
aristatis. Stylm 3-üdus, basi simplici. Nux compressa, late obovata, lævis.—Herba erecta, elata, skdtate
fiaea ; cGmo ohtiise trigono, striato, rigido; ia\àa squarrosis, pedalilms, rigide coriaceis, fexuosis,pungentibus,
apices versus carinatis, denticulatis ; bracteis foliaceis, elongatis, basi lata decurrentibus ; pseud-amentis
spieularum unilateralibus, interruptis.
A tall, rigid, squarrose, excessively harsh plant, allied to Hoîoschoenus, very yellow when dry, much used for
thatching, etc., by the •osiriea.—Rhizome creeping, sheathed, woody. Culms erect, stout, three-angled, striated.
t-3 feet high, leafy at the base, bearing at the top a kind of malformed catkin, or succession of catkins, amongst
which grow very long, foliaceous, rigid, wiry hraoteoe. Leaves very numerous, squaiTose, concave ahove, keeled below
towards the long harsh points, margins cutting, with minute teeth. Mmering part of culm a span long, of confluent
clusters of sessile red-brown spikelets, occupying one side only of the cGm. and spirally arranged. Brac-
teal leaves with adnate, open, denticulate, sheathing, decurrent bases, prodnce'd into flexnose, rigid, subulate
apices, a foot long, Spihelets sessUe, globose, of many imbricated, concave, striated, blunt, obovate, shining scales.
Stamens Ihxav, anthers linear, with a long terminal .awn. Ovary without bristles; styk trifld, deciduous, not
jointed. Nut compressed, broadly obovate, blunt, quite smooth. (Name from Secr/ip, a bundle or truss, and
<rxoLvo<s, a rush.)
1 . Desmoschoenus i Iis, Hook. fil. Isolepis spiralis, A. Rich. Flor. p . 105. t. 19. A. Cunn. Prodr.
Scirpus frondosus, Banhs et Sol. MSS.
H a b . Northern and Middle Islauds, Banks and Solander, etc. Nat. iüame, “ Pingao/’ Colenso.
Spiailm solitariæ v. umbellate, uudique imbricatæ, fere omnes floriferæ. Stylus compressus, ovario
articGatus, basi ciliatus, bGbosus. Stigmata 2, raro 8. Setæ hypogynæ 0.
Chiefly tropicd grassy weeds, abundant in Australia. There is but one New Zealand species (apparently the
F velata of Port Jackson), forming a slender tufted herb, a span high, with panicled spreading involúcrate umbels
ol ovate, acute, pedicellate, compressed spikelets. Leaves slender, long, filUorm, subulate, soft; involucral ones
longer than the miloreseence. Soaks aU bearing flowers, imbricated on aU sides, ovate, acute, nerved, recurved
scabrid or hispid at the back. Bristles 0. Slamen one. Styk bifid, compressed, bulbous below, the bGb covered
with long odia, that spread downwards over the ovary. Nut turgid, broadly obovate, compressed, with thickened
margins, white smooth surface, surmounted with the persistent bGbous base of the style. (Name from the /lm
Iriated styk.) ■’
1. Eimbristylis velata, Br. ; cGmis gracilibus flaccidis, foliis subsetaceo-filiformibus cGmo æquilongis
va^ms glaberrimis, umbeUa composita involucrum æquante v. superante, spicGis ovatis acutis pedicellatis
paUidis, squamis subrecurvis sparse hispidis subacutis nervosis monandris, nuce late obovata pallida lævi
compressa marginibus incrassatis, styli bifiG basi pilis densissime sublanata.—A-, Prodr.
H a b . Northern Island. Bay of Islands, Auckland, etc., Colenso, Sinclair.
Gen. VII. CAEPHA, Banks et Sol.
^fasciculatæv.pamculatæ,um.^^^^^^ distichæ, inferiores vacuæ. Setæ hypogynæ
, p anæj meares^ plumosæ, squamis æquÜongæ. Stylus trifidusj ovario inarticulatus. Nux
prismatica, stjli basi cuspidata,
Y ' “ ’' =“ fogl* southern latitude, m Fuegia another
of Port Jackson, and the thhd of lofty mountains of Tasmania and New ZeGand.-a alpina is a deifsefy tu fte l
g . iry a pme plant, an mch to a foot high. Leaves linear-setaceous, blunt, grooved above, with broad, quite
smooth shining sheaths,which are sometimes scabrous to the touch. Culms longer or shorter than the leaves, slender,
obtusely three-angled, Spikelets in few, sessile or pedicelled fascicles from the axil of a bracteal leaf. \ mch long,
of four to six glabrous, linear oblong, sHning, concave scales; lower smaller, empty; upper fertile. Bristles six,
large, flat, feathery, very conspicuous. Stamem three, Styk bifid. Nut trigonous, (Name from chaff;
in allusion to the chaffy scales.)
