Caffia fenna.
Tamarindus Indica.
Pterocarpus Santolinus.
Columba radix.
Bubon galbanum.
Cambogia gutta.
T h e Swedes, i f we confine ourfelves to the materia Indica o f
the famous Linnceus, fought aid in a far greater extent in the
vegetable kingdom than we have done. The Englijh difpenfary
draws its medical help from not two hundred fpecies, o f which
only the above are fought from India. The Swedes, in 1749,
had hopes o f relief from the powers o f five hundred and
thirty-five. India flattered them with medical afliftarice from
A l l the healing art is confined to the Brahmins, and their
materia medica to the vegetable kingdom, the native plants o f
the plains and woods o f the empire. They have their botanical
books in the Sanjkrit. language. The Amercojh, one o f them,
contains in a fingle chapter a vocabulary of about two hundred
vegetables*. In bilious cafes, they prefcribe copious
purgings; they fhun bleeding and emetics. In feverifh dif-
orders they wifely rely on extreme abftinence, and the fove-
reign medicine water-gruel made of rice t .
S o r c e r y , S u r g e r y i s totally unknown among the Hindoos\ It fhould
* Afiatic Refearches, ii. p. 345, + Sketches of Hindoos, ii. p. 93,
Piper nigrum.
Amomum Zinziber.
Curcuma longa.
Ksempferia rotunda.
Cardamomum minus.
feem that in cafe o f wounds, gun-fhot or iabre, nothing
more was done, than wafhing them, and tying them up with
frefli leaves; and after fifteen days the patient was out of
danger, and could move about, but during that time he had
taken nothing but the Cangi, or water-gruel of rice*. The
inftance was of a Mr. Stuart, wounded in the defeat Ayder had
from the Mahrattas at Malecotta. He was taken prifoner, carried
to a Choultry by way of hofpital, and treated with the humanity
juft defcribed.
I m u s t by no means omit one branch of European furgery,
that has of late been pradtifed with great fuccefs hy a Poonah
artift, who has,lately revived the faliacotian art, differing only
in the material, for he does not apply to the brawny parts o f
porter's, &c. &c. to reftore the mutilated patient. I am not
mailer of the procefs, but am told it is hy. cutting the fkin and
mufcles of the forehead on three fides, and drawing it over the
deficient part. I f the bridge of the nofe is injured, I prefume
that mult be fupplied by fome ingenious invention. The Hir-
carrah, or Madras Gazette of Auguft 5th, ¡794? infoims us,
that Cowasjee. two years before fell under the difpleafure o f
cpippoQ Sultan, who inftantly ordered the nafal amputation. The
fufferer applied to the great reftorer of Hindoojlan nofes, and a
new one, equal to .all the ufes of its predeceffor, immediately
rofe in its place. It can fneeze fmartly, diftinguifh good
from bad fmells, hear the moft provoking lug, or being, well
blown without danger of falling into the handkerchief. It
* Sketches of the Hindoos, ii. p. 94*.