PE L V I S a latere ad plenum confpccfla, una cum contcntis
ejus, partibufque contiguis; per medium fcilicet divifa, ut
ofQum flexura;, etiitus partium internarum oculo facilius exhiberi
poilent. Iraperfeda eft hsec figura ad pubem, extrorfum pariter
aique introrfum. Partes quas hic dcficiuiit, cultro feparatsc funi,
dura cadavcr ad aliquas tabulamm prsecedenduin pingendas parabatur.
Defcéhira autem abunde fupplebit tab. XXII, in hunc
finem delineata.
A Femur dextrum a parte interiori.
B B B B Lumbomm vertebrae quatuor inieriores. Has inter cerni tur fubftantia
ligamentofa, extans, inxqual is, circa medium prajierdm ubi
molliflima eft, et facile tumcfcit, fi-quando feda fuerit, et in-aqua
CCCC Vertebrarura earundem proceffus fpinales.
D Vertebrarum lumborum canalis, in quo reliquise quaedam.caudsc
equina:, obfcure licet, confpiciuntur.
E E Mufculorum lumbos extendentium partes inferiores.
F Luniborum membrana adipofa ét cutis.
GGQ Sacri offa tria fuperiora.
H li Sacri offa duo inferiora, primumque còccygis, firmiter coalita.
I Coccygis OS f e cundum, quod, ope medii-e cartilaginis, ad pximum
facile movetur.
K Coccygis offa duo inferiora in unum coalita, parique ad fecundum
mobilitate pncdita.
L Sacri fpina. M Sacri canalis. .
J Í Mufculorum abdominis et integumentorum anguli inferioris
pars, in oflis ilium fpinam reilexa.
0 Vena inguinalis magna epigaftricam emittens, quam etiam
arteria cjufdem nominis comitatur.
P Femoris mufculi, ex oife pubis orti, quique in oiTe eo fejungend
o fuerant pcrfciffi. • . .
Q^ Os pubis fupra foramen magnum diiTciiTum.
R Idem os, ubi ramo parvo ifchii committitur, diffciiTum.
I n loco quo litera P occurrit, lineis pundis adumbrata repracfentatur
partis ejus oÌIìs pubis, qu^e abfciíTa fuerat, figura.
Nota iiidem lineis adumbratam fymphyfin oilendit.
S Pars camofa anum inter et os coccygis.
T Anus omnino apertus.
U Redi pars inferiorhac fedione expofita. Inhac figura videas,
inteftinum idem ab ano furfum progrediens oculo dum perfequeris,
id fe ret ror fum deflexiffe, nempe ut ad faciem internam
oííis coccygis veniret.
V Hic redum ad latus finifìrum fc deilexit, folami^ue membranam
fuam cellulofam in hac fedione cernere licebat.
WIV Redum fedione apertura, ubi ante coccygis os primura, facrique
oifa tria inferiora, decurrebat.
X Hic rectum omnino in latere dextro jacebat, nec id aperuit fciiTura.
Y lledum difTcilTum, ubi de latere dextro ad os fecundum facti decurrebat,
et in ilexuram coli figmoidcam currum fuum tenebac.
^ Vena cava. a Arteria iliaca dcxcra.
b In hoc loco vena iliaca finillra fuerat diffcifTa; cera autem, q u i injeéla fuerat,
iitpotefriata,jamdclapfa,vena haudlatis dare fe inconfpeilum dedit.
r Perincci fedio.
d Labii dcxtri, ad partem inferiorem, facies'interna,
e Nympha; dcxtras, ad partem infeiiorem, facies interna.
/ Coardaiìo, bymenifve reliquix', ubi incipit vagina.
i In hoc loco vagina et redìuni funt coalita. Redum vagina dcnfius.
k Vaginx pars anterior, cum urethra et vefica urinaria conjunda.
Il Os uteri in vagina, ad os coccygis vergens.
Quamvis in hoc cadavere fundus uteri dextrorfum inclinatus fuerat,
OS uteri tarnen adeo ad dextrum fe tenebat, ut cultrum anucomicum has
partes fecantem fugeret.
m m Ad os tincx, uteri et vaginx fubñantia coalita.
n n Uteri in duas partes äquales feíli margo poílerior,
o o Uteri fedii pars anterior. Sedio hcec nequaquani per medium uteri fe
habebac,fcd ad latus dextrum baud pauhilum; etenim ut figura: prxcedenles
coniuiode poITentdflineari, cada\'er boc modo neceffe habui difponere.
p Os uteri iiuus. 1/Uteri paries internus membranis fuis veílitus.
\ hac figura non repr3:fentatur; cum quoniain id a pro-
•nutn duxi, tum quoniam uterus adeo flaccidus ec tener
t, ut in liiu fuo naturali, ad arbiiriinn et ufum pidoris,
l'undus I
Membranx, tempore quo tabula hxc delineabaiur, ipfx fe ab utero
fere prorfus fejunxerant. In parte fuperiori, decidua, ubi fc ab utero
leccpetat, venulis abundavit ; juxta os uteri, vix uUum borum vaforum
N'efligiuin apparuit.
Meatus urinx.
