
pediceUate, m the axils of the leaves, or growing from the stems. Calyx deeply five-parted. Corolla funnel-shaped,
with a broad tube, five long lobes, and no scales at the mouth, but an obscure tbickening at the base of each lobe
Kla,ne„U slender, inserted half-way down the tube. Ardhers linear, half-exseited.—This plant is intermediate,
inform of ooroUa and length of stamens, between this section and the foUowing; in foliage it equaUy resemblei
M. Forsteri and M.
§ 0. Stems erect or decumtent. Thwers in terminal racemes, without hracts, or the Imeer ones bracteate. Corolla
funnel-shaped. Filaments exserted. (Exarrhena, Br)
6. Myosotis (Exarrhena) petiolata, Hook. fil. ; subMspido-pilosa, caulibus plurimis basi decumbentibus
elongatis laxe foUosis, foliis radicalibus longe petiolatis elliptico-oblongis obtusis apiculatis, caulinis minori-
bus brevius ^ petiolatis, racemis multi-lasifloris, iloribus longe pedicellatis, calycis profunde 5-fidi lobis anguste
linearibus, corolla ampia, filamentis longe exsertis.
HiIB. Northern Island. Iu dry stony places, Colenso, Sinclair.
Loosely covered with rather hispid white hairs. Stems many from the root, slender, deonmbent, ascenrUng,
spanngly leafy, 6-16 inches long. Badical leaves x-2 inches long, oblong-elliptical, blunt, apiculate, on petioleé
sometimes 3 inches long; cauliMC few, on shorter petioles. Raccnxs loosely many-flowered. Mowers large, pedicellate.
Calyx deeply five-lobed. Corolla sometimes 1 inch across the mouth ; tube broad. Filaments long, slender
exserted.-The foUage of this plant much resembles that of U. Forsteri and of large specimens of M. spathulata. ’
7. Myosotis (Exarrhena) saxosa. Hook, fll.; pcrenids,tota pilis albidis dense subhispido-villosa, caulibus
e radice brevibus decumbentibus foliosis, folHs lineari-spathulatis subacutis apiculatisve, racemis sublonge
peduncnlatis paucifloris, floribus breve pedicellatis, calycis elongati 5-partiti lobis anguste Huearibus
coroUæ mfundibuUformis fauce squamulis parvis instructa, antheris mediocriter exsertis.
H a b . Northern Island. Crags at Titiokura, east coast, Colenso.
Whole plant smaU, stout, leafy, copiously covered witb rather long, soft, white hairs, that give the appearance
of liispidity. Stems 2-3 inches high, sparingly leafy below ; upper part naked, racemose. Leaves inch long,
crowded, linear-spathulate, on broad petioles. Flowers crowded, nearly sessüe. Calyx nearly i inob lono- segments’
linear. Corolla with small scales at the base of tbe lobes. Anthers and Jilamenis exserted.-! have seen bid three
specimens of this plant from IMi*. Colenso.
8. Myosotis (Exarrhena) Lyalin, Hook, fil.; perennis, hispidulo-pilosa, caulibus paucis brevibus de-
cumbentibus, foliis radicabbus confertis lineari-obovato-spathulatis obtusis apiculatis, racemis simplicibus v
bifidis paucifloris basi foliatis, floribus pediceUatis, calyce ampio campanulato ad medium 5-fido lobis acutis,
corollæ infundibuliformis tubo brevi fauce squamuUs parvis donato, filamentis gracilibus, antheris exsertis,’
nueibus ovatis compressis subacutis atris nitidis.
H a b . Middle Island. Milford Sound,
Bool perennial. Leaves radical, l i - 2 inches long, narrow, obovate. spathulate, blunt, apiculate, with very
broad petioles, covered, as are all otber parts, witb rather soft white hairs. Stems two to three, decumbent. 2-5
mebes long. Baoemes few, six- to ten-flowered, leafy at the base of the lower flowers. Mowers shortly pedicellate.
Calyx veiy large, a mch long, quinqnefid to below tbe middle. Corolla small in proportion, funnel-shaped, witb small
scales at tbe mouth ; slender filaments and exserted linear anthers.-A good deal like M. eapUata in foliage, but
very different m the large calyx and form of eoroUa. etc. I have only three specimens from Dr. Lyall, therefore
some allowance must be granted for variation from this description.
N a t . O k d . L X I I . V E R B E N A C E Æ , Juss.
