Fit€ Tagh (in Shirvan), 136
Flumen Regium, or Nahr Malka, remains of
the, 56
Fodhein, castle, or Messak (in the Haouran),
Foof, capital of El Ah’sd, 650
, population, &c. of, 650
Forg (town of Lar), 227
Forrah, El, -village (of El Kassym district),
Frat, branch of Euphrates, course and tributaries
of, 40 to 42
, branch at one place called the Kara
s6, 41
and Murad branches compared, 45
, or Forat, 40 (note)
Fresh-water lakes in Arabia, 571
Fursul and Habis remains (in Syria), 472
Gabala (Jebili), (in Tripoli pdshalik), 452
Gabiana of the Romans, once ancient Samaria,
later Sebustieh, the Sebasti of Herod
the Great, 489
Gabrs, the, still speak the Pehlevi language,
Gadara or Gedor, now Om Keis ancient site
of (south-eastward of Lake Tabarfyeh), 513
Gadh, probable site at Beit Adjet (in Palestine),
Gagus, river (of Assyria Proper), 120
Gaih, town (of Mekr&n), 163
Galatia in Asia Minor, climate of, 361
, Western, in Asia Minor, 331
Galefka, once the port of Zebid (in Teha-
meh), 613 ,
Galilee, villages of, &c., 477 t
Gallipoli, town and population of (in the
Dardanelles), 318
Gallus, lake (in Bithynia), 322
Galwarah, town (in Kirman-Shah district),
Gamala, ruins, eastward (near lake Tiberias),
G&masab, river (affluent of the Kerkhah),
Gambroon, Gamrun, or Bander ’Abbas,
(port of Lar), 227
Ganandadopydnse, ancient people (of Kir-
man), 230
Gand&vah, Kach’h, district, 181, .182
, capital of, 182
Gandjah kanat, or Elizabethpol, 130,150
-, town, or ditto, 151
Gao, or Gaor (the cow) worshipped, 88
Gaor Yazdi, or Majusi (certain Pagans), 88
Garin, or Erz-Rum (capital of Armenia),
Garrow island (Persian Gulf), 569
Garun, ’Ab£ tributary (of the Kerkhah),
Garsauritis, district (border of the eyalet of
Koniyeh), 348
Gataaditis, ancient district of, 512
Gath, or Kaisariyab, once Caesarea Pales-
tina, 481
| satrapy of the Philistines, 539
Gaulanitis, ancient province (now the western
part of the Haouran), 510
Gaur Tagh (in the p&sh&lik of Tar&buziln),
Gaza, the Azata or Azaga of Ptolemy (now
Shiz, in Azerbaijan), 221
, district of Syria, added to Akka,
, limits of, 486
, principal streams of, 487
— , or Ghuzzeh city, history of, 493
, satrapy of the Philistines, 539
Gebal, or Jubeil, district (on the coast of
Tripoli), 453
Gediz, a’yanlik, and town of (on the borders
of Mysia), 334
Gedrosia, appearance of, 163
, extent of, 185
, inhabitants of, 185
, Panea, ancient capital of, 185
, later Geste, Gedrosar, 185
Ge'ibuzeh,or Dacibyza(near the Bosphorus),
Geli, ancient people (of Media Magna),
Gellates, tribe (of Kurdistdn), 128, 250
Gelvedereh (ancient Garsaura), excavations
(in the eyalet of Koniyeh), 291, 365
Gemeri, town (probably Gymnias of Xenophon,
in Tarabuzun district), 288, 307
Gemi-beli (ship peak, near Kara Hisar),
Gemin Beli Tagh (in Sivhs district), 3
Gennesareth, plain of, 477
Geometry, known to the ancient Arabs,
Georgia Proper, superficies, &c. of, 155
, capital of, 155
— —, products of, 156
, table, showing population of the districts
of, 157
, Russian province, 129
% or Grusia, extent of, 130
Georgian provinces, taken by Peter the
Great, 129
---- , recovered by Nadir Shah, 129
Gerasa, or Djerash, description of, 514
Gergen Kaleeh or Kal’ah-si, mussellimlik,
on the Upper Euphrates (at the foot of the
Taurus), 70, 71, 293, 350
Gerizim mount, or Jebel Tur, the nJoun-
tain of the Samaritans (near N&bulus),
391, 464
—— mountains, 464, 490
Geste, or Gedrosar, later capital of Gedrosia
or Mekran, 185
Gethsemene, garden of, 496
Gezan or Jozan, town and harbour (of
Abu Arisch), 611
, salt springs of, ditto, 611
Ghadirs or w^dis (of Arabia), 572
Ghafm or Kaim, on the Tigris, 28, 30
Ghamdan castle, near San’! , 622
, an idol of, at San’6, 623
Ghandjan, tributary of the Kur, 150
Ghanjibassane, magal (of Elizabethpol),
Gharib ’Abu, inlet to the Nahr Malcha, 55
Gharkad, shrub (the Peganum retusum),
Gharrah, Jebel (near Makallah), 637
Ghawarineh, cultivated tract (east of the
Dead Sea), 520
Ghaznein, district of Afghanistan, 169
, city of, 169
, river of, 170 #
Ghemri-Ozene, river (in Baku district),
Gherdiman, river (in Shirv&n), 137
Gherrha, or Regio Macino (near Bahrein),
649 . I
Ghiediz-cMi or Hermus (flowing into the
Gulf of Smyrna), 310
Ghieul His£r, lake (in Moola pashalik),
340 . .
