
Hab . Northern Islrnid. Summit of the llualuiie range, Colemo.
Culms filiform, slender, rotigli towards the tips. Lemes flat, longer than tlio cnlms. Bracts setaceous, short,
sometimes hecoming leafy, and longer than the spike. Spike lax-llowcrcd, ]* -a* mches long, 1 lino broad, with or
without bracteæ. Male portion vei-y slender, setaceous, witli small alternate scales; female with equidistant
approximate scales. Perigyma 2*-S|- lines long, * -* line broad, lanceolate, serrate, rough at the top, longer than
persistent, blunt or sharp, lanceolate scale.
2. Uncinia disiatis, Boott; spica filiformi' laxiflora subelongata longe setaceo-bracteata, perigyniis
linearibus leviter nervatis apice scabris squama lauceolata acuta decidua longioribus. Boott, MSS.
H ab . Northern Islaud. East Coast, Titiokura, Colemo.
Culms 2 feet liigh, slender, filiform, rough towai'ds the tip. Leaves flat. Spike 2-3 inches long, slender, lax-
flowered, with long setaceous bracts. Male scales uniform, lanceolate, closely imbricated, deciduous. Perigynia
3 | lines long, line broad, Hnear, rougb at tbe tip.
3. Uncinia lej)tust,idiya, Baoul ; spica filiformi laxiflora elongata nuda, perigyniis linearibus leviter
nervatis superne scabris squama lanceolata obtusa persistente lougioribus. Boott, MSS. U. leptostacliya,
Baoul, Fl. Nov. Zel.gj. 12. t, 5. U. australis, Forst.
H ab . MidGe Islmid. Queen Charlotte’s Sound, Forster. Akaroa, Baoul.
Culm slender. Leaves flat. Spike lax-flowered, 4-S inches long, 1 line broad, without bracts. Male scales
small, alternate, laxly imbricated ; female lower, rather distant, lanceolate, blunt, persistent. Perigynia S* lines
long, * line broad, linear, rough at the tip.
§ b. Perigynia miootli. Spike oilong or elongated, generally lax-fiowerei (in TJ. divaricata, TJ. australis, and
TJ. ferruginea many-jloiceredj.
4. Uncinia divaricata, Boott; spica oblonga pluiiflora densa paUida setaceo-bracteata, perigyniis
fusiformibus tnquetns utnnque attenuatis ore integro leviter nervatis demum divaricatis squamam lanceolatam
acntam pallidam deciduam æquautibus. Booti, MSS.
H a b . Northern Islaud; Bualmie mountains, Colenso. Middle Island ; Milford Sound, Lyall.
Culms 4-6 mches long, smooth. Leaves 1-2 lines broad, lax. grassy, longer than the cGm. Spike oblon»-,
dense-flowered, 8-12 lines long. 4 (hecoming 8) broad, the upper fourth male. Seales pale, uniform, lanceolate
acute, deeiduons, the lowest shortly cuspidate. Peiigynium 2* lines long, | broad, spindle-sliapcd, triquetrous!
Achenium. 1* line long. * broad, subplaiio-convex; mouth contraeteli, variable in size, some of Mr. Oolenso’s Ruahine
mountain specimens being especiaUy so.-AUied to U. cempaeta, Brown, but tlie spikes are |.ale, more dense and
with more numerous and crowded flowers; the perigyma are narrower, and become spreading, and the leaves are
longer and laser.
0.^ Uncmia rupestris, Eaoul; spica 1-2-pollicari sublaxa setaceo-bracteata, perigyniis ovatis attenuatis
subsessilibus truiervibus, rostro obhque truncato squamam lanceolatam acuminatam olitusiusculam margine
scanosam sabæquaiitibus. BooU, MS.S. U. rupestris. Buoni, p . 13. t. 5. U. riparia. Hook. fd . in Lond.
■Joum. Bot. V. 3. p . 417. non Br. U. Hookeri, BooU in Fl. Antarct. v . 1. p. 91. t. 51.
H a b . MidGe Island ; Akaroa, Bnovd.
Culm slender, smooth. Lea.ves flat, longer than the culm. Spikes one or two, an Inch long, lax-flowered, with
setaceous bracts. Scales lanceolate, acuminate, blunt, with scarious margius. Perigynia ovate, tliree-iicrvcd, with
a blunt oblique mouth, as long as the scale.
6. U n c i m a B o o t t ; spica olilonga laxiflora mula v. bracteata apice iuibricatim mascula,
pengynus liuearibus leviter uervosis squamam ovato-lanceolatam æquautibus. BooU, 3ISS.
H a e . Northern Islaud; top of the Rualiine mountains, Coleim. Middle Island, Lyall.