Vclicx urinaria: pars inferior, uten cervicem inter et vagina: partem
fupcrioreni fua. Omnis veficx portio poR fympbyfin pubis ficajamdudum
abfcilla fuerat. Melius autem milii vilum c[{, figuram vel curtam
dare, quam aliquod ingenio excogitatum pingere.
p l a t e IX .
A Full fide-view oj the pelvis with ils conlenls, and adjaten! parti,
J l cut down Ihraugh Ihe middle,- lo ßiew the lurm of the baru-A, and the
fitnation of the internalparts. 'Ildifii^^ure n imjlerjeä at the pubc-,, both
externally and internally ; the dejeíñiye parts hayin^bcmcul away, m preparing
the Jubjeä for fame of the precedingßgures. But what ii Kajitinif
inthefe, may befeen in plate Xyj-l, which wai intended ai a fupplemcnt
to this.
A Theinfide of the right thigh.
BBBB rAe bodies of the four lawermoß lumbar vertebra:.
Between thefe the ligamentous fubßances are repreJenledpromineiU, mid
unequal, ejpecially near the centre, where they are Jofteß and moß dif
pofed to fwell when foaked in water, and cut through.
C C C C The fpinal procejfes of the fame verlebnc,
D The canal of the lumbar vertebra; in which fame remains of the
cauda equina is indißinäly fien.
E E The lower part of the extending mufcles of the loins.
F Theadipofe membrane andßin of tíie bins.
G G G The three fuperior component bones of the os facmm.
H H The two lowermoß bones of the faerum, and thcfirß of the coccyx,
ßrmly anchylofed. '
I Theficond bone of the coccyx, moveable on thefirß by means of an
intermediate cartilage.
K The two laß bones of the coccyx grman into one, and moveable m
theficond bone by the intenenlion of a cartilage.
L The fpine of the facrum, M The Jpinal canal in the facrum.
. N Part of the lower flap of the abdominal mufcles and integuments, turned
over the fpine of the os ilium.
, O The great inguinal vein, finding off the epigaßric,.which ii accompanied
luith the artery of the fame name.
P The mufcles of the thigh which arofe from the os pubis, and which
were cut through zohen that bone was removed.
C^ The OS pubis cut through above the foramen magnum.
R The fame tone nil through at its confunSlion with thefmaU branch of
the ifchium.
Where thelelterV ßands, is reprefented, in dotted out-lines, the figure
of that part of the os pubis which was cut o f f , and the mark "" is upon
thefyinphyfts inihefame out-lines.
S Thefleßy part between the os coccygis and the anus.
T The anus corifiderably opened.
U The lower part of the reflum laid open by the feäion. In tracing
the gut from the- anus upwards, we fee from this figure that it takes a
bend backwards, to get at the infide of the os cocc>'gis.
V Here the reflum made a turn to the left fide, and its furrounding
cellular membrane only was fien in the feäion.
W W rectum laid open by thefieäion, where it runs before tlwfirfl
hone of the cocc)'X, and the three Ißwermoß pieces of the facrum.
X Hire the rccliun layinlUdy in lh¿ right/tie, and wmnotopmii by thefiaion.
Y The reflum mt through, by theßaimi, where itpaßdjram the right/iii, acrofs the
fécond bone of the facrum, andwuscontinttcd into ikfiimàidejlexureo/lhccnion-
The vena cava. a The rigid iliac artery.
b Here the lejt iliac vein was cut through': but the britile wax with -d>hich it was
filled had fallen out, and the vein was fien mdißmclly.
. c Thefeclwn of the perina:um.
d The infide of the lower part of the rigid labium,
e The infide of the lower part of the right nympha.
f Theßriänre at the beginning of Ihe vagina, or reinaini of the hymen,
g The exlremity of the meatus urinarius. — h it The cavityof the viigina.
Í The eompoiind fubflance of the vagina and retTuim, the tatter of -which is corifiderably
the thickefl.
k The forepart of the vagina united with the uretiira and bladder.
II The mouth of the womb in the vagina, direäed towards the OS coccygis.
Though the bottom of the wonú, in this cafe, was direäed towards the right ftde,
its mouth lay fo much on the right fide, that d was not touched in making the
middle feäiotl of all the parts.
mm The fubflanee of the womb and vagina blended, at the OS tinea:,
n n The edge of the hißeäed womb backwards.
o o The edge of the womb forwards. This feäion was not in the middle, but confiderably
on the rigid fide. It had been made to prepare the fubjeä for fame of the
preceding figures.
p The mouth of the womb internally.
q The infide of the womb lined with the membranes.
The bottom of the womb is not repreferUed in this figure; both becaufe it was not
verymaterialhere, and becaufe U was become fo ßaccidand tender, that d could not
be well kept out, in its natural fduation, before the painter.
The membranes were almoß entirely Jeparatedfrom the womb, of themfelves, when
this figure was made. In the upper part the decidua was full offmali veins, even
where it parted of itfelf from the womb; but near the mouth of the womb, hardly any
fuch veßels appeared.
r The meatus urina;.
f The lower part of the bladder, placed between the neck of the womb and the upper
partof thevd.gmo.. The upper part of the bladder, -wkichwas fituatedbehmd the iymphyfis
of the pubes, had been ad away before this feäion was made; and we choj
to leave the figure imperfecl, rather tluin venture to delineate from fancy.
l A