N o t e .—The dots which, in the text, are placed under certain letters, and indicate their powers, are, in this
Index, omitted.
A a e re , near a tributary to the Jarmuk, 507
Aaimie, and fine fruit market near Jebel Ebü
Orf (in Nedjd), 630
Àbabde Arabs, tent of the, 674 Abadites, 677
Abamæus, fountain near Kiz-hisar (in
Koniyeh eyalet), 348
Abanah, or Amana river, probably a branch
of the Barrada, 502'. 531
Abaran, river (tributary of the Aras), 9
Abarane, river (of Erivân province), 146
Abarim, or Attarus, mountains (in El
Belka), 517
Abasia, province (of the Caucasus), 130
Abasil-li valley (of the Anti-Taurus), 292
Abb, town (of Yemen), 618
Abbas (cloak of the Arabs), 593
’Abbas àbâd, town and fortress (on the
Aras), 145, 219
Abd-al-Beti (in Hadramaüt), 637
Abdâlé Arabs (in Lahaj, near ’Aden), 618
’Abd-el-’Aziz, mountains (in Upper Mesopotamia),
49, 52,105
Abd-el-Malik (author), 83 (note)
’Abdu-l-Meliki, tribe of Kurds, 250
Abearis (in Abybda, district of Yemen),
. 615
Abid, town (of Yemen), 619
’Abil or ’Obail, the Obailites, a Cushite
branch, 659
Abila, village (on the river Barrada), 502
Abiwerd, district, tribute of, 258
Abner’s tomb (at Hebron), 494
Abothubbee, pirates, &c. (of the Persian
Gulf), 568, 570
Abraham’s hoüse (at Hebron), (Ramet-el-
Khulil), 494
Absalom’s tomb (at Jerusalem), 496
’Abu ’All, or Kodis Châï, 450
| Arisch, district (of Yemen), 611
AbiiBekr’s tomb (at Medina), 599
, Gharib, inlet of Nahr Malkâ (canal),
55, 56
A’-bü Is-haki (stone), 76
Abu Ja’ber, village (on the Daradax), 415
VOL. I .
Abybda, district of Yemen, 614, 615
Abydos, site of, 320
Acamas, probably Avdimo (in the district of
Baffa), 458
Acampsis, or Jor£k river (of Armenia), 12,
Accad, or ’Akad (third city of Nimrud), 117
Achilles, tumulus of, 317
Acre, or ’Akka, pash&lik, limits, &c., of, 461
, climate of, 533, 534
Ad, king of Yemen, led the race of Ham into
Africa, 659
’A’d, tribe in the Kuria Muria islands, 639
Ada Teppeh, rapid (in the Halys), 6
Adad, temples to (in Syria), 541
Adala, or Attaleia (inTekeh), 311
Adamites, 88
Adanah, town, seat of government, 355 ' 3
------------, description of, 355, 356
, plain, 294
------------, called Cilicia Campestris, 352
Adanah su, or Sauriln CMi, 299
’Aden, city and territory, description of
(south coast of Arabia), 617
Adhar, river (tributary of the Kara su, affluent
of the Aras), 9
’Adhrm, river, course of (affluent of the
Tigris), 30
Adiabene (province of Assyria), 120
Adis, or ada (a kind of lentil), 442, 537
Adiyam£n, or Hisn Mansur town, ancient
Carbanum, 350
Adjet, Beit, or Gadh (in Judea), 492
Adman and Keman districts, contribution of,
Adonis, temple to (in Syria), 541
Adramit or Adramyttium (a’yanlik of
Bighah), 316
Adramyti, sanjak in Kara si district, 314,
Adrianople treaty of, and territory acquired
by Russia, 130
iEgean Sea, 318
Aerosa, or Kibris (Cyprus), so called from
its copper, 460