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(towers, not so densely crowded as in the V. Macroura, rather large, hut snaaUer than iu Y. macnearpa and speciosa.
Sepals ovate-lanceolate or ohlong-lanceolate, very variable in the proportion they beai- to the tube of the corolla.
Capsules generally small.—A most abundant and variable plant in all particulars, and one I am quite at a loss how
to detine. There are no characters possessed by the other species of this section (except Y. speciosa and pubescens)
that one or more of my immense suite of specimens of this docs not present in leaf, flower, or fruit. I have it from
fully forty stations between the Bay of Islands and Southern Island of New Zealand.
5. Veronica macrocarpa, Vahl; fruticosa v. subarborea, ramulis glabris junioribus subcompressis, foliis
sessilibus lanceolatis linearibusve subobtusis v. acutis integerrimis glaberrimis, racemis puberulis v. glabratis,
floribus amplis, sepalis lanceolatis ovato-lanceolatisve coroUæ tubo duplo brevioribus, capsula magna ovato-
oblonga acuta calyce subtriplo longiore. Yahl, Sj/mb. v. 8. p . 4. Benth. I. c.
Var. S- myriifolia ; racemis glabratis, sepalis tubo corollæ paulo brevioribus capsulaque obtusa duplo
brevioribus. V. myrtifolia, Banhs et Sol. MSS. et Ic. Benth. I. o.
Ha b . Northern, Middle, and Southern Islands, Banks and Solander. Mount Egmont, Dieffenbaeh.
Cook’s Straits, R Urmlle. Bay of Islands, Loyan, etc. Port William, LyaU.
Very closely allied to V . salicifolia, but on the whole a larger plant in all its parts, especially in flower and capsule,
upon which its characters mainly depend. Leaves as in Y. salicifolia, but sometimes 6 inches long, and usuaUy
narrower. Eacernes smooth or pubendous, very many but not densely flowered, shorter than the leaves. Pedicels
slender. Flowers large, as in Y. speciosa, deep blue or pale lilac, nearly i inch long, with long exserted stamens.
Corolla lobes the length of the tube. Sepah ovate or oblong-lauceolate. sharp, shorter than the tube of the calyx,
half as long as the large black capsule, which is blunt in var. /3.—Dr. LyaU’s Southern Island specimens have
leaves only a inches long, and veiy pale flowers ; they are not in fruit.
6. Veromca ligustrifolia, A. Cunn.; suffruticosa, laxe ramosa, foliis oblongis lineari-oblongis anguste
liueari-lanceolatisve obtusiusculis integerrimis glabris, racemis laxifloris vix puberulis, sepalis ovatis lanceolatisve
acutis coroUæ tubum æquantibus, capsula ovata acuta calyce subduplo longiore. A. Cunn. in Bot.
Mag. sub t. 3481. Benth. I. c.
Var. /3. aculiflora ; foliis angustis elongatis, sepabs lanceolatis aonminatis tubo corollæ snbduplo longioribus.
V. acutiflora, Benth. I. e. V. angustifoUa, A. Cunn. Prodr. non Itich.
Ha b . Northern and Middle Islands. Bay of Islands, at tbe faUs of the Keri Keri Biver, Cunningham,
etc. Akaroa, Raoul.
Mr. Bentham doubts whether this be not the saliàfoVia of Vahl, a point it is impossible to clear up from descriptions,
that species and this being very closely aUied. The chief characters of Y. ligustrifolia are its smaU size
(1-3 feet high), tbe much smaller. usuaUy narrower, and more linear blunt foliage, and the short racemes. Leaves
lA-2 inches long, aud A inch broad in var. ft sometimes 4 inches by i inch broad, blunt. liacemes 2-S inches
long, 6 or 6 inches m var. /3. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, sharp, as long as or longer than the tube of the corolla.
Capsule smaU.—This species may best be known by its general characters, which are its smaU size, oblong or
narrow. Unear, blunt leaves, and short racemes of rather large loose flowers on long pedicels.
7. Veronica yiBray?»»-«, Vahl ; fruticosa, glabra, foliis anguste lineari-lanceolatis acutis muoronatisve
integerrimis sæpissime carinatis, racemis numerosis gracilibus glabris v, puberulis multifloris, floribus sæ-
pissirae parvis folio æquilongis v. longioribus, pedicellis brevissimis, sepalis obtusis corollæ tubo capsubsque
duplo brevioribus. YaU, Symb. v. 3. p . 4. Benth. I. c. V. angustifolia, A. Eich. Flora. V. stenophvlla
Steud. Nom. Bot.
