[ p
T A B U L A V.
UT E R I pars anterior et dextra, cauta manu ab adhicrcntibus
fecundinis feparata, ct in finidrum latus rcflcxa. Id
eo fadum eft confilio, ut pars membrana: decidual ac placentae,
• , cum vafis canindcm cera repletis, et fuperfìcies uteri cui adhasferant
interna, oculis exponerentur. Partes lineis defignatas
proxime fequens tabula cxhibet integras. Priorem autem hie habet
locum linearum de fequenti tabula cxplanatio, ne literse in-
Iculptas nimis illain obfcurarent. ;
A A Femorum fuperiora.
B ß De angulis inferioribus partium continenlium ,'abdominis,
quod fuperefl, in offa ilium reflexum. Anguli utrinque, peritoneo
vafis dillinito intcguntur; quod vero, ex parte, prKÌcrtim
in latere finillro, ad curium valbrum epigaftricorum retegendum,
C C Olla pubis fupra foramina ifchium tranfverfe fcilTa.
D D Ifchium procelTus afcendentes tranfverfe fciifi.
Offa hffic pelvis, fymphyfi pubis fublata, laxa evafcrunt; et in
latere linillro, ad defcenfum uteri in cavum pelvis ¡nagis illuftrandum,
extrorfum fuerunt evuifa.
E E Artcriec inguinales.
F F Vena; inguinales.
G G Arteria: epigallricse.
H H Venas epigallrica;.
I Arteria obturatoria finiffri lateris, epigaftricx fcilicct ramus.
KKIC Ligamenta rotunda ex abdomine ad exteriora viforum epigaftricorum
L L Scflio int cgumentorum elmufculorum, in u t roque inguine, fafla
nimirum,duin partes pelvis anteriores continentes amovebantur.
M Perina:um.
JV'TV Labiorum pudendi partes ima;.
0 Hymenis reliquia.
P Vagina.
¡5(9 Clitoridis crura.
R Urethra ex part e fuperiori in longum diflrffa et expaffa.
SSSS Vefica urinaria, anteriorem inferioris extrcmitatis uteri portionem
T" Vefica; urinaria; cavum, partem ejus anteriorem ab urethra furfum
incidendo, oculis fubjeäum.
UU Uteri extremitas parva vel inferior, in cavo pelvis pofita. Ea
pars qua; circundata fuerat margine pelvis, fatis ev ident er conftritìa
fuit; ciuam fupcr utems llatim cminentior evafit, quippe
partes qua: läciüus cedunt eum ibi ampleclebantur.
VW Uteri facies exterior.
X Vafomm fpermaticoram in latere finiftro chorus.
r r Uteri fubftantia, ad dextrum latus, ab fundo penitus diffefla.
I n hac feflione vafa rcfcfla occurrunt ; quod autcm ad figuram
attinet inordinata, quippe cera friabili adimpleta. Vena: coloris
funt lucidiorisacgrandcs;exiKorcsartcrix, atque fufcx; fundum
vcrfus uteri utraque minores quam in parte inferiori, ubi a lateribus
uteri ad placentam tranlibant. Uteri craflitudo cum magnitudine
vaforum Iiis in locis p ropor t ioni s legem quodammodo fervat.
Decidua, fn-e memb r a na exterior, ramulis venarum ab facie interna
uteri ad eam tranfeuntiuin dillinaa.
a Hie decidua vafis refcrta et opaca, cauta manu fublata fuit.
Nulla lue loci, \-cl in ehorio, \'el in amnio, \xnarum, ex injectione
cerx, fpeeies fuit. Altera cnim pars per alteram adeo perlucebat,
ut fa.-tus culcm dillinfle cernere liceret.
i b Externa: fuperficiei placenta: portio, liic cera extra venas uteri
effufa, illie ^'enis ipfis cera impletis, a facie interna uteri ad eam
traiifeuntibus interftinfla.
c Arteria cera rubri coloris impleta, qua ab utero abrupta fuit,
et, femel circumvoluta, in placentam fe iinmifit.
d d Ejus partis uteri, qua; deciduam ( TJQ antea obtexcrat, facies
interna. In hac fuperficie vena: quae per deciduam ramos
fuos diffiiderunt, abrupt x confpiciuntur.
e. e Ejus partis uteri qua; placentam ( 4 i ) obtexcrat faeies interna.
Hxc qiiidcm fuperlicies cera extra vafa effufa fpc c imen pra; fe tulit.
