
Í ringens, membranaceum. Sepalum snperius cum petalis in galeam cohmrens ; laterales
basi connata. Lahellum unguiculatum, subinclusum, basi gibbosum v. appencliculatum. Columna basi
cum galea adnata, apice alata, medio stigmatifera. Anthera terminalis, persistens. Pollinia 4, compressa.
—Herbie tuberosa, terrestres,/o lia ta ; floribus majusculis, membranaceis, viridibus.
A large Australian and Tasmanian genus of herbaceous, delicate, membranous, or succulent transparent green
plants.—fe re s rosidate or sheathing up the stem. Mowers solitary in all the New Zealand species, usually large
and green. Upper sepal concave, attached at the base to the back of the column, conniving with the linear petals
to form a hood over the column ; lateral sepals combined at the base, or up to the middle. Lip clawed, narrow,
included in the perianth. Claw with a callus or a curved appendix. Column usually slender, winged above, with
the stigma on the face about half-way up. Anther terminal. (Name from wrepov, a wing, and oxvXov, a column.)
1. Pterostylis iJafflfei, Br. ; caule folioso, foliis lineari-lanceolatis carinatis longe acuminatis, flore
magno, perianthii foliolis longe caudatis, labello lineari basi appendicula curva lineari-elongata apice villosa.
Bot. Mag. A 3172. A. Cunn. Proclr. Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid.
IIab. Northern and Middle Isknds. As far south as Akaroa, Banhs and Solander, etc.
Much the largest and largest-flowered New ZeGand species. 6-18 inches high. Leaves numerous, sheathing
the whole stem, produced much beyond the flowers, nai-row, grassy, acuminate. Mower l i - 8 inches long. SepaU
and petaU produced into very long filiform tails. Lip with a long claw, narrow, Hnear-oblong; appendix long,
curved, tipped with a pencil of hairs.
2. Pterostylis australis, Hook. fil. ; caule foliato^ foliis anguste lineari-oblongis planis acuminatis,
scapo ultra folia elongato. flore erecto, sepalis lateralibus subulatis erectis, supremo petalisque ultra medium
decurvis longe acuminatis, labello lineari longe unguiculato, appendicula breviuscula curva apice peni-
H.1B. Middle and Southern Isknds. Port WilHam and Thomson’s Sound, Lyall.
Nearly as large as P. Banksii, but the leaves are shorter, broader, not keeled, reticulated. Stem sheathed by
the leaves. Benanth |- 1 mch long, erect at the base, then suddenly curved downwards. Lateral sepals with
subulate erect tips. Upper sepals and petals with long acuminate points. Lip as in P. Banksii, but the appendix
is shorter.
3. Pterostylis graminea, Hook, fib; caule breviusculo foliato, foliis linearibus lineari-lanceolatisve
acuminatis, periantbio suberecto lente curvo foliolis acuminatis, labello lineari-oblongo, appendicula brevius-
cula curva penicillata.
H ab. Northern and Middle Isknds. Auckland, Sinclair. East coast, Colenso.
A small species, 4-6 inches high, Uke a miniature of P. Banksii, but without the long tails to the perianth,
which is only i - i inch long.
4. Pterostylis/KiWaeya, Hook, fil.; foliis radicalibus petiolatis lineari-oblongis subacutis, caulinis
superioribus vaginantibus, flore (pro pianta) magno erecto lente curvo, petalis sepaHsque acuminatis lateralibus
apice subulatis erectis, labello lineari, appendicula breviuscula apice penicillata.
H ab. Northern Island, Edgerley. East coast, Colenso.
Stem slender, 4-8 inches long. Radical leaves few. petiolate, 2 inches long, linear-oblong, hardly acute ■
cauline numerous, upper sessile. Flower large for the size of the plant (whence the name), 1 | inch long, erect’
curved shghtly. Sepals and petaU acuminate ; lateral sepals with long, erect, subulate apices.
