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1. Callixene paroiflora, Hook. ffi. ; caule fiHformi elongato, foliis lineari-oblongis anguste Unearibusvc
subacutis 3- 5-iietviÌ3, floribus solitariis terminalibus breve pedicellatis.—7/ooi. Io. Plant, t. 682.
H ab. Northern and Middle Islands. Dusky Bay, Forster ». Menzies (in Hb. Banks.) Alpine woods
Colenso. Nelson, Bidwill. Southern Island, Lyall.
N a t . O rd . XC. LIL1ACEÆ, lu s s.
Permnthium pateus, 6-partitum, deciduum. Stamina 6 ; filamentis barbatis; antheris basi insertis
Ovanum 3-locMare, loenbs multiovnlatis; siylo filiformi; stigmate hispidulo. Capsula subglobosa, 3-lo-
eulans loculicide 3-valvns. Semina pauca, subangulata. Embryo curvatus.—Herbæ ; r a ik a f ascioiilata ■
pedicellis ìnedio articulatis.
Australian, and New Zealand herbs, with roots of thick fascicled fibres, very short stems, chiefly
formed of the sheathing bases of flaccid linear leaves; and scapes which bear racemes of pendulous flowers
Permna of sm, spreading, deeiduons pieces; three inner waved or fimbriated, rarely flat. Stamens six; filaments
bemded. Orar* hree-ceUed. cells many-ovGed. Style filiform, hispid at the tip. Capsule globose, three-valved.
eeds numerous, black. (Name from opflpov, a joint, and irons, afoot or pedicel.)
1. Arthropodium oirrhatum, Br. ; datum, fobis ensifonni-lanceolatis longe acuminatis, panicula ramosa,
rac CIS 0 laceis, penauthii ampb fobobs lanceolatis longe acuminatis, filamentis supra medium barbatis
basi 2-appendicu a tis .-& ( .r ,7 a ,. (. 2350. Bot. Reg. t. 709. rf. 0 « » . Prodr. Anthericum, Forst.
A. Rich. Flor. A. latifolium, Banhs et Sol. MSS.
H ab. Northern and Middle Islands, B a n h and Solander, do. Nat. name, “ Eenga Eenga” in
N orthern distncts, and “ Maikai Ka," in Southern, Colenso. (Cultivated in England.)
^ A taU, handsome plant, 2 feet high. Lemes 1 foot long, l i iuch broad. Panicle branched. Plmers white.
, 1 inch across. Seeds black, opaque, angGar. Pools formerly eaten by the natives.
2. Arthropodium EaoG; gracilis, teneba, fobis gramineis anguste linearibus flaccidis,
scapis elongatis, racemis paucifloris simpbcibus varius ramosis, floribus sobtariis binisve subsecundis parvk
longe pediceUatis, filamentis barbatis.— Qioix des Plantes, gi. 14. t. 6.
Hab. Northern and Middle Islauds, Anderson (in Cook’s third voyage). Akaroa, Raoul. East
Coast and mtenor, Colenso, etc.
Leases slender flaccid, very narrow. 4-8 inebes long. Scape very slender, simple, rarely branehed, 6-10 inches
Gen. II. CHEYSOBACTEON, Hooh. fil.
Fizzes ffioici V. hermaphroditi. Pericmim fobola 6, patentia, tequaba, tarde decidua. Starnfna 6 ;
fflamentis glabernmis Ovarium 3-loculare, locnbs 2-ovulatis; stylo erecto, stricto; stigmate 3-lcbo.
Capsula .-loba, loculicide 3-valvis; locubs 2-spermis; seminibus elongatis, triquetris, atris.
lente curvatus.-Herbm ; radice e fibris erassis ; fobis lineari-elongatis, ensiformibusve ; floribus
at th^b'*"^ of tufted fibres, long concave leaves, sheathing
base, and erect stout scapes, bearing dense cylindrical racemes of yellow flowers, which are dicecious in th!
Auckland Island species and hermaphrodite in the New Zealand, which is the only other. Perianth of six equal
oblong blunt pieces. Sta-mens six, with glabrous fllaments. Omry three-celled, with two ovules in each cell, a
straight style, and three-lobed stigma. Capsule membranous, three-valved, with two long triquetrous black seeds
in each cell. (Name from xpvo-or, gold, and Rasrpov, a staff or rod.)
