suberecta v. reflexa. Lahelluin breve uuguiculatum, planum, deflexum, basi 2-callosum. Columna semiteres,
superne alata. Anthera terminalis. Pollinia 4.—Herbæ terrestres, sylvicola, tenella, tuberosa,
\- foliata, pauciflora ; perianthio explanato.
A very small genus of delicate green herbaceous Australian, Tasmanian, and New Zealand plants, with tuberous
roots, slender stems, solitaiy, broad, cordate leaves, and few-flowered racemes of expanded somewhat two-lipped
greenish flowers. Upper sepal and petals narrow, erect, or ascending, the latter sometimes reflexed ; two lower
sepals also narrow, deflexed. Lip deflexed, with au oblong membranous lamina, a short claw, and two lumps at
the base. Column curved, winged above. Anther terminal. (Name from Kvpros, curved, and o-t-uXoç, a style.)
1 . Cyrtostylis oblonga. Hook, fil.; folio ovato-oblongo obtuso apiculato basi cordato sessili rarius in
petiolum brevem angustato, labello obovato-oblongo apice rotundato v. retuso apiculato.
H a b . Northern Island. Frequent in moist woods and ou shady banks, Sinclair, Colenso, etc.
Leaf from near the root, 4- I inch long, oblong-ovate, blunt, apiculate, generally deeply cordate at the base, rarely
narrowed into a blunt petiole. Flowers usually one or two, g inch long from tip of upper sepal to that of lip,
yeUow-green, with a membranous red-brown tip. Sepals and petals very narrow. Lip oblong, tip often rather
dilated, retuse and apiculate.
2. Cyrtostylis rotundifolia, Hook. fil. ; folio orbiculari obtuso profunde cordato, labello lineari-
oblougo obtuso V. subacuto.
H a b . Northern Island. Raukawa Ridge, Hawkes’s Bay, and Cape Kidnapper, Colenso.
Very similar to C. ohlonga, but smaller, shorter, with an orbicular leaf, blunt and cordate at the base, and narrower
lip, rather narrower at the base than above ; tbe latter organ is however a variable one in C. ohlonga.
3. Cyrtostylis macrophylla, Hook. fil. ; folio ampio orbiculari obtuso v. apiculato, floribus majusculis,
labello lineari-oblongo obtuso.
H a b . Northern Island. East coast, Colenso.
A much larger species than either of the former. L e a f \ - \ \ inch broad. Stem 3-5 inches high. Flowers
inch long, from the upper sepal to end of labellum ; the latter is nan-ow, linear-oblong.
Gen. XII. ADENOCHILUS, Hooh. fil.
PeiiantUum subbilabiatum, puberulnm; sepalum supremum subgaleatum, acuminatum, basi dorso
columnæ adnatum ; lateralia labello supposita, lanceolata, acuminata, obliqua, trinervia; suberecta,
lineari-lanceolata. Labellum breve unguiculatum; lamina subquadrata, triloba, lobo intermedio caudato
discoque glandulis stipitatis sub-4-seriatis ornato. Columna elongata, alata ; alis ultra antheram productis,
apice subdentatis. Anthera terminalis, 2-locularis.—Herba gracillima, glaberrima, kabitu Eriochili ; caule
medio unifoliato ; folio sessili, ovato, acuto; pedúnculo gracili, \-floro, medio 1-braeteato ; erecto,
valde elongato, basi bractea vaginante incluso ; flore flavido.
1. Adenochilus gracilis, Hook. fil. (Ta b . LYI. A.)
H a b . Northern Island. Bay of Plenty, Colenso.
A veiy curious plant, intermediate between Chiloglotiis, Caladenia, and Friochilus; differing from the former in
the solitary leaf, glandular perianth, and want of the appendix at the base of the lip ; from Caladenia in habit and
two-lobed column ; and from FiriocMlus in the glandular labellum and sessile lateral sepals, agreeing however with
that genus remarkably in habit, and in tbe very long ovary. Stems slender, a span high, with one ovate, oblong,
acute, membranous, sessile leaf, placed half-way up, f inch long. Floicer solitary, glandular, erect. Ovai'y slender,
f inch long, surroimded with a sheathing bract at the base. Ferianth g inch long ; leaflets all acuminate, glandular.
