Kerak, district (once Kir Moab, and later
Characmoba), description of, 518, 520
Kerakein, people, customs of, 521
Kerali, town on Beg-Shehl* lake (in Koniyeh
eyalet), 346
Kerashun Dereh su, 307
-, port of ancient Pharnacia (in Tarabuzun
district), 307
Keratha, or Gerasa, ruins (in El Loehf),
KerbeM, town of Mesopotamia, 213
, place of Shiah pilgrimage, 86, 111
Kerbet-Haziri, village (in El Loehf), 506
Kerchak-chai (affluent of the Halys), 5
Kerdistan, river (in Khuzist&n), 201, 203
Kerempeh (Carambis), (in Kastamuni district),
Kereye, ruins, now El Ghereysch (in the
Haouran), 508
Kerim, Beit, ruins (in Kerak district), 520
Kerisun, or Nahr Makutta, river (from the
Gilboa mountains), 467
Kerjathaim, or El Teym (in El Belka),
516 (note)
Kerkh, Kish, or Kerdsch, district, taxes of,
Kerkhah, or Kerah, river, 28, 60,122, 193
, its branches, 193, 194
, breaks through the Zagros, 194
——r-, course of, 195
, termination of, 195
, enters the Shatt el ’Arab, 195
, probably the Choaspes, 204, 205
Kerkisyah (Circesium), (at the estuary of
the Mesopotamian Khabiir), 118
Kerkuk, town, near the Tigris, 30, 107
, abounds in naphtha and petroleum, 75
r-, or Curcha, a chief town of Assyria
Proper, 120
Kerkun, district and town (of Taurus), 350
Kermanj, 374
Kermiyan, or Kutahiyah, eyalet of, 333
Kernebia, sanjak of (in Cyprus), 458
Kerouan, stream of Jerash, 514
Kersih, river, course of (pashalik of Aleppo),
418, 419
Keshr, or kahwe, a beverage of Yeman,
Kesker, or Sabar, district, and taxes of, 256
Kesra, T&k (on the Tigris), 35
Kesruan, Maronite district of Syria, 466,
Kessoua, curtain of the Ka’ba, description
of, 604
Ketharabba, village (in Kerak district), 521
Ketkhodah, chief of a village (in Persia),
Ketra, ruins (in Moola p&shalik), 341
Khabiir of Assyria, 19, 20, 21, 122, 273 .
of Mesopotamia (Araxes), 49, 50, 51,
52, 117,118
river, near which the date-tree ceases
to bear, 106
Khabushan (section of Kurds), 251
Khai'l (band or assemblage of Afghans), 175
Khairan, town (of Yemen), 618
Kha’fwan, district, also called Haschid-el-
Bekil, description, 616
Khalid, Tell, village, and remains of a
castle (pashalik of Aleppo), 419
Khalifatli-Asmak, or Heptaporos (river of
Troy), 317
Khaliph-abad (town of Khiizistan), 200
Khaliph ’Omar s tribute, based on the Kor&n,
, value of wheat in his time, 255
Khalis,district and canal (from the Tigris),31
Khalkhal, or anklet with bells, 671
Khamanda, river (in Daghestan), 133
Khamir, village (of Haschid-el-Bekil, in
Yemen), 616
Khams, the fifth part of anything not obtained
by cultivation, 253 (note)
Khamsin of Egypt, simoom, or samm of
Arabia, 578
Khan, or chief of the Afghans, 175
of Iskenderiyah (in Lower Mesopotamia),
Assad (in Damascus), 528
■ Karamoot, and defile (near Aga Den-
ghiz lake), 424
Khanabat Tagh (in Shirvan), 136
Khanats, districts annexed to Russia, 130
Khandak, once Latania (in Bithynia), 323
Khanni-kin (in ZoMb district), 35, 107
Khanno-ghell, lake (in Karabagh), 142
Khans, called Simserah, 621
Khanzir Tagh (eastward of Argseus), 292
, or Khanzyre village (in Kerak district),
Kharadran, Charadrus (coast of Ich-ili), 355
Kharaj, toleration-tax, or head-tax of Christians,
380, 556
Kharfeh, El (in El Afladj, district of Nedjd),
Kharidj, or Koniyeh, district of, 344
Kharput, plain of, G8
, ovah of (near Kebban Ma’den), 271
Kharub (locust-tree), 537
Kharzan-chai, tributary of the Bakiyahchai
(in Kurdistan), 18
Kharzan Kurds, or Arzanene, 18
Khatif, El, route from, to Der’ayyah,’ 633
, description of town and population
of, 649
district, revenue of, 649
Khaulan, district (of Yemen), 564, 611
, the second district of that name near
San’a (description of), 619
Khawah, plain (in Lurist&n), 206
Khawaresm and Ruin, districts, taxes of, 259
Khazero, village (in Kurdistan), 18
Khazir, or Bumadus, tributary of the Zab,
Khede, village (of Haschid-el-Bekil), 616
Khersourians, people and district (of the
Caucasus), 154
,—:—, population of, 157
Khertvisse (sanjak of Child’er), 148
Khirkah Tagh (near the Halys, N. W. of