Calms filiform, smooth, when fully grown 1|- feet long. Leaven involute, shorter than the culms. Hjake
oblong, lax-flowcrcd, with or without bracts. Scales ovatc-lanccolatc, those of the male flowers uniform, closely
imbricated; females approximate, alternate, equidistant. Perigynia linear, 3 lines long, line broad.— Mr.
Colcnso’s specimens arc in flower; Br. Lyall’s arc nearly all past fruit.
7. Uncinia Banksii, Buott; spica filiformi laxiflora nuda v. bracteata apice attenuata altematim
mascula, perigyniis linearibus leviter nervatis subremotis squama ovata acuta albida nervo viridi duplo
longioribus. Boott, 3ISS. Carex uuciiiata, Solander, 3ÎSS. non Linn, nec Svoariz.
Var. /3. major ; flosculis fceiniiieis pluribus magis attenuatis.
H a b . Northern and Soutliem Islands, and Solander, Sinclair, Lyodl, etc. Yar. /S. YToods,
Wairarapa Valley and Palliser Bay, Colenso.
Culms slender, smooth, a foot high. Leaves 1a line broad, generally involute. Bracts setaceous. Spike 2-2u
inches long, filiform, lax-flowered, naked or bracteate, narrow at the point; male scales smaller, alternate; female
(six or seven) ovate acute, the lower remote. Perigynia 2-^ lines long, a broad, linear, scattered, twice as long as
the scale.
8. Uncinia rubra, Boott; rubro-purpurea, spica laxiflora nuda, perigyniis lanceolatis ore obliquo
dorso nervatis squama lanceolata acuta persistente brevioribus. Buott, MSS. (Ta b . LXIV. A.)
I I a b . Northern Island. East Coast, Teliawæra, and top of Titiokura, Colenso.
Whole plant of a dingy rcdcHsh colour wlien diy. Culms rigid, scaberulous towards the tip, a_1 foot high.
Leaves rigid, line broad, shorter than the culm, more or less involute. Spike lax-flowered, without bracts,
9 lines to 2 inches long, 2 Hues broad. Mule scales four to six, imbricated ; females three to seven, alternate,
contiguous, lanceolate, acute, persistent. Perigynum 2f lines long, broad, lanceolate, with an oblique mouth,
shorter than the scale.—P late LXIV. A. Eig. 1, portion of spike, with perigynium and hooked appendage ; 2,
front, and 3, lateral view of achenium ; 4, the same cut open, showing the seed ;—all magnified.
9. Uncmia cæspitosa, Boott ; spica subelongata laxa bracteata, perigyniis pluribus lanceolatis squama
lanceolata acuminata acuta v. obtusiuscula brevioribus v. æquautibus (in B longioribus). Boott, MSS.
Var. ¡3; perigyniis brevioribus, squama longiore, bractea anguste foHacea uunc spica terties longiore.
Var. y ; foliis angustis, spica tenui.
Y’’ar. 5 ; foliis angustis, spica poUicari, perigynio squama longiore.
H a b . Northern Island; woods, Ruahine mountains. Y^ar./3. Wairarapa Bay. Var. 7 . Summit of
the Ruahine mountains. Yfor. B. Port Nicholson, Colenso.
Culms a foot high, rough at tlie angles. Leaves longer than the culm, 1 Hne long. Bractea short, setaceous.
Spike 2A-3 inches long, 2a lines broad. Scales uniform ; males closely imbricated, females numerous, loosely
imbricated. Perigynia lanceolate, as long as or shorter than the lanceolate scale, which is blunt or sharp. In rar. 5
the perigynia are sliovter in proportion to the scale, and the bractea foHaceous : in var. y the spike is slender aud
leaves narrow, and the perigynium is longer than its scale.
lU. Uncinia australis, Pers. ; spica elongata multiflora flavesceute v. olivaceo-viridi sæpe demum fusca
longe (1 - 2-) bracteata, perigyniis elliptico-oblongis utrinque æque attenuatis leviter nervatis squamam
lanceolatam acutam superne ferrngineam apice albo-membraiiaceam æquantibus vel demum ea longioribus.
Boott, 31S8. U. couijiacta, A. Bich. Flor. {non Br. Prodr.) Carex luicinata, Linn. Suppl. Forster. C.
hamata, Soland. 3ISS. non Swartz.
Hab. Northern and Middle Islands; abundant in woods, etc.. Banks a)id Solander, etc.
Culms 1-3 feet high, rigid, smooth. Leaves 2-S lines broad, often tirice as Lmg as the culm. Bractea lonçrer
than the spike, 1 line broad ; sometimes there is a second smaller bract. Spike yellowish, 3-5A inches long, 2-3