A shorter more robust plant than E. muoronata. Stems ^ foot high, shghtly compressed. Leaves
mohes long. ^ broad, ng.d, nerved and stnated, sharp or acuminate. Panicleri^A, rarely simple, usually with mauy
er„m„ manj-flowered distichous branches. Bracts crowded, imbricated. Flowers white, speckled, «épaisbroadly
oblong. Petals ovate. Labellum broad, obscurely three-lobed, retuse.
Perianthii foKola membranacea, patentia. Sepala lateralia majora, obliqua, cum pede columnæ connata
l a M h m pede columnæ ai-ticulatum v, connatum, sessile. Colnmna semiteres, basi longe producta.
Anthera 2-locularis. Pollinia 4, per paria collateralia.—Herbæ , ‘ ‘
A very large Tropical Asiatic genus, of which several species are found in Australia and Polynesia, and one in
Lew Zealand. D. Ommnghamu is a tufted epiphyte, with masses of cylindrical white roots on trunks of trees etc
and nnmerous, pendnlons, slender, wiiy, polished, branching stems, 1-2 feet long. Leaves numerous, distiJhous’
1 ly meh long, ^ broad, hnear, acuminate, striated, pale green, three-nerved. Flowers i inch broad, in axiUarv
slender, branched, two- or more-flowered racemes, which are shorter than the leaves. Pedicels slender, bracteolate’
Leaflets of the perianth nearly equal in length. Sepals acute, upper narrower, lower broad, united at the base tm
gether and with the base of the lip, into a blunt prominent spur. Petals oblong, blunt. Lip continuous with the
base of tbe column ; claw long, connate with the lower sepals ; lamina tbree-lobed ; outer lobes small middle broad
retuse, or truncate, broader than long, undulated; disc with five lamellæ.-This species is allied to the Polvnesiaé
D. bflorum, Sw., of Otabeite. (Name from Mpov, a tree, and «.„r, life; in allusion to the epiphytical habit.)
1. Dendrobium Cunninghamii, L in d l; caubbus pendulis fasciculatis ramosis gracilibus teretibus
fobosis, foliis distichis bnearibus acuminatis striatis 3-neryiis, peduncubs gracbibus 2-4-floris fobo breviori
bus sepabs ovatis acutis, petabs oblongis subacntis, labeUo 3-lobo, lobis lateralibus parvis obtusis inter
medio ampio undulato retuso, disco 5-lamellato. L in il. in Bot. Beg. sub 1756. A. Cunn. Prodr ’d bi
florem, A. Rich. Flor. non Swartz. Epidendrum biflorum, Porst. Prodr. E. ramosum. Banks et Sol. MSS.
Hab. Throughout the Islands, as far south as Stewart’s Island, Banks and Solander, etc.
Gen. I I I . BOLBOPHTLLUM, Thouars.
Sepala subæqualia; lateralia obliqua, pede columnæ connata; petala plerumque minora. Labellum
pede columnæ articnlatum, unguicnlatum, sæpius integrum et posticum. Columna naua, antice 2-cornis
tH H ffro fo^qtoalia-Herbæ epiphjticæ ; rhizomate repente, pseud?-
This genus abounds throughout the Tropics, but few speeies bave been found south of those limits The New
Zealand B. pygmeeum is one of the smallest, and forms flat mossy masses of interwoven creeping rhizomata and long
fibrous mots on tbe limbs of trees. Pseudo-bulbs rounded, the size of a pepper-corn. Xra/solitary sessile
bnear-oblong, conaceous, i inch long, grooved down the middle. Fkwers very minute, solitary, ou a braoteaté
pedicel nsiug from the base of tbe psendo-bulb. Ovary short, turgid, gibbous, hairy. Upper sepal hooded, subaeute
; foferal very broadly ovate, acute, united with the claw of the labellum into a blunt prominent spur. Petals
linear-oblong. blunt, shorter than tbe sepals. Lip with an articulate, ovate, blunt lamina; disc with thickened lines
down the centre. Column very short, with two prominent teeth in front. (Name from RoXfloz. a bulb, and .(.uUor,
1. BolbophyUum pygmarurn, Lindl. ; rhizomate intertexto repente, pseudobulbis depressis, folio lineari
oblongo subacuto, pedúnculo 1 -floro bracteato fobo æquilongo, ovario túrgido perianthioque minimo pilosis.
sepalis late ovatis acutis, petalis minoribus obtusis, labelli lamina ovata obtusa, disco sublamellato. lAndL
Gen. et Sp. Orchid. A. Cunn. Frodr. Epidendrum, Banhs et Sol. MSS. et Ic.