Upper sepal hooded, adnate to the base of the column as in Pterostylis ; lateral longer, placed under the labellum
free, obliquely three-nerved. Petals lanceolate, spreading. Lip oblong-quadrate, with a short claw and a long recurved
tail ; several rows of stipitate glands run down the lamina, and are continued on to the tail. Column curved,
winged, bifid at the top, lobes toothed. Anther-case adnate, hidden behind the broad stigma on the face of the
column below the apex, very broad, two-celled. (Name from cÔtju, a gland, aud x<Aof, a lip.)—P la te LVI. A.
Fig. 1, flower ; 3, column and lip ; 3, lip ; 4, front view of column ; 5, lateral view of column with one wing removed
:—all magnified.
Perianthium extus glandulosum. Sepalum supremum planum v. cucuUatum, lateralibus basi connatis
v. liberis. Labellum breve v. longius unguiculatum, integrum v. 3-lobum, apice angustatum, disco glandulis
seriatis ornato. Columna alata. Anthera terminalis, persistens. Pollinia 4, per paria cohærentia.—
Herbæ terrestres ; radice tuberosa ; caule \~2-phjllo ; fioribus glanduloso-puberulis.
Terrestrial tuberous-rooted herbs, more or less glandular. Leaves one or two. Flowers solitary or several.
Upper sepal plane or hooded ; two lateral free or joined at the base ; petals narrow. Lip with a claw, rarely sessile,
entire or three-lobed, sometimes nan-owed; disc with two or more rows of stipitate glands. Column curved,
winged. (Name from na\os, beautiful, and aòrju, a gland.)
1. Caladenia minor, Hook. fil. ; patentim glanduloso-pilosa, radice basique caulis tunicata, folio anguste
lineari glabrato, scapo medio bracteato, flore roseo basi bracteato, sepalis linearibus obtusis petalis
angustioribus, labello latiore quam longo profunde trilobo lobis lateraUbus membranaceis intermedio
late subulato margine glanduloso, disci glandulis 2-seriatis stipitatis, anthera ad apicem columnæ sessili.
(Ta b . LYI. B.)
H a b . Northern Island. Dry clay hills, abundant, Edgerley, etc.
The smallest New Zealand species, 4-6 inches high, very slender, one-flowered, covered with spreadmg patent
glandular hairs. Leaf solitary, very slender, linear. Flower neaily erect, inch broad, pink.—P la te LVI. B.
Fig. 1, fiower ; 3, flower with the sepals aud petals removed ; 3, Up ; 4, column ; 5, anther :—all magnified.
2. Caladenia Hook. fil. ; radice tunicata, folio radicah anguste lineari, caule pilis patuhs
glanduloso medio 1 -bracteato 1 - 2-floro, floribus bracteatis, sepahs lineari- v. obovato-oblongis acuminatis,
labeUi lobo intermedio brevi subulato recurvo.
H a b . Middle Island. Oia^o, Lyall.
A very much larger-flowered and stouter species than C. minor, with one to two flowers, each twice as large
as in that species, and broad sepals, which are liuear-oblong, or obovate and acuminate. (This is probably the Caladenia
No. 4 of ‘Flora Antarctica,’ p. 70.)
3. Caladenia? bifolia, Hook, fil.; glanduloso-pubescens, foliis 2 basi caulis suboppositis ovato-
oblongis subacutis, scapo nudo, flore solitario basi bracteato, sepahs petalisque linearibus, labello vix
unguiculato late obovato basi glanduhs 2-seriatis ornato, columna breviter alata, anthera ad apicem co-
lumuæ sessili.
H a b . Middle Island. Otago, Lyall.
This is apparently the Orchideous plant No. 5 Caladenia ? of Lord Auckland’s Group mentioned in the ‘ Flora
Antarctica,’ p. 70, and differs from Caladenia in the almost sessile labellum.—Whole plant glandular, 4 inches high,
robust. Root of small tubers and thiçk large fibres. Leaves nearly opposite, sessile, 1 inch long, ovate-oblong.
Scape with one bract below the flower. Ovary obovate, 4 iuch long. Flower rather large, f inch across. Sepah
and petaU linear, blunt. Lip obovate, with two short rows of linear glands near the base. Column with narrow
wings and the anther at the top.—This differs from Caladenia in having two leaves, but the upper of them is represented
in the other species of the genus by the bract on the middle of the scape.