Amorites, valley of the (now Mojeb), 518
Amotloo, plain (in Moola pâshâlik), 840
’Amrân, forest (on the Upper Euphrates), 48
—— , town and mount (in San’â district),
Amri, El, range, and troglodyte habitations
(in Aleppo district), 413
Anâbâd, group (in Taurus Proper), 300
Anadôli, vezirate, limits of, 309,344
Hisâr, Asiatic castle of (on the Bosphorus),
325, 326
.. Serai', or Asiatic palace, 326
, Velessi, 380
Anaffje, tribe (in Khuzistân), 251
Anah, ancient Anatho (on the Upper Euphrates),
description of, 53
, subject to Baghdâd, 107, 110, 111
, effects of the climate on the date tree,
Anakites (in Peræa), 539
Anamis or Harmozia, river, now the Minnow
or Minâ-âb (in Moghostân), 227
Ananiasl house (in Damascus), 531
Ananour, town (in Duchet district), 157
Anarah-rud, fastness, and source of the ’Abi-
zal (in Luristân), 195
Anâr-darrah, town (on the Farr-ar-rüd
river), 164
Anbâr, ruins (on the Upper Euphrates), 55
Anchere, village (in El Ledja), 505
Ancyra, now Angora, 331 : ; ■
Androna, now Belâd Khân-Azra (in Aleppo
district), 415
Anegley, El, village in ElAfladj (district of
Nedjd), 633
Angame, ancient city (of Lydia), 311
Angora, city, once Ancyra of Phrygia, description
of, 331
.—r— sti, 296
Anguli-Tâgh, a branch 'of the Lelin Tâgh
(Aleppo pâshâlik), 407
A’ni, ancient capital of Armenia, 102
Anizéh, town of Nedjd, description of, 629
, centre of commerce, 629
— —t caravan routes from, 629, 634
Arabs, 511, 596, 686
Ansâri or Nosairf range (eastern side of
Tripoli district), 387
Ansarians of Nâbulus, origin of, 542
Ansâries (or Anzeyrys), people, 437, 468
, tenets of the, 542
, population of, 558
Antaki (Cyzicus), in Bighah, 315
Antartous or Tartous (Tortosa in Tripoli
district), description of, 451
Anti-Lebanon, range and water-shed, 389
, prolongation of, description of the, 393
Antioch, bay of, 410
city, ancient Kiblatha and Hamath the
great, 424
f remains and excavations, 425
, walls and acropolis, 426
j skill of the Roman architects, 426
’ modern, description, 427
— —, population of, 428
Antiochia ad Taurum, probably ’A'm-tab,
Antiochia (of Margiana), once Alexandria,
and then Seleucia, 173
, supposed to be Mero and Merw-el-
Rud, L73
Anti-Taurus, abutments of, 4
, and source of the Frat, 41
, the Fr£t breaks through it, 42
, two parallel branches, and description
of, 68
peaks and separation, 68
■----- runs into Asia Minor, 69
:• of Strabo and Pliny, 69
, geology, &c., of, 69, 390
, separates Armenia from Mesopotamia,
, southern chain, 68
-, the most elevated peak, 68
—— , curves northward, 71
and Taurus, ridges of the, 72
, or mountains of the Moschi, 285
— —, distinguished from the Taurus, 285
gjBgg] at Acampsis valley, 285
, direction of the, 285
, description of, 28G
—— , chain along the Black Sea, 287
, principal branch, 292
Aoorez wells, in El Woschem (district of
Nedjd), 629
Apamea, ancient Myrlsea, now Moudania,
Cibotis, now Dineir (in Hamid district),
Apollonia or Arsuf, ruins on the coast north
of Joppa, 490
.Apollonia, now 01 ou Biirlu (in Hamid district),
Apolloniatis, province of Assyria, 120
Apollonis (in Lydia), 311
Apsheron, peninsula of (in Daghestan),
130, 132
, salt formation of, 132
Arab, person of the, 667
8 dress of the Bedawfn, 668
, weapons and armour, 669, 670
, cleanliness, politeness, and gravity of
the, 670 t
government patriarchal, 674
, remarkable trait of the, instanced by
Burckhardt, 699
B6ba, 291
Arab’s politeness, sobriety, and sociability,
indifference to religion, 699
respect for females, 699
fidelity tested during the British expedition,
’Arab Kir, or Ardb Keil, once Arabraces,
town and valley (in Sivds district), 272,
Arabah, Wadi (north of the gulf o f ’Aka
bah), 403
Arabia, a continuation of Syria, 559
, position and extent, 559
, a peninsula but little known, 560
peninsula, a field for exploration, 560
—— , mountains of, 561
, great chain of Arabia to Medina,. 563
Arabia, great chain from Medina to Mekkah
and Bdb-el-Mandeb, description of, 564,565
, cross chains at the S. E. limits, description
of, 565
, ditto through Hadramatit, Akhaf, &c.
