Mohammarah, khór or lake, 192
Mohimoul, a’yánlik (in Kermiyán eyalet),
Moie, Beit-el, or Daphne, 428
Amman, river (of Amman), 517
Erdjeg, tributary (of the Nahr-el-
Kebir), 450
Ham, tributary (of the Náhr-el-Kebír),
Mojeb, river, or Arnon, 515
, or valley of the Ammonites, 518
, plains of, 519
Mokhá, climate of, 576
, harbour, castle, &c., of, 613
, coffee trade of. 614
Mokhowa, town (in the Hijáz), 610
Mokledjye, sect (of the Ansaries), 542
Molla ’Osman, town and tributary (of the
Murád), 42, 68
Monakh, or halting-place (at Medina),
Monteval, cape (South Coast of Arabia),
Moola, or Mogolla (in Mentesha district),
339, 341
, ancient Alinda, 341
■-----, páshálik, 339, 340, 341
, climate of, 358
Mooleedanee, or Dasti Nudee, river (in
Mekrán), 178
Moon, changes of, and days of the week, in
Persia, 89
Mopsuesta (now Misis, on the Jafhan), 229,
Morad, or Murad Tágh, Mount Dindymene
(in Kermiyán eyalet), 333
Morád-stí-Gólú, or Morád Sóho Gold, lake
(in Kdniyeh eyalet), 347
Morand, plains (in Azerbaijan), 219
Morbát, opposite the Kuria Muria Islands,
Mordecai, sepulchre of (at Hamadán), 212
Mor Hammam, thermal springs (in Mala-
tivah district), 300
Mosaka, Sultán of (in Jaffea district), 635
Moscha Portus, in the Hadramitae (probably
now Maskat), 644
Moscheid, Kasr (in Ahkaf Desert), 638
Moschi, mountains of the, 68, 72, 286
, people or Mossynceci; the supposed
Meshech of Scripture, 150,275
Mosques, description of, 370
Mostearibé, El Arab, the mixed or modern
tribes of Arabia, 545, and Appendix
Mosul, or Ashur, 2 1 , 2 2 , 26,107, 111, 1 2 0
§ or Mespilla, or Meso-pulai, 120
— —, E ski (on the Upper Tigris), 20
Mosynus, or the Kará-stí (tributary of the
Mseander), 297
Motteneh, village (near San’á), 621
Moudania, or Myrlsea, gulf, 322
, town, ancient Apamea, 324
Mout, páshálik (westward of Adánah),
Mtlchetha, ruined city (of Kartelinia), 155
Mtkvary, or Kiour (in Child’er), 147
Mtwari, river (one part of the Kur so
called), 10
Muawiyah, village, near Ta’ez (in Yemen),
Mubarrez, fort and town, near, 650
, cultivation and lakes of, 651
Muchircan (a derivation from the Shápúr
river), 198
Muckloo Nudee, river (of Báluchistán), 178
Muhaddith, or reciter of tales (in Arabia),
Muhammed, mounds of, and width of Mesopotamia,
Ben Mansur's account of precious
stones, 75, 76
Ahmed Ben, founds Dzifár, 638
Khán’s, sultan’s, tower, 171
M úhammedanism absorbed the ancient religions
of Irán, 85
Mujáyah, in Babylonia (probably ancient
Au or Orchoe), 93, 94
Mujellibeh (at Babylon), 57, 116
, hanging gardens, and kasr (near Babylon),
Miíjúr, a’yánlik and town (near the Halys),
Mukatera, town (in San’á district), 618
Mukrán, or Mekrán, duhistan of, 80
Mullá Ya’kilb (on the Abí Shírwán), 34
Mullas, education, &c., of the, 86
, occupations of the, 86, 87
of Afghánistán, 177
of Persia, 234
. use of wine by the, 241 (note)
Mullick, or Mooshir (sage of the Afgháns),
Muna, valley (leading to the plain of Arafat)
Munbedj, or Membidj and Bambuche, ruins
of (probably Hierapolis and Bambyce),
once Mágog, 420
, necropolis of, 421
Mungasht (Baktiyárí fortress), 206
Munshár, pass (on the Upper Euphrates),
Murád-chái', or su, source and course into
the Frát, 42, 43, 272
becomes navigable, 45
and Frát branches compared, 45
breaks through the Taurus, 42, 44, 45
, valley of, 68, 272
Murád Tágh, branch (of the Kudje Tágh,
part of the Taurus), 288, 294
Páshá, bridge (Aleppo district), 4Ó7,
■------ Sóhó-Gólú, or Morád-sú-Gólú, lake,
Murjahdak, district, taxes of, 260
Murtah Ováh-sí (north of Angora), 296
Músa, Khór, inlet (of Khiízistán), 192
, Tágh (in Lydia Proper), 310
, Jebel, 385 .