Ghilan, or Kilan ch&i (tributary of the
Aras), 9, 145
, province, 73, 129
Ghiljies, tribe of Afghans, 176 _
Ghiuk-su or Calycadnus (in Ich-ili), 355
Ghoal, El, village of El Afladj (district of
Nedjd), 633
Ghokhcha, Gouktcha, or Sevanga, lake (m
Armenia), 97,146
___ 9 never freezes, and abounds in trout,
Gh1o4l6a ms (personal attendants m• TP>e rsi• a)N,
177 H Ghor, magal (of Elizabethpol), 151
el Mezzah (peninsula of the Dead
Sea), 520 M . _ -
el Szafe, principal village (ot the
Ghawarineh), 520
Ghoraut, district of the Hazarah country,
Gh1o6u4d makars, people (of th, e ^C aucasusN),
Ghoumry, town (of Bambak), 152
Ghoura Khan, town (of Herat), 164
Ghuiljik, or Goljik, lake (at the western
source of the Tigris), 13, 68 *
Ghur mountains, or ancient Parapamisus
(eastward of Herat), 74
Ghuzzeh, or Gaza, city (“ melkana,' or appanages
of the Sultan), 486, 493
■----- , history of, 493
Giavat (town of Media), 141
Gibeah, hills (N.W. of Jerusalem), 392
Gihon and Pison, supposed to be represented
by the Halys and Araxes, 266, 267
, source of, 282
, now the Araxes, 274
, valley at Jerusalem, 496
Gilan, Abi, tributary (of the Holwan river),
——, or Kilan, province, 217
f derivation of the name, 217 (note)
| features and productions of, 217
— extent of, 217
-, trade of, 217
Gila wan, village (on the Kizil U zen), 191
Gilboa, Mount, southern prolongation of,
, hills in Samaria, 462
Gilboa, range and course of, 487
Ginea, or Jenin (in Samaria), 478, 489
Gipsies called “ kurpadh” in Aleppo district,
and “ nowars” in the south-eastern part of
Syria, 545
Girdel&n, town (in Lower Chaldea), 94
Goats of Arabia, 587
Godaikh, or territory of Erivan, 147
Gok Irmik, or Kar& su (tributary of the
Halys), 6, 328
Gok su, celestial stream (in the vale of To-
siyah), 6, 330
, in Mari ash p&sMlik, 352
Gok Tagh, or Cerulean mountains (at Nico-
media), 324
Gok-dil-li, group of Anti-Taurus), 292
Gokh-chai (in Shirvin), 137
Goksun-sii (tributary of the JaiMn), 298,
Gol Bashi, lake (on the E. branch of the
Jaih&n), 300
Gol Tagh, Bin, range (in the Anti-Taurus),
— - , near Egin (Upper Euphrates), 291
Golek Boghaz, pass of Taurus, description
of, 353
, mines of, 353
, scenery beyond, 353, 354
Goljik, or Ghuiljik, lake (near the western
source of the Tigris), 13, 68
Gomorrah, the destroyed city, 404
Goomak, island (in the Red Sea), 571
Gor, tribes of, and population, 157
Gordisei, mountains (part of the Anti-
Taurus), 72
Gordjaikh, or Corchas (district of Armenia),
Gori, district (of the Caucasus), 152
Gorthem, sect (from Assyria), 542
Gouger-houad, or ’Ali Shehr Tagh, part of
Taurus (near Mari ash), 293
Gouri Sefid (pass in Fars), 207
Gourie, or Gorie, town (in Kartelinia), 155
, population of, 157
Gouriene Chai (in Baku district), 133
Grane, or Quade, port (near the estuary of
the Euphrates), 568, 569
, description of town and harbour, 649,
Granicus, or Ostrola, river (on the sea of
Marmora), 315
Graum, castle (on the Euphrates), and distance
from the Mediterranean, 46
Greek catholics in Syria, number of, 558
Greeks, figure and dress of, 373
occupations of the men and women,
Grotto of Pearls, in Farsan island (Red Sea),
Gubban, affluent (of the Tripoli river), 450
Guebre, fire-temples at Baku, 132
Gugars, or Koukark’h (division of Armenia),
10 1
Gtil Bashi, lake and river falling into Ag£
Dhanghiz, 396, 424
Gul Bunar su (tributary of the Tchoruk-
su), 297