uaiTon’, not revolute. Arms of the styles of female (ligulate) flowers long, narrow, smooth, rounded or subaeute ;
of the disc (tubular) fiorets shorter, truncate.—This and the two following are closely allied aud very singular
species, the rigid bristles on the upper surface of this and of S. hellidioides are veiy peculiar, resembling tliose on
the foliage of the Auckland Island Fleurophyllum eriniferum.
2. Senecio hellidioides, Hook, fil.; foliis (omnibus radicalibus) petiolatis ovato-rotundatis obtusis integerrimis
marginibus ciliatis lanuginosisve superne bispido-setosis subtus glaberrimis reticulatim venosis
petiolo basi dense sericeo-villoso, scapis gracilibus 1 -cepliaiis remote bracteatis sericeo-lanatis pilis atris
glandulosis immixtis, involucri squamis pubescentibus, acheniis oblongis glaberrimis, pappo rigido, receptaculo
H a b . Middle Island. Canterbury, Lyall.
A smaller plant than the former, but very similar in habit, and iu the woolly and silky bases of the petioles.
Leaves Ig—2 biches long, generally margined with white, hispid above witb short stout hairs, smooth and glabrous
below. Scapes single-beaded, slender, woolly witb a few black glandular bairs. Heads 1 inch across, including
the ligulæ. Involucral scales pubescent, subglandular, rarely glabrous. Fappus not so rough and coarse as in S.
Layopus. Achenia short, quite glabrous.
3. Senecio saxifragoides, Hook. fil. ; foliis (omnibus radicalibus) amplis petiolatis, petiolo densissime
sericeo-lanato basi pibs longis viUoso, lamina ovato-oblonga v. rotundata superne sericeo-vibosa v. glabrata
subtus dense moUiter lanata secus ñervos sericeo-\ibosa, vetustioribns glabratis reticulatim venosis, scapis
divisis polycephabs robustis sericeo-lanatis setisque patentibus glandulosis purpuréis onustis parce fobatis,
capitubs magnis, involucri squamis moUiter pubescentibus, bgubs elongatis, acheniis elongatis glaberrimis
sulcatis pappo molb longioribus disco caboso coronatis.
Ha b . Middle Island. Port Cooper, Lyall.
A truly superb plant. Root stout, fleshy, with many strong, thick fibres. Petioles very stout, densely clothed
with long silky wool, and covered at their bases with brown, long, soft, shaggy hairs. Lamina of the leaf 3-5
inches long, broadly eUiptical-ovate, oblong or rounded, sometimes obbque or cordate at tbe base ; upper surface
clothed with shining silky and woolly hair, under wdth a thick woolly coat, .silky along the ribs ; both surfaces
become glabrous and wrinkled when the leaves are old. Scapes foot high, stout, branched, bearing 8-10
broad heads, densely woolly and having spreading, soft, purple, jointed hairs, tipped with purple-black glands
scattered amongst tbe wool, and sometimes also on the margins of the leaf. Heads nearly 2 inches across the long
spreading ligulæ. Involucre \ \i\ch long, broadly cylindrical, conical at the base; scales pubescent and glandular,
witb brown tips and midrib. Achenia quite smooth, deeply furrowed, veiy long ( i inch) longer than the white,
rather rigid pappus. (Named from the general resemblance this plant bears to Saxífraga ciliaris.)
4. Senecio hifistulosus, Hook. fil. ; glaberrimus, caule basi lignoso ramoso cicatricato, ramis apice
fobosis, foliis confertis patentibus coriaceis anguste bneari-elongatis obscure remote crenatis superne canabculatis
subtus marginibus vibosis ad costam revolutis et adheerentibus, scapo 1 -cepbalo bracteato, involucri
squamis late bneari-oblongis herbaceis dorso sublanatis, ligulis paucis latis non revolutis, pappo
molb, acheniis oblongis glaberrimis obscure costatis.
H a b . Middle Island. Dusky Bay, LyaU.
A very remarkable species, of which I regret to say I have but one good specimen. Eveiywhere except the
involucral scales quite smooth, pale green. Stems prostrate, 2-3 inches long, woody, scarred like a Pine-branch,
ascending, leafy at tbe top. Leaves densely crowded, spreading, 1 inch long, narrow, linear-elongated, about -J line
broad, subacute ; the margins rolled back so as to meet the stout midrib, to which they adhere by a woolly border,
hence the leaves are apparently inflated and formed of two tubes placed side by side, constricted faintly here and
there, which gives them the appearance of being crenate. Scape rising from below the leaves, 4 inches long, with
many erect leaf-like bracts. Head erect, 14 inch broad across the bgulæ, which are few and broad. Involucral
scales few, broad, herbaceous, a little woolly at the back, i inch long. Achenia short, glabrous, obscurely ribbed.
