Chiti, cape, now Shiti, once Citium (in
Cyprus), 459
Chivalry among the Arabs, 665
Chnà, land of Canaan or Philistia, 539
Choaspes, or Kerkah (river of Khuzistan),.
204, 205
Chodda, ancient, now Kej (in Mekrân), 179
Choghakate, one of the three churches (near
Erivân), 147
Choora, stream (intheKhybur pass), 171
Choroane, second division of Parthia, 225
Choruk-su, town (on the Black Sea), climate
of, 359
Chorula, river (district of Ararat), 96
Chosroes, arch of (at Ctesiphon), 35
Chozia, district (of Colchis), 275
Chumara, ancient (town of Lower Chaldea),
94 " '
Chumi-zamgân, tributary of the Abi Shir-
wân (branch of the Diyâlah), 33
Chiirum, town of Sivâs district, 303
Chus of the Caucasus, or K’housdi K’hab-
gokh, 141,218
, from Chuschi an Ethiopian, 204
Cibyrates, mount (in greater Phrygia), 340
Cilicia, plains of, 297, 298
• , western ^(the rugged Trachea), 294,
Campestris, or plain of Adânâh, 352
Cilician pass, description of, 352-354
Ciliciana, ancient, now Sarasât, village (on
the Upper Euphrates), 419 ^
Ciliza, ancient town, now Kilis (in Aleppo
pashalik), 422
Circan or Mekrân, 185
Citis or Cetis district, the Calycadnus valley
(in Ich ili), 355
Citium, now Shiti or Chiti (in Cyprus),
459 I 1
Claudiopolis, remains of (at Mout), 355
Clides, islands (Keys of Cyprus), 457
Climax, mount, now Delek Tâgh (m Tekeh),
338 Î
Coal, gray, in Arabia, 567 {note) I
Coele Syria or valley of Zahle, or of Bika,
394, 398
Coeur de Lion, mount at Acre, 483
Coffee, seven kinds in Arabia, 621
Cogamus, or river of Allah Shehr (in Ai-
din) tributary of the Hyllus or Hermus,
Cogoon, port (of Fare), 209
Colchis, territory of, 12
——, Havilah, 275
, ancient, 150
, limits of, 275
, occupants of, 275
, metals of, 276
, mines of, 278 . . . c
Commagene, ancient, district (westward ot
Conuclia, village in Baffa (sanjàk of Cyprus),
458 . H
; i excavations and remains at, supposed
to be the site of Phoenician Paphos, 458
Cookery of the Arabs during a retreat, 685
Coomfidah, port (of the Hijaz), 610
Copee Zur, or Fort of Rustam (in the province
Sumeisdt), 114
Compass, in use among the Arabs at an
early period, 692
Conar, or nebo (soap plant), 227
Concobar, now Kangâwar, town (eastward
of Kirman*Shah), 216
Constantia, once Salamis (m Cyprus), 459
of Seistón), 168
Corchas or Gordjaik’h (province of Armenia),
i 0 2 . . .
Corgo and Karrak islands (near Bushire),
Corna, ancient city (of Persia), 210
Corns, village, once Cyrrhus (in the district
of Kilis), 422
Corycus, ancient, site of (on the coast ol
Ionia), 311 ’ v
Cosssei, mountains of the, Zagros or Shahu,
, people and language, 83
__________ of Media Magna, 218
Cow, worshipped in I ’ran, 88
, wild, of Arabia, 581, 586
Cragus, mount and ruins of, supposed to be
Sidyma (in Lycia), 341, 342
Crambusa island (in Tekéh district), 338
Crassus, the Roman general, defeated at
Basilius river, 115
Ctesiphon, ruins (on the lower Tigris), 35
Cundeedacer, head of a quarter or division
(of Afghans), 175
Cuneiform inscriptions, 169
Cuni, ancient town (of Mekran), 185
Curcha (Kerkuk), in Kurdistan, 120
Curium, probably now the Sanjàk of Epis-
copia (in Cyprus), 458
Cush and Sabean, followers of, 92
, supposed position of the land of, 267
, several names of the people of, 281
, Asiatic, 267, 274, 275, 281
Cushite, language of Aratia> adopted by
Kaktan’s followers, 660
Cushites, in Babylonia, 116
Cutheans, of Shalmanasar, 490
, ancient copy of the Pentateuch found
on Mount Gerezim, 490 ^ -
Cydnus, or Sarus river (now the Saihùn),
rise and course of into Cilicia, 298
, ------, cataracts on the, near Tarsus, 297
Cyprus, or Kibris, island, 456
, position and extent of, 457
——, mountains of, 457
, minerals of, 457
, products of, 460
, ancient names of, 460
, called Aerosse or Kibris from its copper,
—— , Phoenician and Ethiopian inhabitants,
, Cyrus the Great conquered it, 461
, History of, 461
Cyropolis, ancient city (of Media), 141
