Tadmor, trade through, 652
Ta’ez (district and town of Yemen), description
of, 620
Tafal, kind of stone (found near Mount
Sinai), uses of, 568
Tâgk Natchakh (spur of Mount Ararat), 146
Tâghi, Begrek, 290
Ta'idif, village (on the Nahr Dhahab, Aleppo
district), 415
Taïf, description of the houses, gardens (in
the Hijâz), &c., of, 609, 620
Taifie, village in the desert (towards Palmyra),
Taïr-el-râouf (a particular kind of bird),
Taj-rud, affluent (of the Abi Shlrwan and
Diyâlah), 33, 34
Tâk, tributary (of the ’Adhim river), 30
Taka, El, lake (near Kal’at-el-Mudik), 395
TakhtaKopri, ruins and hot springs (on the
Kara gechid-sü, tributary of the Saïhun),
Takkti-Soleïmân, or Gaza, now Shiz (at the
border of Azerbaijan), 221
Tak-i-Bostan, near Kirmân-Shâh, 216
Tâk Kesra (near Cfesiphon), 35
Tak talu, or Mount Solyma (in Tekéh district),
Tâlamân chai, or Indus, river (of Asia Minor,
south coast), 340-
, valley of, 340
Tâlish, plains of, 73
-, kanat of, 84 (noie), 130
, district, description of, 136,139
, port of, 139
Talk, district, and 23 villages, population of
(near the Caucasus), 157
Tamasea, plain (in Cyprus), 9
Tamaseus and its mines (in Cyprus), 459
Tambu, town (in Kach’h Gândâvah), 182
Taneyse, noble breed of the Arabian horse,
Tangawân, hill fort (on the Dizful river),
Tanks of the Arabs, 667
Tapia and cement of the Arabs, 667
Taraba, town in Wadi Sobeyh (in the Hijâz),
, description of, 632
Tarâbolus (Tripoli), the eyalet of, 449
, once a pâshâlik, 449
, position, limits, &c., of, 449
, description of eastern part of the
district, 450, 451
el-Sham, 455
Tarâbuzun, description and scenery of, 8, 98
•----- , pâshâlik, once Pontus, 306, 307
, city, description of, 308
, roadstead of, 308
, climate about, 359
, fruit and grain of, 359
, commerce of, 365
, commercial communication of, 365
Tarba, town (in the district of San’a), 616
Tarbâl, village (in Hadramatit), 637
Tarbush (cap of red cloth), 374
Tarichaea (eastward of Lake Tabariyeh),
Tarifa, western portion of Der’ayyah town,
631 Tarik-el-Yemen, Wadi (continuation of the
valley of San’á), 621
Táríkh Zenádikah (Way of the Covetous),
(a sect in Persia), 87
Tarkali-Ozene, river (in Daghestan), 133
Tarkii, district (of Dághestán), 131,132,133
, capital of, 134
, religion of the people of, 135
, character of the people of, 135
, local government of, 140
*——I choosing of a prince in, 140
once formed part of the Amazon territory,
Tarsus, plain (of Cilicia), 352
, city of, 356
Tartous, or Antartous, district and isle of
Bouad, 451,
Tásh Kóprí (Pompeiopolis), (in Kastamúní
district), 330
Táshlí Gókcheh, valley (in the Anti-Taurus),
292 i
Tasim, tribe, destroyed, 630, 659
Taslys, Wadi (tracts SW. side of Nedjd),
Tátlar excavations (N.E. of Argaeus), 291,
Tatte, a Tartar dialect, 135
Taurem, town (of Lár province), 227
Taurus, Anti-, mountains, 67
, peaks and separation of, 68
, geology of, 69
of Strabo, its culminating points, 69
and Taurus ridges distinguished, 72
of Strabo, 285
-, a local name, 285
of Strabo, and its groups, 292
Proper. 67, 70
, diverges from the Kurdistan range,
—-—, geology of, 70, 71
, eastward of the Tigris, 70, 71
, in Upper Mesopotamia, 70, 71
, on this side, 71
, beyond, 71
, great extent of, 71
, north of U’rfah, 71
, at Gergen KaFeh, 71
and Anti-Taurus distinguished, 72
—t—, northern branch of the, 73
, temperate climate of, 80
, vegetation of the cold and temperate
climate of, 80
, a general name, 285, 293, 294
-— of Strabo, central tract of Asia Minor,
298, 350, 358
——«-----, passes of, 252, 253, 254
Taúshánlií, a’yánlik (in Sultan Oni), 334
Tavium, ancient capital of Western Galatia,
now Bógház Koi (in Chapan O’ghlú district),
305, 332
Tavshán Tágh (near ’Osmánjik), 284
Tayin, tributary (of the river Kerkhah), 194
Tchalanape, magal (in Urd-ábád district),
