Kizil Robat, on the Diyalah river, 35
Tfigh (peak of the Taurus), 298
U’zen, basin of (in Azerbaijan), 67
, river, source, &c., of, 190,191, 219
, chasm of, 190
——, tributaries of, 190, 191
, and defile of RiidMr, 191
, and valley of Rustam-ab&d, 191
, estuary of, 191
, valley of, 2 1 2
Kiziljah Musa Tagh (Mount Tmolus, in
Saru Khan district), 309, 311
Kiz-Kal’ah (Castle of the Virgin, in Shir-
vfLn), 139
, description of the ruins of, 139
Kizla Sefid (in Fars), 209
Kizlan, a’y&nlik of (in Chapan O’ghlu), 305
Knowledge of the Arabs, 690, 693
Kobail, district of, or Haschid-el-Bekil (in
Yemen), 615
Kobails, or highlanders (of Hadramaut),
Koch-his&r, valley and spring (of the Kizil
Irmak), 4, 6
Kodis chai, or ’Abu ’Ali (affluent of the
Tripoli river), 450
Kodjah-ili district, position of, 320
Kodus, or Geduz (Hermus, a river of Ai'din),
309, 310, 311
Kofar Mastadjeade (in Jebel Shammar), 628
Kof-Tagh (the northern boundary of Lesser
Armenia), 96
Kohak (the Hills, a district of Baluchistan),
162, 183
Kohdusht, plain (beyond Khorram-abad),l 94
Kohi Tourdulan and Kara su (branch of the
river Kerkhah) 194
Kohistan, province (of Baluchistan), situation,
&c., of, 183
desert towards Sarawan, 184
Kohlan Bedawin, of Sahan (district of
Yemen), 615
Koi, Sanjak, plain (in Kurdistan), 70
, town (in Kurdistan), 120
, river (affluent of the Altun su), 26,
10Z Koisson, river (in Daghestan), 133
Kdiah-ili, district, temperature and scenery
of, 360
Kojahnas Irmak (tributary of the Bartan
river), 329
KojahTagh (eastward of Tuz Goli lake),
Kolakh, town (of the Hij&z), 609
Komer su, tributary (of the Fr&t), 41
Komishah, plain (in ’Irak Ajemi), 2 1 2
, city of, 2 1 2
Koniyeh, village (at the source of the Great
Zab, in Kurdistan), 22
, pash&lik of, 344
||3 S also called Kharidj, or Karam&n
Proper, 344
‘-rr&ii limits of, 344
, rivers of, 345
, mountains and lakes of, 345
, plain of, 345, 354
, district and city of, 348, 349
Koniyeh, population of, 349
Koom, or Kom, town (o f’Irak Ajemi), 213
-----, tomb of Fatima in, 213
, taxes of, 260
Koomgelai, ruins (in Moola páshálik), 341
Koonik, and site of the temple of Latona (in
Moola páshálik), 341
Kopa (part of Tarábuzún páshálik), 307
Kopli sií, tributary (of the Buyiik Men-
dereh), 296
Kdpri, A k (on the Saihun), 298,299
Altiin (on the Lesser Zab), 25
Keiu (on the Aras), 11
Kora, Kás-el-, and gardens (near T a if), 608
Kos, gulf (in Moola páshálik), 340
Koseh Tágh, group of (in the Anti-Taurus,
northern branch), 68
Kotama, island (in the Red Sea), 571
Kotchkar, river (of Elizabethpol), 150, 151
Kotúl-i-Kumáríj, pass (between Bushire and
Shiráz), 208
Kotiíl-i-Mullú, pass (between Bushire and
Shiráz), 208
Koudial-chai (in Kuba district), 133,134
Kourilien, dialect (of the Kurds of Kará-
bágh), 143 :
Kouroum Khán, town (of Siyáh-band), 164
Koussar-chai (in Kiiba district), 133
Koutaret-el-Brins, aqueduct (near Tripoli),
Kowe'ik, river (of Aleppo), 412
Ksan, river (affluent of the Kur), 155
Kúba, district of, 131
, plain of, 132
, town of, 134
, government of, 140
Kubbet-el-Hedjer (in the route through the
interior of Hijáz), 598
Kubr-el-Houd, tomb of the prophet in Ahkaf,
Mj 638
Kuchuk Kará-chái', affluent (of the Orontes),
. 397
Mendereh, river, or Caystrus (separating
Ai'din from Mentesha), 311
Kudje Tágh, or Demirji range (in Kermiyán
eyalet), 288
Kudret-halvassiz, or divine sweetmeat
(manna), 123
I Kuds-el-Sheriff (Sanctuary of the Just, at
Jerusalem), 499
Kufah, district and taxes of, 256, 257
, country towards, taxes of, 257
Kuhi-Chihul Ná Balighán, mountains
(beyond Khorram-ábád), 194, 196
Kuh-i-Sungur, mountain and source of the
Abí Shírwán (west of Hamadán), 33
Kuhistán, district, taxes of, 258
Kúkark’h, or Gugars Kiikark (province of
Armenia), 10 1
Kiilah, town (in Katakekaumeni), 335
