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toliosis pubescentibus, foliis plurimis parvis ( l uuc.) uniformibus obovato-spathiilatis liueari-obovatisve
obtusis breve petiolatis glaberrimis subcoriaceis, floribus minimis; masc. calyce brevi obscure 4<-lobo, corolla
4-partita lobis lineari-oblongis, stamimbus 4 ; foem. calycis tubo ovoideo glaberrimo limbo breviter tubuloso
4-lobo, corollæ tubo brevi campanulato lobis 4 lineari-elongatis, baccis majusculis.
H a b . Throughout the Islands. Bay of Islands aud east coast; common in fir-woods, etc. Middle
Island, Otago and Bluff Island, Lyall.
A stout, erect, rigid shrub, 4-7 feet high, \vith spreading, flat branches, very much divided ; ramuli spreading
laterally, pubescent, leafy, woody. Leaves uniform in size, numerous, a. inch long, huear-oblong or spathulate,
sometimes almost cuneate, blunt, on veiy short petioles, rather coriaceous. Flotcers as small as iu C. rhamnoides
and similar, but the males have a distmct though short four-lobed calyx, and the tube of the female corolla is
shorter. Berries (in Dr, Lyall’s Middle Island specimens) globose, size of a pea ; seeds with a rib down the back.—
Difficult to distinguish by words, but a different-looking plant from the two former, being very leafy, with leaves
uniform both iu size aud form. The male flowers, too, have an evident calyx.
11. Coprosma rotundifolia, A. Cuun. ; frutex erectus, diffiise ramosus, ramis gracilibus divaricatis me-
diocriter foliosis ultimis petiohsque villoso-pubescentibus, foliis membranaceis 1 unc. longis ovato-rotuuda-
tis orbiculatisve cuspidatis in petiolum angustatis puberulis glabratisve siccitate undulatis atro-fuscis subtus
pallidioribus, floribus parvis solitariis 2-3-nisve ; masc. coroUa campanulata 4—5-fida lobis tubo longioribus
linearibus calyce spurio 4-lobo suffulta, staminibus 4-5 ; foem. calycis limbo obscure 4-lobo brevissimo,
coroUa ut in masc., baccis parvis didymis, seminibus orbicularibus valde convexis. A. Cunn. Frodr.
H a b . Northern Island, Banks and Solander; Bay of Islands, etc., abundant, Cunningham, etc.
A branching bush, 3-6 feet high, moderately leafy, with slender, spreading, round branches, the ultimate ones
villous with short hairs or pubescence. Leaves inch long, very membranous and crumpled when dry, rounded
or oval, narrowed into a slender petiole 2-4 lines long, more or less pubescent with scattered hairs, always ending
suddenly in a shai-p point. Flowers small, solitary or few together. Male:—Calyx 0, except the four-
lobed cup-shaped bract foi-mecl by the confluence of a pair of stipules (as in C. rhamnoides, etc.). CoroUa bellshaped,
four-to five-cleft below the middle into as many narrow lobes. Stamens or five. Female:— Calyx
tube globose; limb veiy obscure, four-lobed. CoroUa as in the male plant. Berry red, very small, 3-4 lines broad,
of two rounded lobes. Seeds broad and rounded.—A very distinct species, with the flowers of C. rhamnoides, but
very different fohage, and a berry unlike any other of the genus I am acquainted with.
12. Coprosma myrtillifolia, Hook, fil.; fruticosa, erecta, ramis divaricatis cortice pallido ultimis puberulis,
foliis parvis (A-f unc.) coriaceis breve petiolatis elliptico-ovatis oblongis lineari-oblongis linearibusve
obtusis retusis emarginatisve, fioribus solitariis rarius fasciculatis (pro planta) majusculis; masc. ra-
mulo subelongato pedunculatis cernuis, corolla late campanulata calyce spurio suffulta 4-5-fida lobis
brevibus elongatisve, staminibus 4 ; foem. calycis tubo ovoideo limbo tereti subelongato ore truncato ciliato
inæqualiter 4-5-lobo, baccis globosis. Fl. Antaret. p . 21.
Var. cuneata; depressa v. prostrata, foliis lineari-cuneatis apice rotundatis v. emarginatis retusisve.
Var. 7 . linearis; foliis anguste lineari-oblongis obtusis retusis emarginatisve.