Fappus very soft.—Closely albed to -S', pectinatus of the Tasmanian mountains.
\ b. Smooth, glabrous {or nearly so), simple or branching,
heads 0,
herbaceous plants, with leafy stems and corymbose
5. Senecio latifolius. Banks et Sol.; erectus, ramosus, glaberrimus, fobis polymorphis membranaceis
amplis inferioribus late elliptico-ovatis in petiolum alatum elongatum angustatis sinuato-lobatis denticula-
tisque superioribus ovatis profundius sinuatis basi pinnatifidis petiolo basi 2-auriculato semiamplexicaub
supremis sæpissime lineari-oblongis supra medium contractis basi lobis argute dentatis dilatatis amplexi-
caulibus, corymbis polycephalis, peduncubs pedicellisque gracibbus, involucri hemisphærici squamuloso-
pubescentis v. glabrati squamis liuearibus acuminatis, ligulis anguste liuearibus, acheniis sulcatis glandu-
loso-puberubs, pappo tenuissimo molli sericeo, receptaculo alveolato. Banks et Sol. MSS. et Ic.
H a b . Northern Island ; Dieffenhach, Bidwill. "Wairarapa, Colenso.
A handsome branching herb, 2-3 feet high. leaves large and broad, very variable in size and shape on the
same plant, sometimes all on long petioles, at others the lower only have long winged petioles, whilst the upper
are amplexicaul and sessile, with large dilated toothed auricles. Stems herbaceous, flexuose, fuiTOwed. Leaves
membranous, 4-8 inches long, petiole sometimes nearly as long, dilated, toothed, and cordate at the base ; lamina
broadly ovate, lobed, sinuate, toothed, and the lobes again unequally finely toothed. Conjmhs broad, of many
heads; peduncles spreading. Heads inch diameter, with narrow spreading and revolute pale yellow rays.
Involucre broacby hemispherical, 4 inch long ; scales narrow, acuminate, smooth, pubescent or covered with chaffy
pubescence. Achenia shorter thau the involucre, fm-rowed, covered with glandular hairs or long papillæ. Pappus
much longer than involucre, of very soft white hairs.
6. Senecio lautus, Forst. ; glaberrimus, herbaceus, caule brertusculo simpbci v. ramoso flexuoso
sulcato, fobis carnosis polymorphis omnibus v. inferioribus solum petiolatis bneari-oblongis spathulatisve
acutis sinuato-dentatis superioribus v. sæpissime omnibus liueari-oblongis sinuatis lobatis pinnatifidisve
lobulis brevibus elongatisve integerrimis v. repando-dentatis, petiobs basi simpbcibus v. semiamplexicaubbus,
corymbis oligo(3-7)-cephabs, involucri late campanulati squamis bnearibus acuminatis basi squamulis paucis
sæpius subsquarrosis involucratis, ligulis brevibus elongatisve rarius 0, acheniis linearibus sulcatis costis
pubescentibus. Forst. Prodr. S. neglectus, A. Rich. Flora. A. Cumi. Frodr. S. rupicola, Á. Rich.
Var. a. lautus ; ramosus, foliis pinnatifidis segmentis linearibus, capitubs bgulatis, bgubs elongatis
patulis. S. bnifolius, Lah. Fl. Nov. Holl.
Var. /S. Raouli ; caule subsimplici, fobis bneai'i-oblongis spathulatisve sinuato-dentatis, bgubs parris
V. 0. S. Raouli, Sptach, in llerh. Hook.
Yar. 7 . macrocephalus J caule ramoso, fobis sinuato-pinnatifidis lobatisve varie incisis, capitubs majoribus
depresso-liemisphæricis, ligulis revolutis.
Ha b . Throughout the Islands, very abundant, especially on maritime rocks, Banks and Solander,
Forster, etc.
A smooth, rather succulent, generally branching herb, woody at the base, 1-2 feet high, with entire or geue-
raUy lobed or pinnatifid leaves, and terminal corymbs of 8-7 heads ; very variable in stature, foliage, size of the
heads, and development of the Ugniate ray-flowers. Petioles simple or dilated a Httle, and clasping half the stem
at the base. Leaves 1-2 inches long, linear-oblong or spathulate, entire, lobed, pinnatifid or almost multipartite;
lobes variously cut. Heads 4-1 inch broad, depending ou the length of the ligulæ. Involucre broadly oblong or