
i t .
thickened point. Column very short, with very low two-lobed lateral pieces. Anthr blunt.
t o f f i k n ! ! T a m ! i r >>“ i ™gina fibrosa tunicato, folü vagina cauli
æquilon^a, lamina brevi racemi dimidium æquante, bracteis obtusis pedicello æquilongis v ovatom sub
cy mdraceum elongatum |-æquautibus, sepalis Uberis ovato-lanceolatis petalisque longe acuminatis
late - ‘he™
H ìb . Northern Island. East Coast, Colenso.
close t o l t e ™ : T h l tC ^ ‘h-' ^"eath of the leaf, till
f r é t â t : : : : : : ; « . » .W o M o n , ^ „ . G ,
Anther broadly oblong, with a long point. °
oe q u i l L t Z S u T I t membranacea, foUi vagina cauli
Z i l l r s e T ' i t “ : 1 °hovato A.mquantibu.s,
floribus mimmis sepabs bberis late ovatis acuminatis, labeUo unguiculato, disco carnoso incrassato margine
membranaceo, columnæ lobis laterabbus ampbs 2-3-dentatis, anthera late oblonga mncronata.
H a b . Northern Island, Edgerley. East Coast, Colenso.
b r a n t t s h t l l '™ t " * “ " Y ? " ’ “ fibres. Stem with a memtl
the r a l e h"7 f ° ^ shorter
to a lo u t !■ .’ " ' hroad, acuminate. Up jointed on ta«XA™:r' "“' ■ “ “•—'•»•■ “ ■ a t a
b r e v i b l l : ' ' ' ’” ““ -” ! ' D A " ' brevissima acuta, bracteis
brevibus ob us. oyariis subejbndraceis, sepalis 2 posticis breviter conuatis petdisque ovato-leeolati
profunde bifidis, anthera
Ha b . Northern Island. Port Nicholson and Taupo Lake, Colenso
f e iW i a membranons. large, deeply bifid. broad, with a short mucro. onnate at the base.
Gen. VI. SPIEANTHES, I . Rich.
i i i v e n l t j T l P^fohs in galeam conap.
ee —
s m a f l l l l e r r l r l r ’ Z 1 ‘be glohe. The New ZeGand species is a
acuminat: n lw e d Tn o ! ong p^ioTe o"“ ' q“ " T ^ long, narrow linoar-lanceolate.
lorn. sDirallv twisted 7? / '““ « i s h e G G n g bracts. > 7 « 1-3 inches
ovai; : : 1 ; t J ; s t : ■ Z ' " ! ’ ^ gIa„dGar-pubescent, broadly
linear’-o b lo .r bluG I T placed under the labeUam, rather saccate below
P e l xL oM I " ’ l a r p ; *e(cfe Hnear-oblong. blunt, forming a hood from conniving with tlm
uppe. sepal. Xi* oblong, waved and cnsped, with two glands at the base, its margins enclosing the short colnni
which has no staminodia, and a broad two-lobed blunt anther, placed behind the stigma.—This species differs from
the S. australis of Port Jackson in the narrow labellum. (Name from trirupi), a spike, and avQos, a flower)
I. Spiranthes Novæ-Zelandiæ, Hook, f il; radice fibrosa, foliis anguste lineari-lanceolatis petiolatis,
caule vaginato, bracteis acuminatis folio subæquilongis, ovario brevi glanduloso-pubescente, sepalis puberulis
inferioribus obtusis superiore ovato acuto, petalis lineari-oblongis obtusis, labeUo oblongo obtuso crispato
basi 2-glanduloso.
H a b . Northern Island, Colenso.
Sepala lateralia, anguste linearia, erecta ; superiore crasso galeato obtuso ; petala parva, linearia, bifida
V. integra, sub galea conniventia. Labellum sessile, 3-lobum, breve unguiculatum. brevis ;
staminodiis petaloideis. Anthera dorsalis mutica v. acuta.—Herbæ terrestres, tubero indiviso; foliis
A very smaU genus, consisting of one New Holland and one New Zealand species. Root a long ovoid tuber.
Stem rather stout, erect, 1-2 feet high. Radical leaves sheathing at the base, filifoim. Stem sheathed. Spike
flexuous, four- to eight-flowered. Bracts ovate or lanceolate, acuminate, longer than the flowers. Ovaries pedicellate,
large, linear-oblong, erect, -4-|- inch long. Perianth shorter than the ovary. Lateral sepals linear, quite erect ;
upper concave, hooded, fleshy, blunt. Petals small, linear-obloug, bifid. Lip short, three-lobed, with two glands
at the base. Staminodia subulate. Anther acute. (Name from op^os, straight, and K^pas, a horn)
I . Ortboceras Solandri, Lindi.; caule erecto, folio filiformi longe vaginato, spica fiexuosa 4-S-flora,
bracteis acuminatis florem superautibus, petalis paxvis lineari-oblongis bifidis, labello 3-lobo basi 2-glan-
duloso, staminodiis subulatis, anthera mutica. Lindley, Gen. et Sp. Orchid. 0 . strictum, A. Cunn. Prodr.
non Br. Diuris Novæ-Zelandiæ, A. Bich. Flor. p . 163. t. 25. fg . 1. Ophrys cornuta. Banks et Sol.
MSS. et Ic.
H a b . Northern and Middle Islands, abundant in clay soil. Banks and Solander, etc. Ascends to
4000 feet at Nelson, Bidwill. Nat. name, “ Makaika,” Colenso.
Perianthii foliola omnia conformia. Labellum sessile, conforme. Columna bifida; anthera postica
stigmateque clinandrio petaloideo inclusa, lobis lateralibus (staminodiis) penicillatis v. nudis. Pollinia 4,
stigmatis glandulæ affixa.—Herbæ terrestres ; caule foliato.
Terrestrial herbs, natives of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. Tubers oblong, with long fibres at the
crown. Stem erect, sheathed at the base, and with one generally long leaf. Flowers few, spiked, large. Sepals,
Petals, aud Labellum all similar, the latter sessile. Anther posticous aud stigma hid in the hooded column, which
is made up of column and connate staminodia; the latter project, and are often terminated by tufts of hairs.—The
New Zealand species are so very difficult to distmguish specifically, that it is probable that all belong to one verj’
variable form. I find all gradations in colom-, size, breadth of sepals and petals, aud iu the development of starai-
nodia ; the species here described are hence perhaps only marked states. From Mr. Edgerley’s note I find that be
found the most dissimilar forms connected by intermediate ones. (Name from ^ijXvptrpa, in Greek, in allusion to
the hooded column capping the anther.)
1. Thelymitra Forsteri, Sw. ; sepalis petalisque ovatis ovato-lanceolatisve, labeUo obovato, columna
bifida, staminodiis breviter porrectis dense v. pai-ce plumosis colnmna bifida brevioribus. Swartz. A. Bich.
Flor. p . 165. t. 2 5 . / 2. A. Cunn. Prodr. Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orchid. T. longifolia, Forst. Char. Gen.
Serapias regularis, Forst. Prodr.