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Var. a. angustifolia; foliorum segmentis angustissimis.
Var. /9. latifolia; foliorum segmentis brevioribus latioribus.
Hab. Northern and Middle Islands. Eocky east and southern coasts, and interior of the Northern
and all parts of the Southern Islands ; also fonnd on the mountains, Banks and Solander, Forster, Bidwill,
Colenso, Lyall, etc. Nat. name, “ Kuri Kuri,” Middle Island, Iryall,
One of the most remarkable plants of its large Natural Order and of New Zealand, very aromatic, perfectly
glabrous everywhere, but tuberculated minutely at tbe cartilaginous edges of the le.ives and ribs of the stem, etc.
Boot as thick as the wrist. Stem thicker than the thumb, deeply channelled, granulated on the surface. Baikal
leaves numerous, spreading. Sheaths 1-3 inches long, 1 -H broad, with erect spinescent araiculoe at the top.
Leaves 8 inches to 2 feet long, pinnate, with the pmiiæ very long and spreading; rachis or common petiole compressed,
distinctly jointed on to the sheath and at every pair- of pinntc, which are opposite, grass-like in appearance,
but uot in texture, 1-2 feet long, 2-6 Hnes broad, acuminate, pungent ; midrib very strong, tuberculate ; margins
cartilaginous, crenulatc-dentate. Floral leaves witb rigid glossy channelled sheaths 1 inch long, and three to five
long subulate lobes, of which the lateral often project horizontally, and the middle one (wliich is much the longest,
2ta inches) points downwards ; altogether these leaves form a compact chevaux-de-frise around the flowers. Male
umbels compound, spreading : female smaller, shorter, less compound, nestling amongst the sheaths. Carpels
A inch long.—Very variable in the breadth of the leaf-lobes. The whole plant assumes, when dry, a rich bright
yellow colour. Mr. Bidwill and 1L-. Colenso both regard the variety with broad pinnoe as distinct, but the former
botanist never finds It in flower, and 1 perceive no difference in tbe flowers and fruit of Mr. Colenso’s. Var. S may
be the first year’s broad leaves of a biennial or perennial plant. Mr. Bidwill says that this plant often grows 9 feet
high, and so densely as to render tracts of country impassable to aU but pigs, wbo grub up the roots for food ; he
adds, that it exudes an aromatic gnm-resin in great abundance, that eveiy part tastes bke all the garden JJmbel-
liferm, and that it might be cultivated to advantage. It is closely abied to the foUowing genus, and, like it, is
usuaUy dioecious, but hermaphrodite flowers often occm', especially in the male umbels.
Gen. VII. ANISOTOME, Hook.Jil.
Dioica V. polygamo-monoica. Fructus dorso compressus, late ovato-oblongiis v. elongatus, alatus.
Carpella plano-convexa, dissimiUa (rarius simiUa), unico jugis 5 omnibus alatis, altero (sæpe abortivo) jugis
4 V. 5 aliis alatis aliis filiformibus; valleculis grosse vittatis; semine profunde sulcato v. tereti. Calycis
margo contractus, inæqualiter 5-dentatus. Petala apice inflexa. Stamina incurva. Stylopodia $ magna,
depressa ; stylis Î elongatis. JJmbeïlæ compositæ ; involucris 0 v. oligophyllis, sæpe foliosis.— Herboe
hahitu varies, ereeiee, prostrates v. mhscandentes; foliis pinnatis v. decompositis.
A remarkable genus of perfectly smooth, herbaceous, veiy aromatic, herbaceous or half-shrubby plants, often
attaining a great size, first described in the ‘ Flora Antarctica ’ from two Auckland Island species, which are much
larger than any hitherto found in New Zealand. Calyx margin of five unequal teeth. Petals with an inflexed
point. Stamens long, incurved. Stylopodia of male flowers broad and flat ; of the female conical, terminaling in
long erect styles. Fruit oblong, broad or narrow. Carpels dorsally compressed, unequal, rarely equal, one often
empty, ab with winged ribs, five in the perfect carpels (two lateral and three dorsal), as many or fewer in the other
carpel, where two or more are reduced to mere lines. Umbels compound.—This genus is, as far as at present known,
confined to New Zealand and the islands south of it. (Name from amios, nneejml, and repxa, to out ; Irom the
unequal carpels of the fruit.)
§ a. Erect, herbaceous. Leaves radical, compound.
1. Anisotome Lyallii, Hook, fib; robusta, caule striato ramoso, ramis floriferis, foliis 1-2-podalibus
bi-tri-pinnatisectis oblongis, petiolo crasso articulato basi vaginante, pinnis primariis late oblongis raclii articulato
secundariis in lobos lineares obtusos varie incisis.
