HR AND SHlRr 205
>f Oambvsess); and to the west
;* and« nearly in the centre,
, Per*e?»lis,
a'ks t he tr
fire the ruins :of Kizia S,et
■are those of tltr 4MW
. Tim modern.’ plftces.'.oi' #ome; note at
Fas.i, and Firoz-abad, ail towards I
while, on the western side«.are Ivaze
ami several smaller places. Abu ■ S
•|te*on<l place and th e , principal seaport:
point, running N.W. on one sis
• though defective, is the bast
#«#».■!; Bander Delem, -and v/ogooti. b
m,, Mayeeu, Oujan,
t>hr (Bushire), the
stands upon a low,
: of a bay, and the
di this coast; Con*
tie only suited for
rhict low anu marshy,
f c i p ® k defended by a loop-booled wall, flanked twelvd
tpfe,-ft* ; ,«¡4 contains a BOiwlation amounting to nearly
lOjOv"-1 ;i The houses are of a very ordinary class, but
a few feVc-sfjn ■ or wind*towers, oeeaaionally relieve'the
spw&re the place. ■
A t m nuV* W-N.W. of this port .are the reeky islands
KarraSt «*i C-o,' .< t h k k *w separated froia each other by
lit»¡NtiKfelft water
uisin , w fcfe *nieas and fields extending
fronV il* Avails to the foot of the surrounding mountains.
I t it constructed3 of unburnt brick, and is surrounded by a
ditch HSid a wail, fewsed by semicircular towers, which rise
soriie feet above the .parapet, Within there is an. ark, inclosed
by v«,rv high walls. I t has also several good kin«*»*
§ MS. h
* The m
Stictah fgv
Travels int.
: the Riphi fioBourabie Sir R- < 3 o r 1812.
¡«rived uy some from Sheer (milky, *i*>d by
of which are good, a* well as ahundaut.—Heffaert'*
Persia, :«®d Hiadustdn. Loiicfon,16S8: p. 134;. Also
from Schir, a how, Ot'c.uiee
the city consumes the whole proaw