T A B U L A I.
De c EM priores tabulée muliercm cxhiBent, nono fere graviditatiá
menfe exeunte, ann. 1750, fubita morte extindam.
Arteriasavenis, cera divcrficoloris injeíla, diftinäseerant. In hac
prima, contenta abdominis, integumentis decuffatim incißs et reflexis,
fub confpedum veniunt. Refupinatum cii: acclivi fitu
daver, ut fuperior trinici pars haud paulo eíTet elatior, et vifcera
inde abdominis clarius contemplanda objicerenlur.
Femora et pudenda, utpote partes externa!, eam, quam cccterrc,
notationem non deiìderant. Pudenda vero, in hoc cada"\-erc, ut
ex figura concipi poteñ, aqua inter culim intumuenmt.
A A Pars anterior dioracis infra mammas, qua truncus erat tranfverfe
difciffus, figuram a parte fuperiori tcrminans.
B B Integumentis, mufculis, et peritoneo decuiTatim incifis, eorum
anguli duo fupcriores in marginem thoracis cartilaginofum re flexi.
C C Eorundem anguli duo inleriores, in inguen, femur, et oílis
ilium fpinara anteriorem, utrinque reclinati. In angidis illis, ad
marginem inferiorem medio femori oppofìtum, obfervare licet
partem mgofam ettenfam, qua filum adhibitum fuit, ea mente,
ut, ángulo detrailo, uterus et partes vicina; manifeílius apparerent.
D Incifionis longitudinalis,'ad fcrobiculum cordis a mucrone
cartilaginis enfifomiis duàce, extremitas fuperior.
E Ejufdem inciÌionis, ad fymphyfin ofiium pubis, extremitas inferior.
F Mcpatisligamentiunfalciforme, fuperfaciem internammufculórum
abdominis, ad illius vifceris EITuram, magnum inter lobum
et parvum, protenfum.
G G Arteria et vena epigailrica, in utrifque mufculorum angulis inferioribus
trans peritoneum fefe projicientes.
// Hepatis lobus fmiiler, in parte fumma regionis epigaftrica: fitus.
Illius in fuperficie, arterias quxdam panas, ex fubilantia illius
glandulofa exeuntes, et in peritoneum quo veilitur diiTufas, delincan
I Omentum in regione epìgaftrica fìtum, inteftinis tenuibus incumbens.
Vafa quamvis cera vividi colorís impleta, ob partis-adipem
cerni vix potuerunt.
IC Omenti pars inferior et rriedia, ab utero antea elevata, qua: in
plicaturas multas quam mínimas contrada jacuit et compreifa.
L Omentum a latere dexlro, poil partem cam uteri, qua incipit
tiibadcxtra, defcendens.
M Omentum quod in latere finiílro ante tubam fallopiànam. See.
defcenderat, feorfum pofitum, quo partes ea: in confpedum prodirent.
X K Duo inteilinorum tenuium g)TÌ, quorum utrique, maxime
autcm inferior, omenti parte pnedida tedi fuerant.
0 Uterus, regionem totani umbilicalcni et hypogaílricam poflidens.
Superficies ejus vaforum ramulis tenuibus intertexta-. horum
pleraque vena:. Multa fanguine folummodo impleta,
cadavere diutius aíTervato, paulatim evanuerunt. Situs uteri paulo
obliquns, et ad latus dextmm. Umbilicus parte qua ilat hicclitera
aliquanto altior fuit. Forma uteri quodanimodo irregularis;
alias ejus partes aliis eminentiores. Id ex eo oritur, partim
quod vifceribus vicinis incumbens, prazfertim ad iiindum, fc
ad corum formam finxerat; partim etiam quod contenta ejus formam
irregulärem prie fe tulerant.
P Tumor ad latus finiílrum uteri, in ea fcilicet parte cui media
placenta interne adhasrefcebat.
Uteri tumor in latere dextro, ubi fcetus nates jacebant, ubi
ctiani fcctum per fubftantiam ejus fatis diíHnde tadu fentire licuit.
Ujidique circum hanc partem uterus aliquanto depreffus, et fácculi
inílar aqua rcpleti, tadinii afiìciebat. '
R R Ligamenta rotunda. Siniílrum, propter uteri fitum obliquum,-
. dextro longius. Exitus amborum, angulis inferioribus intcgu-
. menlorum 8cc. filo dedudis, in confpeduni vcniebat. Qiix ilrictura
ibi videtur, nihil aliud eft, quam peritonei in forma thecic
duplicatio ctprotrufio, ea liganienta per paululum fpatii fcquclis,
quiequc ab eo peritonei proceffu, funem fpermaticum canis vel
tauri comitante, gradu tantum differt.