Gen. I. YITEX, L.
Calyx brevis, integer v. 5-dentatus. Corolla 2-labiata; labio superiore 2-fido, inferiore 3-fido, lacinia
media majore. Stamina 4, didynama, ascendentia. Stigma bifidum. Drupa putamine 4-loculari, 4-
The only New Zealand species of this extensive tropical genus is a large tree, 50-60 feet high and 20 in girth ;
well known (as are many of its congeners) for the valuable timber it yields, which is hard, easily split, works well,
and is indestructible under water. Branches spreading. Leaves opposite, on petioles 2-4 inches long ; leaflets
ternate or quinate, petiolate, elliptical or obovate, suddenly acute, quite glabrous, 3-4 inches long. Panicles axillary
and terminal, spreading, four- to eight-flowered, dichotomously branched, 2-3 inches broad; branches and pedicels
slender. Calyx short, cup-shaped, obscui-ely lobed. Corolla pubescent, an inch long, dull red, two-lipped ; upper lip
arched, bifid, lower deflexed, trifid. Stamens four, exserted, ascending, two shorter than the others. Stigma bifid.
Ovary four-celled, four-ovnled. Drupe obovoid, with a bony four-celled four-seeded nut. (Name, the old Latin
one, of unknown derivation.)
1. Yitex littoralis, Cunn.; foliis glaberrimis 3-5-foliolatis, foliolis petiolatis ellipticis obovatisve acutis
integerrimis, paniculæ 4-8-floi-æ ramis patentibus gracilibus, calyce liemisphærico truncato, corolla pubeseente,
drupa obovoidea. A. Cunn. Frodr. DC. Frodr. Epbialis pentaphylla, Banks et Sol. MSS. et Ic.
H a b . Northern Island. From the east coast, northward, Banks and Solander, eto. Rare in tbe
Middle Island. Nat. names, “ Puriri,” a n d “ Kaneree" south of the Thames, Colenso. (Cultivated in
Gen. I I . TEUCRIDIUM, Hook, f i l
Calyx campanulatus, 5-dentatns. Corolla campanulata; limbo inæquali, 5-fido. Stamina 4, didynama.
Stylus bifidus. Ovai'ium 2-loculare ; loculis fere bilocellatis, 2-spermis ; ovulis ángulo interiore
pendulis. Fructus ad medium 4-lobum, e coccis 4 confluentibus couflatum, 4-spennum. Semina ángulo
interiore péndula.—Herba h-pedalis, erecta, ramosa, puherula, Teucrii facie. Caulis ramique 4-goni.
Folia opposita, spathulata v. ovato-rotundata, petiolata, obtusa, integerrima. Flores axiUares, solitarii,
breve pedicellati; pedicello 2-hracteato. Calyx campanulatus, h-nei'vius; dentibus subulatis. Corollæ
pilosa tubus calyce oequilongus; limbi lobis oblongis, obtusis. Stamina exserta; antheris peltatis, 1-locularihus.
Ovarium pilosum. Eructus nucumentaceus, calyce ringente inclusus.
A very curious plant, resembling a Teucrium ¡ but truly Yerbenaceous, aud, though so different in habit, allied
to Vitex. Mr. Bidwill says it forms tlfickets, and grows 2-3 feet high. Herbaceous, 4-5 feet high according to Mr,
Colenso, erect, dichotomously branclied, more or less pubescent. Sterns slender, four-angled. Leaves opposite, in
scattered pairs, petiolate, with the petiole 4—5- inch long, rounded, broadly ovate or spathulate, blunt, quite entire.
Flowers solitary, axillary, shortly pedicellate ; pedicel with two bracts. Calyx bell-sbaped, with five sharp teeth.
Corolla hairy, broadly bell-shaped, about 4 inch long, deeply divided into five obovate blunt unequal lobes. 5'Az-
wm four, didynamous, exserted. one-celled. Ovary four-lobed, hairy, two-celled, the cells incompletely
divided into two. Ovules four, pendulous. Style exserted, with two unequal subulate arms. Fruit a smaU four-
lobed hispid nut, sunk iu tbe bottom of the withered persistent calyx, of four achenia, each hard, one-celled, with
one pendulous exalbuminous seed ; testa thin ; cotyledons large, ovate ; radicle short, pointing downwards. (Named
from the general resemblance to Teucrium.)
1. qmrvifoliwn. Hook. fil. T a b . XLIX.