Musellims (second rate Turkish governors),
Mush, town and plain (of Kurdistán), 43,
68, 96, 99, 120
Mushabeah, island (in the Red Sea), 570
Mushed, city, and description of, 74, 86,
— , or Max ad, also Thus, 223, 224
, people of, their employment, 224
Miishij, or Maushij (village of Yemen, between
Ta’ez and Zebid), 620
Muskin, village (in Dhorrah district),
(’Oman), 644
Muslims, exempt from taxes, 253
Mussendom, Rás, cape (in ’Omán), 640
Musseyib, town (on the Lower Euphrates),
Mut Khán, peak (of Anti-Taurus), 69
Mutazelis, or Mitaulis, 468, 546
Muton, or loom uséd in Arabia, 681
Muttra, or Matarah, town (near Maskat),
Muwaseráh, castle and mounds (of El
’Assayah, in Babylonia), 116
Myrlsea, ancient, now Moudania, 324
Nabathsei, people (of Arabia), 655
Nabon, river (in Fárs), 208
Nábulus, groups of, 487
i , town, Neapolis of the Romans, and
Sichem or Sychar of Scripture, 490
----- , ancient Samaritans at, 490
Nacoleia, probable site of, at Doganlu (in
Kermiyán eyalet), 334
Nadávend, section of the Lák tribe, 250
Nadir Khán, 139
Sháh, 129
Nadjan, town, in Wádí-el-Kharidj (Nedjd),
Nágarí,' river (of Mekrán), 185
Nagomar, town and province (of Min-
grelia), 149
Nahr Shei'kh-el-Ne’am (in Yemameh district),
Nahrawán, canal (from the Upper Tigris),
28, 30, 31
Nahood, village (N.W. of Tehámeh), 611
Nahuét, district (in Arabia), 614
Naim, village (in El Haryk district),
(Nedjd), 632
Nain, village (on the plain of Esdraelon),
Najar Tágh (peak of the Taurus), 293
Nakárah Burnú, Cape Drum (in the Dardanelles),
| site of Abydos, 319
Nakb-el-Hajar and inscriptions (in Jaffea,
district of Arabia), 565
Nakhchiván, town, tradition connecting it
with Noah’s descent, 99,145
, province^ obtained by Russia, in
1828, 144
, features of, 145
, rivers of,. 145
, wild and tame animals of, 145
, mineral and vegetable productions
of, 145
, four magals of, 145
•—•■■■■ ■, population of, 145, 146
Nakhchiván-chái, tributary (of the Aras),
9, 145
Nakhl, town in Batna (district of ’Omán),
Nakhodeh, town (of Azerbaíján), 220
Nakle-tein, village (near Medina), 598
Nal, district (of J ’halawán),'in Báluchistán,
Namánlí, or Cherkesh branch, affluent (of
the Filyas), 321
Namasiyah, battery (in the Dardanelles),'
Nanee, Bebee, river, 180
Nar, excavations (N.E. of Mount Argseus),
, Wádí en (near the Dead Sea), 392
Narakhán Khosru, district, taxes of, 256
Nargileh Suyú, affluent (of the Jaíhán), 298,
Nárí, river (of Kach’h Gandávah), 1 82
Narkvavi, river (in Kartelinia district), 1 5 5
Nasirah, En, town, or Nazareth (in Galilee),
Naumachia, the, at Jerash, 514
Nau-riiz, or Neuruz, festival of New Year
(in I’rán), 89, 244
Nav-Kur, district (of Kurdistán), 113
Nazareth, or En Nasirah, town (of Galilee),
Neapolis (coast of Ionia), 311
Nebaniyeh, Batah-el-, 629
Nebí Suleimán, canal (from the Tigris), 27,
Nebo, Mount (eastward of the Dead Sea),
, or conar, the soap plant of the Desert,
Nedjd, position and extent of, 626
, routes through, 633
, called Om-el-Bel, or “ mother of
camels,” 582
Nedjd-el-’Aridh, 630
, villages of, 630
, fertility of, 630
Nehm, village (in Kobail district), 616
Neíshaget Wásit (mounds on the Hai
canal), 36
Nejd (in Kobail), 616
Nejrán, district ( of I’rán), taxes of, 260
, valley, description of, 615
, mountains of, 615
, produce of, 615
, principal village of, 615
-——, second Ka’ba at, 615
, village (of El Loehf), 506
Nenate-chái, tributary (of the Aras), 9
Ner, a class of camels (in Arabia), 82
Neráb, village, 415
Nestoriaris and Chaldeans, 128
, seceders, 111, 272
, or Nassran, churches (in Kurdistán),
Neú Shehr, town (west of Kaisariyeh), 347
Nicsea (interior of Lydia), now Isnik, 311,
, remains of (in Kójah-ílí), 323
Nicephorius, city, in Mygdonia (near the
present town of Rakká), 114
Nicomedia (now Ismid, or Isnfkmid\ 323