The resources and advantages are, moreover, so great, that
a little time and a trifling impetus would probably be sufficient
to restore the commerce of Aleppo to what it was 50 or 80
years ago, when goods were sent so largely from thence into
Mesopotamia, Kurdistan, and the southern parts of Asia
Minor; and even to raise it to a state of far greater prosperity.
Mountains, Rivers, and Sub-divisions of Tripoli.—Towns of Tortosa, Markab,
Jebili, and Ladikiydh.—El Futeh and Districts of the Interior.—City of
Tripoli, Ancient and Modern.—Island of Cyprus; Extent, Surface, &c.—
Towns of Nikosia, Famagosta, and Lamika.—Products.—Ancient Names
and History.
Pdshalik of ’Akkd; Limits, &c.—Plains of Jezreel, Esdraelon, &c.—Villages
of Nain, Endor, &c.—Mount Tabor.—Mountains of the Druses and Ma-
ronites.—Rivers.—Towns of Beirut and Sidon.—Delr-el-Kammar.—Palace
of Beteddin.—Zahle.—Tomb of Noah.—Ruins of Heusn Nieha.—Pyramids.
tiggl-Ba’albek.—Towns of Galilee, Belsan, Ginea, Jezreel, Nazareth, Safet.—►
Tyre.—The Ladder.—Mount Carmel.—’Akkd, or Acre.
T h e Eyalet, formerly the Pashalik of Tarabolus, is situated
between the Pashalik of Aleppo and those of Damascus
and Ak k a i t is separated from the first by the line striking
from Ras-el-Basit towards the Orontes,1 and it extends
southward from thence along the second district till it meets
the third in the Kesruan; having the Mediterranean Sea on
the west, and the Lebanon and Nosa'irian ranges for its
eastern limits.
With the exception of a plain, extending along the coast
from Tripoli to Ladikiyeh, this tract consists almost entirely
of a chain of mountains, whose eastern side rises abruptly
from the level country; whilst, on the western, there are
numerous offset branches, consisting of steep ridges and
deep valleys, succeeding one another till they terminate in
bold hills near the coast.
The Orontes forms part of the eastern limits; the other
streams, which have comparatively short courses, partake of