H a b . Northern Island; in mountainous districts, <
A small, erect shrub, 3-5 feet high, with rather stiff, strong, divaricating branches, pubescent at the apices,
covered with a pale bark. Leaves A -| inch long, variable in width, linear-oblong, or broadly oblong or obovate,
coriaceous, smooth and glossy, blunt or notched at the apex. Flowers rather large for the size of the plant, generally
solitaiy, peduneled on the short curved branchlets. Male:— Calyx 0, except the cunéate stipules forming a
four-lobed cup. Corolla broadly bell-shaped, with four long or short pubescent lobes. Female:— Calyx tube ovoid ;
limb shortly tubular, truncate; mouth ciliated, obscurely lobed. Berry globose.—Originally described from Lord
Auckland’s Island specimens, which were not found in flower, and differ from Mr. Colenso’s only in being more
pubescent on the ramuli. It is closely allied to 0. cuneata, of Lord Auckland’s Group, to which the var. (3 may
belong, and is hence intermediate between this section and tbe following. The flowers of 0. myrtillifolia itself,
and of var. y, are smaller than those of C. cuneata.
§ c. Erect or prostrate sliruhs. Leaves small, less than 1 inch hruj, narrow, more or less linear, generally more
than twice as long as broad. Flowers sessile or nearly so, solitary or fascicled. [See C. myTtillitolia and
C. foetidissima in section b.)
13. Coprosmapropinqua, A. Curm.; erecta, virgata, ramis fastigiatis divaricatisve, ramulis puberulis,
foliis (4-14 unc.) longis submembranaceis anguste Lineari-elongatis lanceolatisve rarius elliptico-lanceolatis
acntis acuminatis v. rarius obtusis in petiolum brevem angustatis subtus nervosis rarius aveniis, stfyjulis
breviter ovatis elongatisve, floribus ramulis abbreviatis confertis solitariisve ; masc. confertis, corolla calyce
spurio submembranaceo suffulta late campanulata breviter 4-loba; foem. confertis v. solitariis, calycis tubo
ovoideo limbo tereti breviter tubuloso 4-lobo glaberrimo, corolla profunde 4-fida lobis lineari-oblongis,
bacca ovoidea calycis tubo coronata v. nuda. C. propinqua et C. foetidissima, A. Cunn. Frodr.
Var. a; foliis majoribus latioribus, floribus fasciculatis, coroUæ lobis latiuscuHs, calyce ? tubuloso
ar. /3 ; minor, foliis brevioribus, floribus ut in a, corollæ lobis lineari-oblongis, calyce ? inæqualiter
4-lobo. Pelaphia parvifolia. Banks et Sol. MSS.
Var. 7 . linariifolia; foliis anguste lineari-elongatis, stipulis longe connatis, floribus ? solitariis, calyce
4-lobo, lobis linearibus persistentibus, corollæ lobis anguste linearibus.
H a b . Northern aud Middle Islands; abundant on the east coast especially, Cunningham, etc.; Chatham
Island, Dieffenhach.
A tall, generally erect shrub, with fasciculate or spreading, smooth, tenggy branches, and pubendous branchlets.
Leaves very variable in length and breadth, a_1 | inch long, very narrow, linear or lanceolate or linear-oblong, acute
or acuminate, rarely bhmt, narrowed into a short petiole, black when dry, paler below, ■with usuaUy a few conspicuous
nerves. Flowers crowded, rarely solitary, rather large for the genus, 14-2 lines loug. Male :—Calyx 0,
except the membranous connate stipules forming a four-lobed cup ; corolla broadly campanulate, four-lobed ; lobes
short, blunt. Female .— Calyx tube ovoid ; limb elongated, cylindrical, truncate, four-lobed or fom--partite, quite
smooth, sometimes of four linear leaflets. Bei'rìes generally crowded, ovoid, sometimes terminated by the calyx.
—A very variable plant in foliage, and somewhat in the size of the flowers and berries. The var. y I had thought
a distinct species, from the solitary flowers, long sheathing tube of the connate stipules, narrow lobes of the coroUa,
and long, linear, coriaceous calyx lobes ; but I find aU these characters gradually giving way when many specimens
arc examined.
14. Coprosma acerosa, A. Cunn. ; frutex ramosissimus, ramis divaricatis ultimis puberulis, cortice
pallido, foliis subfasciculatis ericoideis acerosis brevibus (4 unc.) angustissime linearibus obtusis superne
convexis subtus canaUculatis coriaceis glaberrimis, floribus parvis solitariis; masc. corolla calyce spurio
membranaceo suffulta late campanulata 4-loba lobis late ovatis ; foem. calycis tubo ovideo limbo truncato,
coroUa late campanulata limbo 4-fido lobis latis, baccis parvis rotundatis. A. Cunn. Frodr. Pelaphia,
Banks et Sol. 3ISS. et Ic.
H a b . Northern, Middle, and Southern Islands. Bay of Islands and east coast ; salt marshes, etc.,
Cunningham, Colenso, Sinclair, etc. New River, Southern Island, Herb. A. Richard. Nat. name, “ Tatara-
linke,” Colenso.
One of the most distmct species of the genus, which may be readily recognized by its heath-hke leaves ; it
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