5. Pterostylis Hook, fil; foliis radicalibus petiolatis elliptico-oblongis obtusis v. subacutis
reticulatis, scapo 1-2-foliato, perianthio basi erecto supra medium curvo horizontali, s e p a l i s petalisque acutis,
sepalis lateralibus apice subulatis, labeUo lineari-oblongo, appendice breviuscula apice penicillata.
H ab. Northern Island. Marshy places, East coast, and Ruahine Mountains, Colenso.
This is a very handsome species, but, like its congeners, very variable in size : alpine specimens are almost
stemless, with tln-ee to four sessile radical leaves, a short scape, and a flower hardly exserted beyond them ; more
generally it is an erect plant, a span high, very like the P. micromega, but with larger, more reticulated radical
leaves and flowers, whose perianth (g-1 inch long) is erect at the base, and then curved horizontally, with the tips
of the petals and ujîper sepal bent downwards.
6. Pterostylis tmlUfolia, Hook, fil.; pusilla, caule gracili, foliis radicalibus longe petiolatis late
ovato-cordatis acutis, scapo 2-3-bracteato, perianthio basi erecto dein decurvo, sepalis lateralibus apice
filiformibus supremo petalisque acuminatis, labello lineari, appendice apice peniciUata.
H ab. Northern Island. Bay of Islands, Edgerley, Colenso, etc. Auckland, Sinclair.
A very common slender species, 4-6 inches Mgh. Radical leaves broadly ovate, cordate, triangular or the
form of a trowel, 4 inch long, on slender petioles 4-1 i^ch long. Scape with two or three small bracts. Ferianth
4 inch long, erect below, upper half horizontal or decurved ; lateral sepals vdth fihform erect points, the other
sepal and petals acuminate ; lip linear, with a short subulate blunt appendix, villous at the point.
7. Pterostylis puberula. Hook, fil.; pusilla, foliis radicalibus confertis breve petiolatis ovatis acutis
acuminatisve, scapo glanduloso puberulo 3-bracteato, perianthio basi erecto dein curvo, sepalis lateralibus
apice filiformibus supremo petalisque subacutis, labello lineari-oblongo, appendice snbulata infra apicem
H ab. Northern Island. Auckland, Sinclair.
I have several good specimens of this pecuhar Httle species, which is more robust thau P. trullifolim, with
glandular scape, and crowded ovate acute radical leaves on short petioles. Root of small tubers, attached to loug
fibres. Leaves 4 inch long, with the petioles. Scape 2-3 inches high, with three sheathing bracts. Perianth
■| inch long ; lateral sepals with filiform apices, upper and petals broad and blunt at the tip ; lip linear-obloug, broader
and more membranous than in the previous species, with a dehcate curved appendix, frregularly but sparingly
fimbriate or branehed towards the tip.
8. Pterostylis squamata, Br. ; foliis radicalibus confertis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis, scapo bracteato,
perianthio erecto, sepalis lateralibus brevibus liuearibus obtusis supremo galeato acuto, petalis anguste
lineari-subulatis, columna apice utrinque late alata, alis decurvis margine superiore cornutis. Br. Frodr.
Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid.
H ab. Northern Island. Auckland, Sinclair.
A very singular and beautiful plant, a native of Tasmania, easily recognized by the filiform lip, fringed with
featheiy yellow hairs, and thickened into a round purple glandular head, like that of a nail. Plant 5-8 inches
high. Leaves sessile, numerous, crowded, radical, ovato-lanceolate, acuminate, 4- I inch long. Scape with sheatliing
bracts. Ferianth erect, -f- inch long; upper sepal hooded, acuminate, the narrow petals cohering to its margin;
lateral sepals dcfiexed, linear, blunt, shorter than the upper. Lip with a cm-ved, villous (sometimes blunt, glabrous)
appendix. Column with two broad projecting hooked fimbriated wings at the tip, which have a long erect subulate
Geu. XY. NEMATOCERAS, R o o h fd .
Sepalum supremum cucullatum, lateralia elongata, filiformia, labello supposita, porrecta. Fetala
elongata, filiformia, erecta. Labellum maximum, cucullatum, truucatum, fimbriato-lacerum. Columna brens.
3 Q