,S S Tuba; fallopiau;L\ In latere dextro, folum fere tubx principiuin
cernere licet, parte reliqua poft uterum defcendente. In
latere fmillro, tubx media pars fola in confpeduni venit ; tegiiur
ciiim ejus principium inteüino ibi pofito; finemque ejus,
\-cr fimbrias, vafa fpcrmatica occultant. Ea vafa, in latere üni-
(Iro, fatis aperte confpiciuntur; fpadum illud totum inter ligamcntum
rotundum et tubam occupant: vas parvum arteria; magnum
ei adherens vena. Utraque ad uteri latus, in peritonei
dujìlicalione illa, qux Hgamentum latum appellatur, procedunt.
rUE p L ' j ^ r ^ E ' h firjl ten piales were made from the diffcBion of n woman ^who
died fuddcnly, in the end of her ninth month ofprcgnancy^ irrlheyem
1750. The arteries and the veins were injedled with xuax nf difl'erent colé'/r ;.
This plate reprefcnts theohjedi^ as it appeared when the abdomen was
opened by a crucial incifion^ and the four augle<i of thè containin'; parh
turned outwards; the fuhjetl lying on its bach, but Jo that the uppci
part of the trunk was confiderahly higher than the rejl.
The thighs and pudenda require no explanation: the lutfiir-of thefe'-
were edematous in thefubjedl, as they appear in thii figure.
A A The forepart of the chefir jujl below the breajlsy where I he trunk ua »
cut through^ and xuhich therefore terminates Ihejigure above.
BB The two upper angles of the integuments^ muf les, ¿t;2í/peritoneum,
turned back over the cartilaginous margin of the chefl.
C C The two inferior angles, turned down over the groin, ihigh, arul anterior
Jpine of the os ilium, on each fule. In each of thefe, at iti lower
edge and oppofite to the middle of the thigh, a part may be ohjerved to
be f retched and puckered, where a thread wai fixed, which pulled theflap
down, in order more fully to expoje the womb and adjacent parts.
1) The upper end of the longitudinal incifion, at the pit of the flomach,
beginning jiijl al the point of I he enfform cartilage.
E The lower end of I he fame incifton carried down to the fymphyfis of the
oifu pubis.
F The umbilical orfalcifom ligament of the liver, rohith runs upwards,
on the infide of the abdominal mujcles, to the fjfure behrr:m Ihe s-rcal
ami Ihejmall lobe of Uial vifcus.
Ü G The epigajlric artery and vein, prqieiling through the peritoneum,
upon each of the lower angles of the viujdei.
H 7he fmali lobe of the liver, fituated in the highejl part of the epigajlric
region. Upon its fiirface are reprefcnted Jome fmall artericn
zvliich emerge from the glandular fubjlance, and are dijfufed in tóc peritoneum
that covers it.
I -I'he omentum, fpread over the fmall intcflincs in the cpigafiric
region. The vcjfels of this part, tho injeiled, were hardly vijible, being
obfcured by fat.
K The lower and middle part of the omentum, which had been pitfhed
vp by the womb, and lay in numerous fmall folds prejed together.
I.. The omentum, in the right fde, paffmg a little way down behind •
that part of the juomb from ichich the righi tube begins.
M Tho omentum, in llic left fide, uAdch came down before the fdlopian
tube, èie. and whichwasthrown a little afide, that thofe parti might^bc
NN^ Two turns of the fmall intcflmes; both of which, but efpecially tU
lowcr, were cov'eredby the above-mentioned part of the omentum.
0 The womb, poffeffing all the umbilical and hypogaflric regioni. ít^
fwface is intcrfperfed with a number of fmall vefj'eU, the greatefl part of
zehich are veins. They zvere filled with blood only, and therefore gradually
difappeared after the fubjeSt had been prefervedfome time. Iti
Jtluation is a little oblique, and towards the right fide. The navel ivas a
little higher than the part upon which tins letter is placed. The form of
the womb is a little irregular, at fome places projecting more than at
others. This feemed partly owing to its being moulded upon the neighbouring
bowels, particularly at its fundus; and partly to its contenti i
P A fuelling towards the left fide of the womb, where the middle of
the plaeent:i adhered; and
C), A fwelling on the right fide of the womb, where the buttocks of the
child lay; and-luhere the child could'be felt, pretty- diflinñly, through
its fubjlance. All around this part the womb was fomewhat depreffed,
and felt like a bag of water.
R R Thè round ligaments. The left is longer than the right, becaufe of the
oblique fituation of the womb. The exit of each was brought to view
by drawing down the lower angles of the integuments, òc. with threads:
and the appearance of -a flrillure there, was occaftoned by afheath-like
doubling and protrufion of the peritoneum attending thcfe ligaments
fome little way; which differed only in degree from that proeefs of the
peritoneum, which accompanies the fperrmtic rope in a dog, or Indi.
S S The fallopian tubes. In the right fide, little more than the beginning
of the tube is feen, the refi running down behind the icomb. Of
! .i!ie left tiAe the middle part oidy is expofed;- its beginning at the womb
being concealed by the gut which lies upon thatfart, and the end or
• ' 'lùnbnic ÌOTj- covered by thefpermalic veffels. Thofe veffels are pretty
1 diflincllyfeen in the left Jide: they fill up all the fpace between the round
..ligament and. the tube: the fmall veffel. is_ the. artery, jinil the great,
towhichthat clings, isthe-oein: bothof them are paffmg up to the Jide of
the womb, in that doubling of the peritoneum w//«/, the broad ligament.
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