Tcherkies-Ozene, river (in Dághestán), 133
Tcher-sií, tributary (of the Angora-su), 296
Tchiftlik, the farm-house of Anadóli, 366
Tchilder, Mount, or Kebbán Tágh (north of
Erz-Rúm), 68
, river, 148
Tchopno-ghell, lake (in Karábágh), 142
-Tchoruk-sii, or Lycus (affluent of the Buyúk
Mendereh), 296
Tchoterlek Irmák, or Alajah-chá'i (in the
plain of Amásíyah), 295
Tebric, village (in El Loehf), 506
Tebuk (in the Hijáz, Haj station), 598
Tectosages, the people so called in Galatia,
Teger Tágh (westward of Gurun), 292
Tehámeh, geology of the mountains about,
Proper, features, &c., of, 612
■-i-—, tribes of, 614
, or Batna (in *Omán), extent and population
of, 644, 645
Teignmouth, shoal (near Bahrein), 649
Tei'm, Wádí-el- (eastward of the Druse
mountains), 389
Teima, castle (in Jof-es-Syrhan), 627
Tejund, river (of Herat district), 165
Tekéh, district, position of, 338., 339
, description of, 338, 339
, rivers of, 338
, ancient remains of, 338,339
, comparative geography of, 338, 339
, temperature of, 358
Tekelí Tágh (westward of Kara Hisár),
289 »
Tekrit, description of, 26, 27
, origin of the name of, 27
and bifurcation of Hermás, 50
-, one of the principal towns of Mesopotamia,'
107, 111
Tékrova,1 once Phaeselis (in Pamphylia),
Tekua, Wádí (in Judea), 488
Teláv, district (of Karketia), 153
---- , soil, climate, &c., of, 153
, town of, 154
, population of, 157
Telmessus, site of (in Moola páshálik), 341
Temer, ’Ain-el-, spring (in Jof-es-Syrhan),
Temptation, mount of (near Jerusalem), 392
Tenedos, island, 316
Tengin Dereh-su, tributary (of the Gúksún-
sú and Jaihán river), 298, 299
Tenk-i-Kumáríj, pass (in Fárs), 207
Túrkán, pass (in Fárs), 208
y-tucaub, pass (into the plain of Bei'bahoun),
Tent life of Turks and Turkomans, 694
Tents of Turks and Turkománs, description
of, 369
of the Arabs, 3
Teos and temple of Bacchus (on the coast of
Ionia), 311
Tepe, mount, or Tumulus of Ajax, 317
Tephrene, ancient town (now Divrigi), 305
Terabolis (Tripoli), (in Tarabuzfin district),
306, 307
Terah, Abraham s father, and the supposed
ancestor of the Sabeans, 112
Teredon, ancient (in Lower Chaldea), 94
Terek, or Kuma, river, and the Caucasian
gate (Dariyel, in Lezgistan), 130, 158
Terhan, plain (in the district of Pish-Kuh,
Luristan), 194
Terim, mountain (town of Hadramatit),
population, &e., of, 636
Terj&n, plain (on the F rit, or Kara-su
branch), 41, 271
Termeda, district, taxes of, 258
Termis-su (tributary of the river Jaihan),
298, 299
Terter, river (in Karabagh), 142
Terva, of Ptolemy, now Eriv&n), 147
, tradition concerning, 147
Terza’at, or E l Woschem (district of Nedjd),
Tesaine, fort of, and western branch of the
Hai canal, 36
Tesirco, town (of Carmania Felix), 231
Thaer-el-hind (a particular kind of bird),
Thakran, village (in Wadaa district), 615
Thalissius, or temple to the Sea (Ba’al, a
Sidon), 541
Thamoud, fertile district (of the Hijiz),
Thamudites and other ancient people of
Arabia, 657, 659
Thapsacus, now Hammam (on the Upper
Euphrates), 48, 114
Tharthar, river (in Mesopotamia), 50, 51
Theches, mountain, probably Karagul, or
Zingani peak (in Tarabuzun district),
Therapia (on the Bosphorus), 326
Thermodon, river, and Schoham, stone, 278
and note
Thianetica (in the mountains bordering
upon the Black Sea), 276
Thrados, peak of the Olympus (in Cyprus), 457^
Thyatira, one of the seven churches of, 311
Thymbres, ancient, now the Kalifatli-As-
mak (the Heptaros of the Troad), 317
Tibareni (in the mountains bordering upon
the Black Sea), 276
Tiberias, or Tabariyeh, lake, description of,
Tiflis, town of, 10, 155, 156
, district of, 152
—— castle of, 156
^—, population of, 157
Tigranocerta, or DiyarBekr, 72, 99, 111,
Tigris, river, the Diglah or Hiddekel, 3,
13 — —, its two sources, 13
, western branch, or Hiddekel, source
of, 13