1. Carpha alpina, Br.; foliis scaberulis lævibusve lineari-setaceis obtusis, spiculis paucis fascicGatis
1-floris, setis per totam longitudinem plumosis.—Br. Prodr.
H a b . Northern and Middle Islands. Top of Enaliine range and Taupo plains, Colenso. Nelson,
Morse’s Mountain, 4.-5,000 feet, Bidwill. Chalky Bay, Lyall.
Spiculæ fasciculate v. paGcGatæ. Squamæ distichæ (raro undique imbricate), pleræque vacuæ, extimæ
minores vacuæ, 1-3 superiores floriferæ (in C. tenax 0). Setæ hypogynæ squamis breviores. StyUs
'Rigid, grassy plants of Australia. Tasmama, New Zealand, South Africa, and extra-tropical South America.—
Spikekts capitate, panicled or fascicled, one- to three-flowered. Scales distichous; lower smaUer, empty. BrisUes
three to six. or very numerous, shorter than the scales, none in 0. tenax. Stamens three, Styk falling away from
the turgid trigonous nut. (Name from xo-irq, a hair, and cnropos, a seed.)
§ a. Scales distichous. Spikelets compressed.
1. Chætospora tenax, Book. 61. ; culmis elongatis subaphyllis tereti-compressis, vaginis in laminam
brevem subulatam culmo appressam productis, spiculis subpaniculatis erectis pedicellatis lineari-oblongis
pallide brunneis 3-floris, squamis distichis acuminatis eiiervibus subciliatis, setis nullis, stylo 2-3-fido.
H a b . Northern and Middle Islands. Dry hills, abundant, Cunningham, etc.
Tufted 14-a feet high. Culms rounded and compressed, smooth, polished, slender, with long sheaths below
that bear short subulate grooved laminm, 1 inch long, Spikelets erect, \ inch long, panicled, few together, from
eaeh upper sheath, peduncles longer than the sheath. Scales pale brown, opaque, lanceolate-ovate, acnminate,
concave, nerveless, subcUiate. Bristles 0. Slyks two or three. Nut turgid, with three thick angles, and the faces
obscurely transversely waved.—Yery closely allied to tbe following.
2. Chætospora Tendo, Hook. fil. ; cGmis fasciculatis elongatis Giformibus canaliculatis lævibus rigidis
aphyllis, vagiuis basi lamina brevi subiilata culmo appressa, spiculis subpaniculatis erectis lineari-ovatis
3-floris, squamis Gsticliis castaneis subcarinatis acummatis, setis pancis brevibus, mice túrgida albida
obscure 3-§ona lævi. Cyperus Tendo, Banks et Sol. MSS.
H a b . Northern Island. Opmagi, in wet, shrubby places, Banks and Solander. On clay hills,
common, Sinclair, etc.
A smaller, more slender species than 0. tenax, with grooved culm, smaUer dark brown spikelets, evident bristles
to the ovary, and a turgid, hardly angled, quite smooth-surfaced white nut.
3. Chætospora pauciflora. Hook, fib; culmis cæspitosis filiformibus rigidis striatis basi vaginatis
1 -foliatis, folio sctaceo erecto, spicGis 3-4-floris paucis supra apicem cGmi paiiicGatim fascicGatis, pedicellis
gracilibus, squamis distichis carinatis acummatis glaberrimis, setis nuce bis longiore, nuce trígono pallide
brunnea mtida lineis impressis punctatim striata.
H a b . Northern Island ; bogs. Tongariro and Batía, Colenso.
A slender wiry speeies, a span to three feet high. Oulrm angled, striated, covered with chesnnt-brown sheaths
below, each wMr one short subulate grooved leaf. Fanieks solitary, lateral, short, ot a few pedicellate spikelets.
3 Y