the attack was made, found that the wily Indian had left them
no more than the value of one hundred thoufand pounds to
divide among them.
T h e firft of the name was Conagee Angria, an adventurer in O r i g i n o f t h e
the time of Aurengzebe, entrufted by the Mabrattas with the Name.
fort of Severn-droog. He not only kept poffleflion o f that for-
trefs, ‘but extended his territories a hundred and twenty miles
along the coafts, and as far inland as the Ghauts. Mabrattas,
Indians, renegado Chrijimns, and Negroes, flocked in vaft numbers
to the piratical ftandard, which became at lait as formidable
in thefe feas, as that of Algiers in she Mediterranean. All his
fuccefiors retained the name of Angria, even to the laft, whole
deftruftion we have related.
I h e r e mention Dabul, a neighboring place, to contrail: D a b u l .
the conduit of the Portuguefe, who, in 1555, took it with uncommon
inftances of barbarity. They fet fire to it in four
places. The male inhabitants efcaped; but the favage heroes
(for we cannot deny the charaiter of heroifm) put to the fword
the defencelefs fex and innocent children *. After various other
barbarities along the coalt, the wretched conqueror, Brandan,
was received at the capital, Goa, with every mark o f approbation.
T he important city of Goa Hands on an ifland o f the fame I s l e o f G o a .
name, in Lat. 15° 28' 20", in a fine bay, a few leagues lower.
The city was for a great length of time the moft magnificent in
India. The churches and palaces o f the inhabitants were o f
Conquêtes des Portugais, iv. 183.