i a
ADuodecimo cadavere, quarto raenfe dccurrcnte. Uterus a
parte antica apcrtus, vafis cera repletis. Pnecipue hie notanda
occurnint, fuperficies placentas externa ; vafa ex utero fe
inimcrgentia in placentam ; cervicis uteri'cxterna, qualis facies,
fit, et, refpcdu ad veficam urinariam urethramque habico, quern
il turn ob tin cat.
Placentae fuperficies, feéiione uteri fubfiantias circumdata, adeo
refert prsecedentem, fcilicetfig. I. ut explanatione minime indigeat.
A A Vafa fpermatica.
B B Fimbriae, five tubarum partes extremae.
CC Ovaria. Horum finiRrum corpore luteo nonnihil augura fuit.
D D Ligamenta rotunda.
E Cervix uteri contrada.
F Facies interna portipnis ifìius veficic, quic vaginae fubjeéla adhicret.
Utroque in latere, et hac litera paulo fuperius, cernitur
oriiicium urethras. •
G Urethra univerfa omnino aperta.
J^ROM the twelfth Juhje^, in the fourth month, fiews the injected
womb^ opened on its fore part ^ to give a foil view of the external
furface of the placenta, with the vejfels pafjing into it from the womb.
It fhews likewfe the Jiate of the cervix uteri externally, and its relation
to the bladder and urethra.
The furface of the ]AdiCCi\f3L,furrounded by the fedion of the fuhjlance
of the zuomb, lifo much like that of thejirfi figure in the preceding plate,
that it requires no explanatioTi.
The fpermatic vejfels.
B B The fimbriae, or ends of the tubes.
Z C The ovaria. The left zvas enlarged by the corpus lutcum.
D The round ligaments.
E The cervix uteri, in a contrastedflate.
F The infide of that portion of the bladder which adheres to the fubjacent
vagina. On each fide, and a little higher than this letter, is feen the
orifice of the ureter.
G The urethra opened in its whole length.
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