Cyrrhestica (in northern Syria) district,
422, 540
Cyrrhus, capital of ancient Cyrrhestica, now
Corus village (in Aleppo pàsh àlik), 422
Cyrus river, now the Kur-’Ab (of Far), 208
Daara, ruins (on the plain of the Haouran),
Dabb, or Dhahab, probably the Daradax
river (in Aleppo pashalik), 415, 416
Dacibyza, or Gei'buzeh (in Kdjah-ili), 324
Dadah, river (tributary of the Gok-su and
Halys), 6
Dadahi, river (of Kastamiini), 328
, iflani of, 329
----- , a’yanlik of, 330
Dadur Beg, town (of Kach’h Gandavah), 182
Daghestan, description, extent, &c., 131
districts of, 131
, mountains and geology of, 132
, bitumen in, 132
, three climates of, 133
, vegetable productions, 133
, wild animals o£ 133
, tame animals of, 133
, Derbend, capital of, 134
, people of, once Tartars, 135
, character of the people, 135
------------, religion, &c., of, 135
, civil government in, 136
, trade of, 133,134
, slavery in, 136
Dagumbeson, plain (in Fars), 208
Dahr el Megir, Haj station (in the Hijaz),
Da'fk’h, province (of Armenia), 10 1
Dainur, territory, tribute of, 259
Dajel, second town (of Harand Dajel district),
Dakia, ancient site (on the Euphrates), 52
Dalaki, village (near Bushire). 74
, crystallized sulphate of lime found
near, 74
Dalamon Cha'i, or Talaman Chai (in Meis
district), 340
Dama, village (of El Ledja), 505
Damar, or Demar, town (of Yemen), description
of, 619
Damascus, pashalik, 501
, position and limits, 501
, Abana and Pharpar, rivers of, 502
, city, situation and description of, 527
, Syria of, 522, 527
, Khan Assad and the baz&r, 528
, principal church at, 529
, coffee-houses and cook-shops, 529
, remains of a temple to Serapis at, 529
, foundation and history of, 530
, ancient remains of, 531
, exterior and interior of the dwellings
of, 530
, St. Paul’s house in, 531
Naaman’s house in, 531
, population of, 531
, climate of, 532, 534
, ravages of the small-poxin, 534
, silk grown around, 537
——, ancient inhabitants of, 539
, present and former commerce, 538
Dam&vend, mountain (on the borders of Ma-
zanderan), 74
Dana, village and ancient remains, S.W. of
Aleppo, 410
Daphne and fountain of Zoiba (near Antioch),
Dar Dugh, mountains (in Urd-abadJ, 144
Dara, mountain (near Mardin), 105
(Dura), a chief town (of Assyria Proper),
Darabgerd (town in Fars), 209
Daradax, river, probably Nahr-el-Dhahab
(in Aleppo district), 415
Daralaghez, magal of (in Nakhchivan), 145
Darbakh, river (of Daghestan), 133
Darb-Niab, village (of Hijaz), 611
Dardanelles, the outer passage of, 319, 320
, pashalik o^ 315
Dar-el-Ashreyn, or El Haura (Haj station),
Dar-el-Hamra, defile (S. E. of Medina),
Darija (river of Bulut Tagh), 161
Darius, pass of (on the Beilan mountains),
Dariyel pass, or Albanian gates, 134
, or Shevis Kari, the Caucasian gate,
Darkish1 Tagh (part of the Anti-Taurus),
Darra, village (of El Ledja), 505
Dashti be Daulat, desert tract (in Sarawan
district), 180
Dasti Nudee river, or Mooleedanee (in Mekran),
Dastine, magal of (in the district of 1Urd-
abad), 145
Daulooin, town (of Lar), 228
Dawah Boghaz, mountains (near Kharput), 68
Dead Sea, hills on the west shore of, 391
, or Bahr Lfit, 402
, its appearance, 402
, extent and depth of, 402
, ford of, towards Wadi-es Seiyul, 402
, buoyancy of, 403
, sulphur, nitre, and asphaltum of, 403
, great evaporation of, 403
, trees and plants, 404
•■■■■■ , not pestiferous, 404
, shores inhabited, 404
, formerly had boats, 404
also called lake of Sodom and Gomorrah,
, 1446 f t lower than the Red Sea, 404
Debenah, district (north of El Ah’sa), 649
Decapolis, territory, 512
Deh Dasht, probably the Pylae Persicae (in
Fars), 207
Hasan-’ali-Khan (valley in Fars), 208
Zangee (capital of the Huzarah country),
Dehergan, town (eastern side of Lake Uru-
miyah), 220
Dehneh (malachite), 76 ,
Deiban, village (in Haschid-el-Bekil), 616
Deir, town (on the Upper Euphrates), 49,
Abu Salami (on the plain of the Haouran),
Dhami village (of El Ledja), 505