, ditto to Der’ayyah and Bahrein, 566
, ditto from Medina, Jebel Shammar,
and Palmyra, 567
, precious stones of, 567
, lignite coal and stink stone of, 567
■------, resemblance of the Persian and Arabian
Gulfs, 568
|------ , lakes, rivers, torrents, &c., of, 571, 572
;------, ghadirs and wadis, distinction of, 572
, the mirage and features of, 572
— , great central plateau and desert tract,
description of, 573
— , sandy districts in, 574
, pebbly surface in certain places, 574
, great quicksand in, 574
-, the Barr, or ordinary desert, description
of, 574
, temperature of the desert, 575
, knowledge of the interior of, 575
, Mr. Rassam’s journey, &c., 576
, climate in different parts, rains, &c.,
, healthiness of the desert of, 577
, atmospheric changes, earthquakes, &c.,
, samm or simoom of, 578
, the desert adapted for cultivation, 580
:------, some places now cultivated and once
still more so, 580
, wild and tame animals of, 581
——, the camel of two kinds, 581, 582
, dromedary and three classes of camels,
----------- -, capabilities of, 584
, camels used for draught occasionally,
, the horse ; breeds and management
of, 585
-r— , food of the horse in, 585
, five noble breeds of the horse in, 585
*r—— , buffaloes, goats, bullocks, asses, sheep,
and dogs of, 586
, hawks, ostriches, &c., of, 587
, taïr-el-râouf, vulture, and other birds
of, 588
, reptiles of, 588
, locusts, fish, beavers, otters &c., of, 589
, spices, tobacco, sugar cane, &c., of, 590
^— -, trees, shrubs, and flowers of, 591
, wax, honey, goat’s hair, myrrh, cassia,
and other objects of commerce, 592
, ancient divisions of, 594
contains fifteen districts, 594
Petræa, boundaries and extent of, 595
------------, features of, 595 —--------- , few towns but many villages in,
— , commerce of, 596
, ancient trade by land, 651
, sea and caravan routes, 653
, products of, 655
Arabia, derivation of the name of, 654
, Thamudites, Nabatheans, and other
ancient people of, 655
, gradual decay of, since the Wahhabi
Ibn Sihoud, 660
, the Cushite language adopted by the
followers of Kaktan, 660
, Deserta, 656
, sabaism became general in, 662
, Felix, derivation of the name, 656
------------, Yemen the principal division of,
— ;---------, principal seat of the Himyaritic
kingdom, 656
, mountains along the S. E. coast of,
, Felix, the territory of the Sabeans,
-------------- -, Thamudites first inhabitants of
the coast, 657
---------------, later inhabitants of the coast,
, fixed and nomadic inhabitants of, 658
Provincia (now the Haouran), 509
Arabian empire, extent of, 660
Arabii, ancient people (of Mekran), 185
Arabis, an ancient town (of Mekran), 185
Arabraces, ancient town, 306
Arabs circumnavigated Africa, 652
trade through Tadmor, 652
, duties levied by the, 654
, a branch of the Kenites are pure,
655 (note) <■
, from Shem as well as Ham, 658
| of the Cushite branches settle in
Africa between Meroe and Syrene, 659
, names of several branches of pure
Arabs, 659
, pure Arabs nearly extinct, 659
, Arab el Araba, or pure Arabs, some
traces of them among the Adites and
Amalekites, 659
, Berbers of the present day, 659
, A1 Arab A1 Araba (or Kaktan’s descendants)
are the second great branch
, mixed tribes descended from Adnan,
called El Arab Mostearibe (ditto)
, modem tribes of Hijaz, Syria, and
Arabia Petrsea (ditto)
------------, Yemen, Tehameh, &c. (ditto) ■ ------------, Nedjd (ditto)
------------, ’Oman (ditto)
------------, El Ah’sa (ditto)
--------— , Hadramaut, Shehr, &c. (ditto)
I the Desert (ditto)
----------—, ’Irak Mesopotamia, &c. (ditto)
, history of the, chiefly confined to the
second and third branches, 659
, under the Tobbai, invaded other
countries, 659
, ancient religion of the, 661
, astrology of the, 662
— —, practical astronomy of, 662 ■ ----- , idols of the, 662
, pastoral wealth and hospitality of the,