Hab. Middle Island. Port Preservation, Lyall.
Of this fine plant I have only one specimen, past flower ; in many respects it much resembles A. anlipoia, Fl.
Antaret., but is not a yard high, and has much less compound leaves. Stem as thick as the middle finger, branched
above into numerous, many-flowered, compound umbels. 2-4 inches across. Leaves 1-2 feet long, erect, recurved,
bi-tri-piimate. Petiole with a broad sheath below, jointed tlirougbout its length, and deeply grooved in the dried
specimens. Primary pimue 1-4 inches loug, coriaceous, smooth, their partial petiole also jointed; secondary
oblong, deeply cut into linear, blniit, narrow lobes.
2. Anisotome intermedia, Hook. fil. ; caule erecto superne florífero, foliis radicabbus longe petiolatis
(petiolo articulato basi vaginato) oblongis bipinnatis, pinnis primariis late ovatis secundariis sessibbus obovato
cuneatis inciso-lobatis dentatisque segmentis subacutis, involucri universalis et partialis foliolis linea-
ribns acutis peduncubs brevioribus, fructibus breve pediceUatis lineari-oblongis, stybs elongatis, carpellis
fertilibus unico 5- altero 4-alato, semine profunde sulcato.
Hab. Middle Island. Port Preservation, Lyall.
A much smaller plant than the former, 8-1 0 inches Ibgh, but similar in aU other respects, except in the less
divided leaves and less out pinnules. Leaves 5-S inches long,,including the long jointed petiole, recurved, l i inch
broad across the pinnæ, which are in four to eight pair, broadly ovate in ontbne, with a jointed secondary petiole ;
pinnules obovate or cuneate, A inch long, sessile, deeply cut and lobed. Fniting stem as thick as a crow-quill,
several times divided, with a broad sheathing leaf at the fork, which bears a smab, much reduced lamina. Umbels
l i inch across. Involucral leaves line.ar, shorter than the primaiy branches, which are i inch long. Fruit narrow,
A inch long, crowned with the long diverging styles. Carpets both fertile ; one five-, the other four-winged ; both
having as many stout vittæ in the pericarp, and strong grooves iu the seed, as there are spaces between tbe wings.
—This is intermediate between A. Lyallii and A. aromatica.
g b. Erect, herbaceous. Leaves all radical, pinnate.
3. Anisotome Gingidium, Hook. fil. ; caulibus e radice paucis v. plurimis erectis superne ramosis, foliis
longe petiolatis bneari-oblongis pinnatis, pinnis oppositis sessbibus imbricatis inferioribus dissitis late ovato-
rotuiidatis obtusis basi obliquis serratis reticulatim venosis, umbeUis multifloris, floribus plerisque unisexualibus,
involucro iiullo, carpeUis æqualibus, jugis lateralibus alatis dorsalibus filiformibus. Ligusticum
Gingidium, BC. Prodr. A. Gunn. Prodr. L. anisatum. Banks et Sol. MSS. et le. Gingidium moii-
tanum, Forst. Gen.
Hab. Northern Island; central and southern Banks and Solander, Colenso, Bidwill. Middle
Island; common, Forster, Lyall.
A very strong-scented, tab, stout herb, with one or many branching stems, and many radical leaves, given olf
from a thick fleshy divided root. Leaves 4-10 inches long, pinnate; petiole longer than the leaf, which latter is
linear-oblong. PmniB six to ten pair, often imbricating, 1-2 inches long, sessile, broadly ovate, blunt, obliquely
cordate or truncate at the base, serrate with small teeth, without any nerves, but covered with reticulated veins.
Stems longer than the leaves, deeply striate, branching above, with broadly sheathing short leaves at the fork, hi-
volucre 0. Umbels eight- to twelve-rayed; rays many-flowered, unisexual or hermaphrodite. Flowers shortly pedicellate,
white. Fruit obovate, with broad lateral wings. Carpets equal ; lateral ribs winged, broad ; dorsal filiform.
Seed deeply cliaimebcd,
4. Anisotome aromatica. Hook, fil.; dioica, foliis radicalibus recurvis liuearibus pinnatis, petiolo vaginante
articulato breviusculo, foUolis sub-8-jugis sessilibus oppositis venosis late cuneato-ovatis creiiato-den-
tatis V. profunde incisis, lobis linearibus acutis aristatis, caule scapiformi erecto parce diviso axillis 1-foliatis,
umbellis masculis majoribus multifloris, floribus albis, involucri foliolis p.aucis lineari-subulatis, c.arpellis
i '