CO N S P K C T U S vilcerum abdominis a latere dextro,_-parlibus
contincntibus tlioracis ct hypochondrii, ac maxima
omenti parte fublatis.
/i A Femora, ubi tranfverfe fcilTa, lintco eooperta. • . i
• J! Spina, fupra diapliragraa, tranfverle difTciffa. •
C ' Cofia; oña\-a: pars. •
DD Inlegumenta et mufculi, ad partem thoraeis pofteriorem, eo
loco quo negligentcrfejunans erat truncns, refciffi. . ' .
£ Miireulorum abdominis angulus inferior, in femur, ut in proeccdeutc
figura, dévolutus. ' ; . - -,
F Montis, ut dieitur, veneris pars, una cum mufculis abdominis,
devoluta. ' -
G Ad finiflrum latus pars Iiiiic refpondens.
II Thoracis margo, ad latus fcrobiculi cordis finiflrum, pento-;
neo ct mufculis inverfis, teñus. •
Î Cartílago niueronata. ^
A A' Coüíc inferiores, partefque caitera: continentes feciione longitudinali
rcjiinflze, adeo ut, iis. qua; fefliojieni .ct. fcrobiculum
cordis interjacerent remotis, ^ ifccra hypochondrii dcxtri fefe \
denda'offcrrcnt. • ' ' ' ' .
L Pars iiiia atqtie poflerior c.avi dcxtri thoracis.
M Aorta dcfccndcns, eo loco, quo cada\ cr tranfverfe difciffum
fucrat, dehgata; nec non, colorata cera impleta.
Oefophagus ibidem' delrgatus.
0 Superficies, fuperior .con^•exa diaphragmatis ; quod, pleura
tefluin, in fitu fuo naturali nianet.
P Diaphragmads centri tendinei pars quîe in dextro latere fita ell.
(I Vena; cava: infcrioris truncus, juxt a diaphragmatis fuperficiem
ftiperiorem deligatus.
Ii R Pleune fefìa; margo, loco quo refiexa de fuperficie fuperiori
diaphragmatis, faciem internam collarum contegebat.
S S Peritonei fecHi margo, locò quo fcilicet a. fnperEcie, diaphragmatis
inferiori, membrana: inVeflientis more, ad faciem internam
inufeulörum abdominis curfum tenebal. ' ' •
Superficies inter margines pleura; [RR] et peritonei (SS)
connexia eli diaphragmatis ex facie interna coftarum dirupta.
T Facies interna mufculi tranfvcrfi peri toneo tedia.
U Hepatis lobus magnus, vel dexter; in^cujus cre23Ìdinc,.ex atlverfo
litera: U, exiguam videre efl; foffulain, quam yeficula lellis
fio-ura; fuoe aptavciat , f^cici interna: hepatis hicrloei appoftta - -
V • Hepatis lobus parvus, in hypochondrium finifl;rum fefe e.xtendcns.
IV Ligamentum hepatis falciforme, feu vensé umbilicalis reliquia;;:
loco quo fiffuram hepatis intrat, recifum.
A' Colon ex cicco ad hepar furfinn tranficns.
}' r Colon, cum appendiculis fuis adipofis, finiflrorfum currens,
hepar inter ct ititcftina tcnuia.
Omenti principium vel radix, quod ex intervallo hepatis et inteflinorum
tenuium nafcitur.
a a a a Illoruin inteflinorum tenuium gyTi aliqui, omento paulo infra
margincm hepatis exfciffo, in co/ifpeifium veniunt.
l Uterus. • I n facie ejus externa, venas, aliquantulum obfcurius,
notare licet. Ha;, cum cadaver prinium apertum pofui,
cera ctfi impletaí;, colore tantum diflinguebantur. Tempore autem
quo tabula ha;c erat delineata, vengè, parte jam arefaña,
fefe magis projiciebant, ut in figura quodammdo fe videndas offcrunt.
c Ligamentum rotundum in inguen defeendens.
íi Tuba fallopiana, juxta faciem internam offis ilium retrorfum
e Tuba: extremitas fimbriata, pone latus uteri jacens, hic panlulum
educía, nempe ut confpiciatur. Ligamenturri rotundum inter
e t tubam, vafa fpermatica, pra;fert¡m vena, cón^iciuntiir, ad
partem uteri anteriorem, cui placenta adha;rebat, pras'cipue tendentia.
f Uteri angulus prominens^ loco quo fcetus nates, utero nondum
adaperlo, taûu fentire hcebat.
N. lì. Collis nothis lateris dextri reniotis, illae qua; ad latus
erant finifirum, ex vi rcfiliendi, marginem thoracis. ( / / ) ct exinde
cartilaginem enfiformem elevarunt ; unde facies ejus anterior in
dcxtrum latus oblique tendebat.