1. Chrysobactron Hoolceri, Col. MSS. ; floribus hermaphroditis, fobis anguste linearibus.—A&O/f. Ic.
Plant, t. 817. Bot. Mag. t. 4607.
H a b . Northern and Middle Islands. Euahine range and Taupo, Colenso. Wairu valley. Nelson,
Bidwill. Canterbury and Chalky Bay, ly a ll. (Cultivated in England.)
A foot high. Leaves 8-10 inches long, 1 inch broad. Bracteæ variable in length, sometimes as long as the
pedicels. Raiemes 3-5 inches long. Blowers i inch across.—This beautiful plant flowers abundantly in Kew
Gardens, where the plants are much larger than my dried specimens, almost equal in stature to the more magnificent
C. Rossii of Lord Auckland’s Group (Fl. Antarct. p. 72, t. 44 and 45). Though the flowers of C. Eookeri are
hermaphrodite and those of C. Rossii dioecious, I suspect that these wifl prove to be but one species eventually, and
that the genus will merge into Anthericum, on a revision of the Order.
Gen. I I I . DIANELLA, Lam.
Perianthium 6-partitum, æquale, patens, deeiduum. Stamina 6 ; filamentis curvis, apice incrassatis
antheris linearibus, strictis. Ovarium locnbs multiovulatis; stylo filiformi; stigmate simpbci. Bacca globosa,
polysperma. Semina testa nitida, Crustacea.— Ilerbæ ; r a d ic e /fow a ; folbs gramineis;
iloribus paniculatis, pedicellis apice ariieulatis; floribus cæruleis.
Australian. Indian, and New Zealand herbs, with wiry fibrous roots, rigid linear equitant or sheathing leaves,
and scapes bearing often very compound panicles. Flowers jointed on to the rigid pecbcels. Perianth of six equal
pieces, deciduous. Stamens six ; filameuts curved, much thickened above. Anthers linear. Ovary three-celled,
cells with many ovules; slyU simple, filifonn. Berry globose; seeds numerous, covered with a black, metallic,
brittle, polished testa. (Name from Diana, Goddess of woods.)
I . Dianella ¿»femeifia, Endl. ; elata, fobis rigidis anguste bneari-ensiformibus basi subequitantibus,
panicula ramosissima, ramubs gracibbus, pedicellis curvis, floribus parvis, filamentis apice inc ra ssa tis.-
Endl. Prodr. Fl. Ins. Notf. p . 28. A. Cunn. Prodr. Anthericum ensatum. Banks et Sol. MSS. et Ic.
H a b . Northern and Middle Islands, common, B a n h and Solander, etc,
Rhizoma woody, with fibrous roots and often underground runners. Leaves 1-6 feet long, narrow, rigid,
sometimes rough along the edge. PanioU 10-18 inches long, very much branched ; peduncles and pedicels curved,
slender, wiry. Mowers drooping, greemsh-white, | inch diameter. Berry nearly i inch long, deep blue.—This
plant is a native of Norfolk Island.
Gen. IV. PHOEMIUM, Fmst.
Perianthium tubulosum, curvatum, sex-partitum ; lacimis erectis, 3 iuterioribus apice patentibus.
Stamina 6, exserta, 3 alterna breviora. Ovarium 3-loculare ; ovulis plurimis, 2-seriatis. S ty h 3-gono ;
stigmate simpbci, Capsula oblonga, 3-gona, coriacea, submembranacea, loculicide 3-valvis. Semiua
plurima, compressa ; testa atra, laxa,—Herbæ elatce; radice tuberosa, fibrosa ; fobis distichis, coriaceis,
tenacissimis ; scapo exaltato ; floribus paniculatis, erectis.
The genus Vhormmm, of which there is only one well ascertained species, is confined to Norfolk Island aud
New Zealand, where it is too well known to require detailed description. The leaves are equitant at the base,
full of strong fibre, also secreting a gummy exudation. Scapes ponioled above, with alternate bracteate branches.
Mowers curved, jointed on to stout pedicels, 1-2 inches loug, erect. Perianth tubular, of six erect pieces, three