A ar. /3. phillyreæfolia; foliis anguste lineari-elliptico-oblongis subacutis, racemis folio longioribus den-
sifloris, sepalis parvis obtusis, corollis majusculis.
Ha b . Northern and Middle Islands. Cook’s Straits, N Urmlle. Abundant on the southern coasts,
and in the interior of the Northern Island, Bidwill, Colenso. Nelson, from the sea to 3000 feet, BidAoill.
Nat. name, “ Koromiko,’’ Bidvnll (also given to all the shrubby species). Ei. all summer. Var. /3. Nelson;
abundant, Bidwill.
This in its typical form appears a most distinct species, the foliage being of the small size of V. ligustrifolia,
but more coriaceous, narrower, short and keeled, while the flowers are much smaller, on very stout pedicels, and
more dense; but I have some specimens with larger, looser-packed flowers, and others with plane leaves, very like
those of V. ligustrifolia.—A shrub 6 feet high. Branches black. Leaves l-2 g inches long, 4 broad, linear, sharp or
mucronate, coriaceous, concave, keeled. Racemes axillary, generally rather short and thick. Floicers pale lilac,
crowded on short pedicels, tubular, 4 inch long. Sepah oblong, blunt, much shorter than the tube of the corolla
and than the broad capsule, which is two lines long, but variable.
8. Veronica pubescens. Banks et Sol.; fruticosa, foliis undique pilis brevibus nifo-fulvis obtectis
oblongo-lanceolatis integerrimis villosis, racemis axillaribus multifloris, sepalis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis
liirtis, capsula ovata subacuta calycem duplo superante. Banks et Sol. MSS. et Ic. Benth. I. c.
H a b . Northern Island. Opuragi, in woods. Banks and Solander.
A shrub 6 feet high, covered everywhere when dry with red-brown hairs. Leaves 1-2 inches long
lanceolate. Racemes axillary, many-flowered ; sepals oblong, lanceolate, sharp, hairy, half the length of the capsules.
—This very distinct species has not been found since Cook’s first voyage.
§ b. Shrubs or small trees, with coriaceous, perennial, decussate, crowded or imbricate, uniform, veinless, quite entire,
fa t or keeled leaves, often giving the branches a square appearance. Racemes axillary or terminal, corymbose,
rarely solitary. Capsule septicidal; valves bifd.
9. Veronica diosmoefolia, A. Cunn. ; fruticosa, glaberrima, foliis breviter petiolatis lanceolatis oblongis
ellipticisve acutis rigidis glaberrimis v. remote glauduloso-deuticulatis, racemis brevibus ad apices ramorum
corymboso-ramosis, sepalis 3 obtusis supremo latissimo, inferioribus ovatis coroUæ tubum æquantibus, capsula
calyce duplo longiore. A. Cunn. in Bot. Mag. sub t. 3461. et Frodr. Benth. I. c.
H a b . Northern Island. Bay of Islands, and Hokianga, Cunningham, Edgerley, etc.
A slender shrub, 3-12 feet high; much branched. Branches strict, leafy. Leaves decussate, closely placed,
spreading, concave and keeled, elliptical or oblong, 4-1 inch long. Racemes short, in coiymbs towards the ends of
the branches. Floicers numerous, smaU, white. Calyx 1 hue long, of three sepals ; upper very broad, lower as long
as the tube of the corolla, half as long as the capsule. Seeds few, large, much compressed.
10. Veronica Menziesii, Benth. ; fruticosa, glaberrima, foUis breviter petiolatis oblongis lineari-oblongisve
acutis rigidis, racemis brevibus ad apices ramorum corymboso-ramosis, sepalis 4 lanceolatis subacutis
capsula dimidio brevioribus. Benth. I. c.
H a b . Middle Island. Dusky Bay, Menzies. Nelson, BidwiU.
Very similar to V. diosmoefolia.—A shrub, with obloug acute petiolate leaves, which are rigid and sharp. Racemes
short, corymbose. Flowers purplish-white. Sepals four, lanceolate, sharp, half the length of the capsule.—
JL. Bidwill’s specimens arc from a garden in Nelson, into which the plants were brought from the neighbourhood.
11. Veronica elliptiea, Eorst.; fruticosa v. arborea, glabra, v. ramulis puberulis canisve, foliis brevissime
petiolatis ovali- v. oblongo-eUipticis mucronatis integerrimis, racemis axillaribus brevibus paucifioris
rarius corymboso-ramosis, sepalis 4 ovatis mm’ginatis acutis corollæ tubo paulo brevioribus, capsulis late
ovatis. Forst. Frodr, Benth. in DC. Frodr. Fl. Antarct. V. decussata, Ho/A Bot. Mag. t. 242.
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