Figura hac nondum delineata uterum obfer\'avi fenfiin fubfediffe;
quapropter ope quam minima; cannula;, uterum, fpiritu
\ i n o f o injicicndo, in priltinam figuram rellitucre eonatus fimi.
p l a t e - I L
Wim of the Jarrie ohjeä Jnm the right fide, after the upper abdo^
A :
^ I .minaißap-, andJhe containing parts of the right hypochondnum
had been removed, that the whole mafs of the abdominal vifcera might
- . appem: in Ms natural fduation, the fubjeä lying on its hack.-
A A . The thighs, covered with a cloth where they had been cut through.
. B • . Xhe 'back-bone cut through above the'diaphragm.
C Part.of the eighth rib.
D D The integuments and mufcles at the back part of the chcjl, cut
_ rudely through in fevering the trunk at that place.
e ' The inferior flap of the -abdominal mufcles, ixc. turned dawn over the
thigh,.as in the ^preceding figure. . ' .
F Part of the mons. veneris turned afide ivith the abdominal mujLles.
G The r'efpeäivep.ari of.the left fide.
HThe.margin of the. cheß at the left fide, of the. fcrobiculus cordis,
xoverpd by the peritoneum and mufcles, which are turned over it.
, 1 The enfiform cartilage. . ,. „
K K The lower ribs and other containing parts, cut dawn longitudinally,
by which means all the parts, between this feäion and the fcrobiculus
cordis were removed, that the vifcera of the right hypochondrium
might be expofed to view.
L The poße'rior and lower part of the right cavity of the cheß.
M The trunk, of the defcending aorta, tied up where it was cut, and
- ; filled with infeäion.
N The oefophagus, tied up at the fame place.
. O ' The upper convex fiirface of the diaphragm, which remains, covered
by the pleura, in its naturalfiluation.
P That part of the centrum tendinofum of the diaphragm which is
in the right fide. '
O The trunk of the Imver ca^•a• tied, clofe to the upper futface of'the diaphragm.
R R The cut edge of the pleura, where it luas reßeBed, from the upper
furface of the diaphragm, to line the infide of the ribs.
S S The cut edge of the p'critoneum, where it was continued as an in-
' veßing membrane-, fmm the inferior furfacc of the diaphragm, to the
ijfide of the abdominal mufcles.
The furface which is fem between the edge of the pleura (RR) and
that.of thé peritoneum (SS) is the attachment of the diaphragm cut
off from the mfide of the ribs.
. T The infide of the tranfverfus miifcle covered with the peritoneum.
U The great; or right lobe of the liver at the taiuer edge of which,
• ' o-jer againß'O'ie Bitêi- U, there is afnall notch formed by the concave
bed of the gall bladder .-which Uesiipontheinfide of the liver at this place.
V Thefmall lobe of the liver, which flretclies^ over into the leß hypo-
'chonArmm, andis thereforèfeen inp'crfpeäive.
VI The falciform ligament,-or remains of the umbilical vein, cut off as
it enters the fiffure of the liver.
X The colon paffmg up from the ca;cuni to the liver.
Y Y The colon with its appcndicula; adipofa; running towards the k f t
, fide, between the liver andfmall guts.
Z Z The beginning or root of the omentum, coming downwards from the
interßice of the liver and fmall guts.
aaaa Some turns of thofe fmall inleßines brought to view by cutting off the
omentum a little below the edge of the liver.
b The womb. Upon its furface we can trace, though obfcurely, its
veins. Thefe, though injeäed, were dißinguißable only by their colour
zuhen Iheßbfeä was firß opened: But when this drawing was made,
the part, having been fame time in the air, had become a little dry, and
the veins profeded, as they appear in the figure.
c The round ligament running dozm to its paßage into the groin.
d The fallopian tube running bachuards on the infide ofihe OS ilium,
c The fimbriated end of the tube, lying behind the fide of the womb;
• but draxun a little out, that it might be feen.
BetJueen the round ligament and the tube, are feen the fpermatic veffels,
cfpecially the vein, which go chießy, or by their largeß branches,
to the forepart of the womb where the placenta adhered.
f The prominent corner of the womb, where the buttocks or loins of the
child were dißinclly fell before the part xuas opened.
Ji. B. Thefalfe ribs if the right fide having been removed, thofe of
. the leß fide, by their elaßicity raifed up the margin of the cheß (H)
.. and confequently the enfiform cartilage; the anterior furface of uhichwas
thereby turned obliquely to the right fide.
fuß before - this figure -was made, I had obfervedthat the womb had
- infenfibly fubfided, - and therefore by the cannula of a very fmall trocar
I injeSled fome fpirits to raifi it up, as nearly as 1 could guefs, to the
figure it had ivhen the abdomen wasftrß opened.
i b