mOTÏTS' « 3F e f S S i I f l © H
,.iii this Jiïfe 98 to Kliàni-kiri, about
iötied ; and at an equal
sentì direction, it falls
Wù'&'Jifi si’fr ■§-% ‘Viÿ'î} f" *
y Äe W&ta% UÖ&F ibe wtíl: ku^w®. name
vn j,|& - ii-í^v'i o<?S ®&Wfâ&
M^ph-^èmêsj .
Î$|§fi ttfòd ¡§¡| f|lli|¡# $$jf$
pu >)■ fé ' f? cri Oko^rocs
be weitere sii de of the
ter OS' the rigfe-l' bank •
•»W * ma l. t j» * r«io r Im ve beeil greatly'
||||| Hítl£f e d i t e river, ai;.Well
um m m abhfeehjes
nAifò. side à thu« gra--‘
0kh v f Mesoffc* They bear the
k#; ¥ f ,,; Shàtt. al IHjlah àS f&r a$ Kut el
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