - 141
Elephantum pafcua f l! 185 Glafs, rude - ,134
Elephanta, Ifle of - 96 Gloriofa fuperba, a fine plant - 222
El. Edrifi - - 185 Goa, Ifle of - - 109
Erythrceum, mare g 29 feized by Albuquerque - .110
Euxine fea - ffî '8 Gobi, defert of - - 8
Expedition o f Semiramis % 27 Goddard’s, General, march - 67
of Darius - - 29 Gold - - - 18
of Alexander H ■ Grabs - 105
Gulph of Cutch - 60
Guzerat - - - i 5>*>o
| H.
Factory, Englilh - 80
Feralapour - 36 Hackeries, an Indian carriage - 100
Ferdufi - " - 19 Hamath, founded by Solomon - 4
Ferofe III. his canals, the Shah Nehr - 42 Hannaman, the ape god - 252
Ficus Indica 21 /Harmozia, the modern Ormus - - 27
Fiihes of Ceylon 213 Hartley, Lieut. Col. his exploits “ 159
Fifh fell on the land at Bombay - 102 Haemodus, mons - 3
Flowers of Ceylon 221 Hephiilion - I 22
Forfter, Mr. journey of ÌM 52 Herat town - 5
Francifco Bareto Rolen - 32 * Hermits - - - 49
Hindooilan, the Perilan name <
Holpital for birds
for goats
Horfes, fine r .
Hudibras, quoted
Humaion - .
Humberfton, Colonel, killed
Hunary, Ifle of -
Hyacinthus, gem
Hydras, or Nitrias
Hyder Ali, his rife
projects of a navy
Hortus Malabaricus
Hyphafis, fl. -
James, Sir William
- life of
Jénaub, a river of the Panjab
Jenkinfpn, Anthonie
Jews in India
Iguana, an edible lizard
Jiggerkhars, magicians
Jigat, Cape of- - . ,
Ilak, river
India,-ancient roadsrto
peninfula of
Indigo - ..
Indus, the
vail tides of i
Page 1 '
- 9 Indus, length of «
dia 2 review of _
- 64 Infula Prafiane
• 65 Joar, dreadful ceremony of
- 41 John, St. Cape _
- 235 Jones, Capt. John
30» 40 Ifle of Ceylon _
- 125 Bombay _ .
- 103 Caranja
- 134 Elephanta «T
1 i t Salfette .
- ibid. Jumna _
- 106 Jumnaut pagoda _
- 127
- 128 K .
- 216
- ibid. Kameh -
- 22 Kanara, Ifle of *
Knox, Robert - -
Kokra -
Kouli Cabul
- 108 Kuzzlebaih
- 257 L .
- 252
- 59 Lacadive Ifles
I 36 Ladoga
1 17 Lahore -
- 7 Laribunder - - _
- 162 Legs, fwelled _ -
- 200 Leonnatus - . _
- 33 Leopards, where numerous _
- 60 Limyrica, the modern Concan _
- 8 Lions in the province of Malwah
- 3 Lithinon Purgonr
2 Liver, impoilhume o f . -
- 235 Lines of Travancore _
- 25 Lizards
i Loten, Governor _
- 26 Lucca -*
- 54
- 29
- 24
- 56
- «7
- 16
- 183
- 91
- 96
- ibid.
- ibid.
- 30
- 61
- i r
- 103
- 18
" 191
- 14
- ir
- 12
- 147
- 14
- 39
- 32
- 172
- 27
- 69
- 87
I 78
- 8
- 33
. -
- 200
- 250
§ 52