The laft was completely rebuilt by Ayder, fince the war of 1767
with the Englijh, and was furniihed with all the advantages of
European conftruition and defence; and attended with every
difficulty o f approach from forefts, interfeilions o f the Paniani
river, and deep rice grounds; yet on the 13th o f November, by
the conduit of the commander and the valor o f his troops," it
was furrendered by a garrifon o f four thoufand men, after a
long and defperate defence*. It was afterwards evacuated; but
by the partitiofl treaty referved to us, with other acceffions,
which gave entrance into Dindigul, and our interior acquifi-
tions. Let me not omit, that at Palatchy, not remote from Pali~
caudcherry, the land attains its greateft height, and the river runs
Eaft and Weft, into the Coromandel and Malabar feas t . In September
1790, Lieutenant-Colonel Hartley, with a iinall detachment
o f General Meadows's army, marched from Dindigul toward
the coaft weftward, to clear the country o f enemies, and
favor the great attack on Pippoo Sultan. He defcended the Ghauts
by. the Paniani gap, reached the coaft, gained a moft brilliant
victory over one of the Sultan's generals at Tervannagurry, on
December 10, and completely broke the enemy’s force on the
weft of the Ghauts. He took Turuckabad, the capital of the
country, continued his march northward to Cananore, joined
General Abercromby,. and ihared with him the fatigues and
glory of the campaigns o f 1791 and 1792. It is a break between
the northern and fouthern ridge of the Gbauts. The moun- Tn*
tains on each fide are fo high, as toarreft the'clouds and winds; Paniam: Ga“ -
* Fullarton’s Campaigns, p. 166. ■)) Same, p. 159.