Qiia; autein afpcdu primo, extra vafa cffufio vidcbatur, re vera,
venarum complanataruni, cum anailomofibus frequentioribus,
ex utero ad placentain peroblique tranfeuntium, cera adimpletariim,
fpeeies fuit. Cujus quod fequitur iit fpecimcn.
/ In fubllantia uteri ^•ena.
j- Ejiifdem rcnx in placentam continuatio.
k Üteri facies interna hic cavata, et venie dimidium, qua: curfu
peroblique traiifibat, formans. . j
P L A T E V.
'T^ 11E JirJl view of Ihc opened womb. lis juhjlance it cut tlmiit^k
J. on the right fide and turned lo th kft; by whieh meam part of
the decidua and of the placenta, ai well as the injidc of thai portion
oj the womh^ are expofed in the irijeilcdflate. All the parti rejtrefented
in out-lines are feen fuliflied in the next plate. The explanati'.n is ;^tven
here, that the other might not be ohfcured with engraved lettei i.
A A The upper part of the thighs.
li B Part of the.lower eoniers of the containing parts of the abdomen
turned down over the offa ilium. 'They are covered by the vafcular
peritoneum; which (in the left pdc efpecially) was partly cut away, to
fhew the courfe of the epigaflric veffels.
C C The offa pubi s cut through, above the foramina ifchium.
D D The afcending procejes of the ifcliia cut through.
Thefe bones of the pelvis became loofe, from the lofs of the fymphyfis
at the pubes; . and on the left fuk tliey were drawn outwards, to fkew
more fully the defcent of the womb intO'the cavity of the peK'is.
The inguinal arteries,
The inguinal veins.
The epigajlric arteries.
The epigaflric veins. i
The obturator artery of the left fide, a branch of the epigaflric.
K-IvK The round ligarnents defcending from the abdomen upon lite outfide
of the epigaflric veffels.
L L The feHion of lite integuments and mufcles in each groin, which was
made in removing the anterior containing parts i/ie pelvis.
M The pcrina:uin.
N N The lower extremities of the labia pudendi.
O The remains of the hymen.
P The vagina.
O^Q^ 77ie crura clitoridis.
R The urethra Jlit on its upper part, through its whole length, and
fpread out.
S S S S The bladderfpread round theforepart of the lower end of the womb.
T The cavity of the bladder expofed by an incifion through its forepart
from the urethra upwards.
U U The fmall or lower extremity of the womb, lodged in the cavity of the
pelvis. There was a manifefl conflriHion upon that part of it which
was furrounded by the brim of the pelvis; above which the womb fwelled
out immediately,being there embraced by more yielding parts.
V V V The outfide of the body and fundus of the womb.
X The clufler of Jpermatic veffels of the Uft fide.
Y Y Thefubflance of the womb cut quite through, from the fundus dcnanwards
on the right fide. In this feClion the cut veffels bear an irregular
figure, which was occafioned by the crumbling of the wax with which
they were filled. The veins are of a light colour, and large: the arteries
dark, andjmall in proportion. At the upper pari of the womb, both of
them are fniall in comparifoii with what they are lower down, where
they were pafjingfrom the fides of the womb to the placenta : and the
ihichiefs of the womb bears fome proportion to the fiie of its veffels in.
thefe different places.
ZZ The external membrane, or ieckhid., full of fmall branching veins
which pajed into it rom the internal furface of the womb.
a At this place the vafcular and opake decidua was carefidly removed:
there was no appearance of infeCled veins upon the chorion, or in the
amnion; both of which laere fo Iranfparent, that the chilisfkin could
be feen diflinilly through them.
b b A portion of the external furface of the placenta, interfperfed
partly with extravafated wax, from the venal fyflem of the womb, and
partly with infeHed veins, pafftng into it from the interior furface of the
c An artery filled with red wax, which was broken off from the womb.
It made one circumvolution, and plunged into the placenta.
d d The inner furface of that part of the womb which was in contact with
the decidua (Z Z) . Upon this furface the veins are feen broken o f f ,
ivhich difperfed their branches through the decidua.
e e The infide of that part of the womb which covered the placenta (b b).
Upon this furface there was indeed fome extravafated wax. But the
greateflpart of zuhat feemed, at firfi fight, to be extravafation, proved
to be infeSed veins, of a flattened figure with numerous anaftomofes,
paffingfrom the womb to the placenta in a very flanting direclion. The
following inflance may ferve as a fpecimen.
f A vein in the fubflance of the uterus,
g The fame vein continued into the placenta.
h The inner furface of the womb hollowed, andforming half of the vein,
which paffed here in a very flanting direclion.