Kulba, port of Batna, district (in Omán)/
Kullugán, valley (of Mekran), 179
Kulom Beg (inferior governor), 233
Kum, place of Shi’ah pilgrimage, 86
Kal’eh-si, and bay of the Greeks (at
the Dardanelles), 318
Kum, castle ( it the Dardanelles), 319
Kiima, or Terek, river (in Georgia), 130
Kur, or Cyrus river, 10, 12,. 137, 148, 152
, junction of, with the Arfcxes, 1 1 * -----, basin of, 150
, affluents of the, 155
Kiir*’Ab, or Cyrus (river of Fars), 208
Kurahy Nahr, or El Assal, or Honey river
(south of Kerak), 519
Kuramus, or Melas (now the Tokhmah sii),
(tributary of the Frit), 44
Kurdish tribes, 250
Kurdistan province, 3
Kurds, or Kerad, call themselves Kermanj,
■V.*-/'.,, manners and customs of, 125
——-, arms of, 125
, derivation of the name of, 125
, character of, 126, 374, 375, 551
—— always mounted, 126
, hospitality of, 126 * ----- , villages and houses of, 125, 126, 127,
women of the, 127
- horses of the, 127
easily satisfied, 128
-, in Karabagh, character, &c., of, 143,
—*—■ —, from whom descended, 144
, occupation and dress, 373, 374, 375
range, 67
main ridge, or Armenian mountains, 67
■ mountains, geological character of
the, 72
, copper found in, 75
, description of, 120, 125
, people of, 125, 128
, temperature and products of, 122, 123
——, wild and tame animals of, 124
, women of, 127
= , horses of, 127
, population of, 128
-, some tribes of, 128
contains four districts, 120
Kuria Muria Islands (on the South Coast of
Arabia), 638
, ’Ad tribe, on the, 639
Kurkan, district, taxes of, 258
Kurkur, or Avroman, range (part of Taurus
Proper), 33, 70
Kurnah town and peninsula, 35, 38, 60, 94,
105, 110, 111
Kurpadh or gipsies (of Aleppo district),
436, 545
Kusdi Kabgok, or Chus, of the Caucasus,
Khorasan, or the possessions of the
Cushites (eastward of Persia Proper), 281
— - Nimrodz, or Nimruz (ancient Persis), 210
Nimrud, the early seat of the sons of
Cush, 281
Kush, ruined city (of Babylonia), 280
or Cush, land of, also Shus, Sus, and
Kushasdan, the land of the sun, and the
land of the Magi (within the Araxes),
274, 280, 281
Kushanians (Persian and Hunnish tribes),
Kush Tagh (near Osmanjik), 5, 6
Kusher Tagh (in the Taurus), 292
Kutahiyah river, or Thimbres, 296
-----, or Kermiyin eyalet, limits, &c., of,
332, 336
, plain of, 332, 333
•----- , city of, 333, 334
Kutais, district and town (of Imiretia) and
population, 149
Kut-el-’Amarah (on the Lower Tigris),
28, 35, 36# 37, 38, 94, 111
Kut Tagh (peak of the Anti-Taurus), 68
Kutha, Kuthea or Kuthah, canal (crossing
Lower Mesopotamia), 55, 56
Kuz Tagh, or (Paphlagonian Olympus),
, or Mount Ida, 316,317
Kuzzilbaches (in Afghanistan), 177
Kydhonies (Heraclea), (in B£ghah district),
Laad Abii, island (in the Red Sea), 570
Laara Attalia, and remains (in Tekeh district),
Labben, A'in-el (in Tripoli district), 450
Ladikiyah, plain of, 449
-----, streams of, 450
, district and town of, 452
Laghiche, district, and people of, 141
Lahaj, town (near Aden), description of,
618 Lahissa, or El Ah’s£, province (of Arabia),
Lahm, Be'it-el- (Bethlehem), 495
Lajiwerd {Lapis lazuli), 76
Lak, or Lek, tribe (of Persist), 250
, where found, 250
— strength of, 250
Lakemites, objects of their worship, 661,
Lamlum, marshes, 38, 57, 58, 105
, old canal of, 58
town of, 58, 94, 111
Lampsaki, Lampsacus (on the Hellespont),
Lankan, river (of Shirvan), 137
Laodicea, ancient city (of Media), 218
, of Asia Minor (now Eski-hisar), 335,
- ad Mare (Ladikiyeh), 452
Lar, province (of Persia), once a kingdom,
, cultivation of, 227, 228
routes through, 227
, city of, 228
*! ■ ' , julga of, 228
, kanats of, 228
Laranda, pass into Ich-ili, 294
—— , now Karam&n (in Koniyeh eyalet),
Larissa, or Resen, now Nimrud, or Ashur
(below Nineveh), 21,120, 311
Laristan, mountains, 73
and Moghoston, once part of a Himyaritic
kingdom, 231
3 p 2