thefe impediments of communication, was the firft bufinefs of
our able commander after his return from Seringapatam.
Qttjfoor', Rayacottà, and other forts which commanded the
Policode pafs were firft reduced. Tippoo, fenfible of the importance
of thé firffcj had made great exertions for its improvement,
which not being completed, were abandoned on our firft appearance
; after fpiking the guns, and blowing up a baftion.
This acquifition was inftantly garrifoned by Captain Weljh.
At Rayacotta, Allan, tab. vn was found a fhew of refiftance, but
by the perfeverance of Major Gowdie’, the Killedar, or governor,
furrendered on condition of retiring beyond the power o f the
tyrant. Odeadurgum and Anchillidurgum, Allan, tab. iv. were
added to the conquefts, and garrifoned, and the others deemed
ufelefs were deftroyed.
T h e country was alfo to be cleared from many other hill
forts to the north-eaft o f Bangalore, obftructions to future operation
: None but Nundi-droog, Allan, x. defended itfelf with
fpirlt ; it flood on the fummit of a hill one thoufarid three
hundred feet high, on three parts inaccefiible ; the fourth admirably
defended by art. The affailaiits found danger from
the artillery, and the rolling down of vaft rocks : at length it fell
by ftorm. Lord Cornwallis thought the gallant Gowdie, the
officers and men employed in the arduous attempt, worthy of
public thanks. Kummaulgbur, Allan, xi. a 'fo ft on a conic
hill, {mall, but o f vaft ftren'gtb, furrendered on firft fummons.
S a y e h - d b o o g . Saven-droog, Allan, xii. xiii. Home, iX. x. and oiher forts
hetweexi¡Bangalore and Seringapatam, were next to be reduced.
The firft is feated on a rock half a mile in perpendicular height,
from ab^fe .eight or ten miles in circumference. It divides in the
middle into two head8, by a vaft chafin, each head crowned with
a citadel ’. ¡the fides, wherever acceffible, defended by walls above
walls, eyen in places where it might be thought that fecurity
was needlefs. The. name even is tremendous ; Saven-droog, the
rock o f 'death, furrounded. by a vaft foreft, which emits a pefti-
ferous vapour, fatal to any troops which lie long before it.
Tippoo called this rock Gurdon Sheko, or the N e c k of M a j e s t y ,
_ and exulted, a? fpr certain victory, when he heard that our troops
intended to fit down before it. We gave difeafe no time to
operate againft us. After cutting roads through the.foreft, the
commander of. the adventure, Lieutenant Colonel Stuart, opened
two batteries on December 17th, and another on the 19th. T aken ,
Lieutenant Colpnel .N eßitt directed the ftorm, led in different
points by the Captains Monfon, Gage, Lindfay, and Robertfon.
Two guns gave the fignal of affault, and the troops marched
to the animating mufic o f B r it o n s s t r ik e H o m e ! An hour,
in open, day, put us in poffeffion of this important place, with
lofs o f an arm only, to a fingle private ! The garrifon confifted
of fifteen hundred men ; about a hundred were killed : numbers
periihed by flying to the precipices to efcape the afiailants';
and the reft either had deferted, or found the means of retreat.
I t is lingular that the name of this hill fliould agree in found
and fenfe with the Weißt, figuratively taken: Safn-drwg figni-
L 2 fying