H a b . Throughout the Islands, as far south as Dusky Bay, Banks and Solander, etc. Nat. name,
“ Piri-Piri,” Col.
Ferianthium carnosum ; sepala subæqualia, obtusa, lateralia basi cum labelli basi connata ; pelala
minora, obtusa; labellum columna continuum, ecalcaratum, calceiforme, lobo intermedio carnoso solido.
Columna brevis, erecta, semiteres. Anthera 2-locularis. Pollinia 4, ceracea, per paria arete cohærentia, in
caudicula latiuscula, glandulæ stigmatis affixa, sessilia.—Epiphyticæ ; caule brevi ; foliis disticBs.
A small genus of New Holland and Malayan epiphytical plants, of which one species inhabits New Zealand.—
S. parvijloi'us is a short-stemmed herb, with veiy long fibrous aerial roots, running along the trunks of trees.
Leaves three to five, distichous, shortly sheathing at the base, coriaceous, linear-oblong, blunt, lg-24 inches long.
Flowers very small, fleshy, rather crowded in axillaiy pedunculate racemes, which are shorter than the leaves, white
speckled with purple. Bracteæ membranous, shorter than the germen. Sepals broadly oblong, blunt, lower broadest,
united below to the base of the lip. Fetals smaller, oblong, blunt. Lip continuous with the base of the column,
very thick and fleshy, orbicidar, very concave, margins recurved, blunt, with a thick, lobed callus at the lower
end ; disc concave, with thickened ridges. Column short. Anther two-celled. Pollens four, waxy, globular, closely
united in pairs, seated on a flat broad caudicle, which is fixed by a broad gland to the stigma. (Name from crap$,
Jlesli, and a Up.)
1. Sarcochilus adversus, Hook. fil. ; caule brevissimo, foliis lineari-oblongis obtusis, racemis multifloris,
floribus minimis, sepalis petalisque late oblongis obtusis, labello concavo, disco lineis incrassatis aucto apice
calloso. Epidendrum aclversum. Banks et Sol. 3ISS. et Ic.
H a b . Northern Island. Opuragi, Banks and Solander. Bay of Islands and Wairarapa, Edgerley,
Perianthium ringens; sepala distincta v. basi cohærentia; petala inæquüateralia; labellum posticum
unguiculatum, indivisum, ecalcaratum. Columna trifida, laciuiis lateralibus (staminodiis) membranaceis
integris bifidisve. Anthera dorsalis; loculis 2 approximatis. Pollinia 2, apice stigmatis affixa, pulverea.
—Ilerbæ terrestres monophyllæv. apliyllæ ; floribus caule vaginato ; foliis fstulosis j radice tuberosa.
Terrestrial Austrahan, Tasmanian, and New Zealand plants, with fleshy round tuberous roots and simple stems :
leafless, or with one fistular leaf. Flowers spiked, green, small, spreading. Sepals distinct, or the two lower united
below. Petals smaller, with the nerves nearer one margin. Lip superior, clawed ; lamina thick and fleshy, without
lobes, appendices, or spur. Column tvifid; lateral lobes erect, large, membranous, entire or divided. Anther
placed behind tbe column, two-celled. Pollens two, granular, two-lobed. (Name from -rrpacros, green, and «^vAAov,
a leaf.)
1. Prasopliyllum Colensoi, Hook, fil.; caule supra medium foUato, folio racemum superante, ovariis
obovatis tumidis, bractea parva obtusa pedicellum mquante, sepalis obtusis posticis basi counatis, labello
breviter unguiculato trulliformi apice incrassato subacuto, anthera obtusa, columnæ lobis lateralibus brevissimis
inæqualiter 2-lobis.
H a b . Northern and Middle Islands, common. East Coast and interior, Colenso. Canterbury, Lyall.
Boot a round tuber, with thick fibres at the crown. Stem erect, a span to a foot long, slender or robust, witb
a membranous sheath at the base, and one long leaf, sheathing half-way up. Baceme many-flowered. Flowers small,
sweet-scented ; bract as short as the pedicel, bhmt ; ovary obovate, gibbous. Perianth 4-4 iuch long. Lower
3 o