Kaisarayeh), 290
| Khiva, desert of, 224
Khiyát-al-Sük, or Is-haki, canal (from the
Tigris), 27
Khizilaghatche, village (in Tálísh), 139
Khodávendi-kar, district, 320
i its position, 320
represents the western part of Bithynia,
Khohi Khaïl, tribe (of Afgháns), 171
Khoï, magal of (in Nakhchiván province),
, town and district (of Azerbaïjàn), 273
, plain of, in ditto, 219
Khojahvend (sub-division of the Lak tribe),
Kholeys, hamlets (eastward of Medina), 601
Khoonsar, picturesque tract (in Farsístán),
•, valley (in Irak), 212
Khdr of Biisaf (in Khiizistan), 192
Khorásán, province, position, and extent of, 222
, superficies of, 222
, mountains of, 74, 225
, character of the country, 222
, northern part of, 222
, valleys of, 222,
, kheraj and other taxes of, 259, 260
, iron and native steel in, 75
Khórfakán, part of Batna (district of Omán),
Khorram-âbàd, river (affluent of the Kásh-
ghán, in Luristán district), 194
, town and fort of, 206
Khdrs (firths), humid temperature of, 80
, description of, 192
Khosdar, district (of J ’hálawán), 182
Khosroo Núshírván conquers Shírván, 141
Khóstií, ferry and pash-tásh rent (on the
upper Euphrates), 42
Khotlan, district, taxes of, 258
Khotz, port (in the páshálik of Tarábuzún),
306, 307
Khowwas, a class of camels (in Arabia), 583
Khram, river (in Bortchalin district), 152
Khubbah, island (in the Persian Gulf), 569
Khubbus, town (in Khorásán), 223
Khulil, Ramet-el (near Hebron), 494
Khurrah, picturesque tract (in Farsístán),208
Khúzistán, or Khóristán, 192
, origin of the name, 192
, position and limits of, 192
, its khors, or lakes, 192
——, plain of, 195
, southern part, or Chaab, 202
, dwellings of the people in, 203
products, &c., of, 203
, or Susiana, also Cissia, 203
, sulphur found in, 74
Khwájeh ’Amrán range (branch of the
Hindú Kush), 162, 167
Khybur, pass and valley leading into Afghá-
nistán, 170,171
Khyburees, tribe (of Afghans), 176
Kibleh, mountains (in Azerbaiján), 219
Kibris, of the Turks (in Cyprus), 456
Kibsi, Beït-el- (inKhaulán, district of San’á),
Kidron, ravine or brook (at Jerusalem),
Kilhat, fishing-village (of Jailan province),
Kilidu-l-Bahr (key of the sea at the Dardanelles),
Kilij, or Lycus, river (of Boli district), 322
Kills town, ancient Ciliza (in Aleppo district),
Kilisa Kara (in Bayazid district), 67
Killatoo (town of Lar), 227
Kimlik, or Kio, once Prusias-s-Cius (in
Kdjah-ili province), 324
Kinnisrin castle and ruins (in Aleppo district),
413, 415
Kiosks of Mitylene, 314
, or summer-houses, described, 367
Kiour, or Mtkvary, river (in Child’er dis-
drict),. 147
Kiouvakbassan, magal (of Elizabethpol), 151
Kirjath-arba, or Hebron, 495
, history of, 495
——, route by, time of the Ishmaelites, 651
Kirk Delim, rapids (in the Halys), 6
Hinn, excavations (N. E. of Afiyum
Kara Hisar), 365
------------ Tagh, from Churum to the Halys,
287, 295
Kirketchit-ch&i, ancient Evarchus (in Kastamuni),
Kirklu, sub-division (of the Afshar tribe),
Kir Moab (Kerak, or, later, Characmoba),
description of, 520
Kirman, desert, o r Wild Carmania, 76,226,
, plain of, 2 1 1
province, extent, and position of, 226
, character of the country, 226
, silver mountain range of, 226
, products of, 229
coast and islands of, 229
, district, taxes of, 257
, city, description of, 228, 229
Kirman-shah, district, 120, 215
, city, 33, 215, 216
Kirrind, river and ruins (of Shahri Rudbar,
in the Zagros), 194
Kir-Shehr, district and town (eastward of the
Halys, west of Yuz-kat), 305
Kiryau and junction of Berdizawi with the
Great Zab, 23
Kishlak, village (on the Kizil U’zen), 191
Kishm, island, extent, &c., of, 230
------------, products and population of, 230
, town of, 230
11111, people of, 230
, ancient Tyrina, 231
Kishran, island (in the Red Sea), 610
Kistes, people (of the Caucasus), 154
Kitai, wall (in Derbend district), 134
Kiz-hisar, village and ruins (of Tyana, south
of Nigdeh), 281, 348
Kizil cMi (affluent of the lower Orontes),
Irmak, river, 3, 4,5, 6
KaraTaglii (towards Kastamuni), 287