ÉM à,
' ' R E S figura ab eodem cadavere. >
F I G . I.
Utems a parte poilica itaapertus, ut facies merabranse deciduae
externa, ac flatus cervicis uterina; vifui exponanLur.
Literas tabulse huic explanando; accomodatas omnes praeter
K tt L, in figura fecunda videas.
A A Vafa fpermatica.
B B Fimbrias.
CC Ovaria.
D Vagina univerfa, quaqua in longum extenditur, omnino aperta.
E Os uteri in vaginara fe protendens.
F Via rugofa, per cervicem uteri ducens, unde gluten illud con-
• folidans jam exciderat.
G G Seilio fubiìantise cervicis uteri.
H H Sedio fubRaniia; uteri, unde
l i Pars pofìerior totius fubftantiae uteri de decidua fublata et in
' fundum uteri revoluta cernitur.
K Decidua, adhuc membranis adhsercfcens, fuperficiem fuara
fcabram externara exhibens, unde uterus fuerat feparatus. Membrana
ha^c vafis, cera impletis, venis maxima de parte, abundavit.
Plurimis autem in locis, cera, vafis effufa, h^c vifu indiftinda
L Membranae pellucidse, amnion fcilicet et chorion, decidua reilexa
tenuiffima et pellucida obtedse, in aditum cervicis uteri, ubi
decidua ipfa deficit, yiam iibi facientes.
F I G. II.
Idem uterus; pofìquam fcilicet inverfapars uteri fuerat abfciifa,
et decidua ablata, ea mente ut foetus, in liquore amnii natans,
per pellucidas membranas appareret.
Decidua reflexa hic adeo tenuis fuit, ut, nifi ad marginem
placentee, vix percipi poffet.
Foetus, cujus caira fune umbilicali circum-vinda funt, per fe
fatis efl; manifeilus.
Corpus luteum ovario in finiilro perfciiTum, ut appareat quale
fit ejus ca\iira, fub hoc tempus geftationis. Qiialem fe habeat
cicatricula illa, in extema facie corporis lutei ovarii finiñri, ibi
cernitur, ubi fìat litera C, in figuris prima et fecunda.
F I G . L
• A hack-mew of the womb, Jo opened as to exfofe the outer Jurfac
the decidua, and to Jkew the Jlate of the neck of the womb.
The letters for explanation, except II, K, and L, are feeh
A A The Jpermatic veffeU.
B B The Hmbria:.
C G The ovaries.
D The vagina laid open in its whole length.
E The OS uteri protuberating into Me vagina.
F The rugouspajdge through the neck of the womb, fro
coils cement had, by this tiine, fallen out.
G G The feSion of the fubjlance of the cervix uteri.
H H The fe£tion of the fubfîance of the womb ; whence
11 The poflerior part of the whole Jubflance of the womb, raijed up from
Msdecidua, and turned over the fundus of .the womb.
K The decidua7e/i! upon the membranes, fhe^ing its fcabrous outer furface
from which-the womb'was feparated. It was crouded with infelled
veffels, efpecially veins; and in'many places the wax was extravafated,
which occafioned indiflinllnefs.
L The Iranjparent membranes, viz. amnion and chorion, covered
with a very thin and tranfparent decidua reilexa, pufhing down
into the paffage of the cervix uteri, where the decidua is wanting.
1 which the vif-
F I G , IL
The fame ohjeâ^ after the inverted portion of the womb had been cut
and the decidua removed., to fhew the foetus, in Me liquor amnii,
through the tranfparent membranes.
The decidua reilexa in this fubjedt was fo thin, that it was fcarcely
perceptible, except near the edge of the placenta.
The foetus, luith the navelflring round its legs, requires no explanation.
F I G . HI.
The corpus luteum, in the left ovary, cut through., to fhew its cavity
at this period. The appearance of the cicatricula, upon the outfide
of the corpus luteum in the left ovary, is feen where the letter C
ftands in the Jirfi andfecondfigures.