M G U R dux, a decimo tertio cadavere, tertio menfe prorfus
F I G. I.
Uterus a parte antica apertus, unde foetus cervicUquc uteri
flatus in confpcaum prodcunt.
ÄA Ligamenta lata.
lì B Ligamenta rotunda.
C C Tuba:.
D D Fimbria:.
EE Ovaria.
F Vagina omnino aperta. •
G Oris uterini labium pofterius.
H H Via per cervicem uterinam.
Ill Seaio fubftantia: uteri, portione quadam ovali excifa, ut contenta
ejus fub e.xamen vcnirent.
K Membrana: perfciíTa:.
L Faciei iñterníe uteri pars.
M Pars iila decidua:, qua: inde feparata fuit. Prope liane litcrara
cernitur foramen quoddam, (locus nimimm ubi decidua deeft)
via: quie per cer\'-iceni uteri ducit, exadvorfum iitum.
JV" Decidua reflexa, nec non chorion et amnion, perfciffa.
0 Placenta parti pofteriori uteri adhitrefcens.-
Fcetusicum collo fune umbilicali bis circúndate, abunde patet.
F I G. II.
Uteri, placenta: et membranarum fecundum longitudinem
feflio, cum fcctu juxta Gto, funiculo autem umbilicali nondum
A A Vagina: fades interna.
B B Os uteri perfciffum.
C C Cen ix uteri perfciffa.
J) E Via qua: per cerv icem ducit, cujus, in parte poileriori E, rugffi
pennifonnes confpiciuntur.
EFFE Seßio fundi uteri, ubi conceptus fedem liabebat.
G G Seilio placenta:, quie retrorfum adhasferat, ubi uterus, de quo
agitur, praeter morem craffus vifus eil.
H H Placenta: fuperlicies interna, amnio et chorio obteila.
J Uteri ftqjerficiei interioris pars.
K Pars parva decidua:, inde feparata.
LL Decidua: facies interna, five cavum ipfam inter et deciduam
M Angulus prope marginem placenta:, ubi decidua lamella interior
fuper chorion refleftitur, nempe ad deciduam rellexain
X Decidua: reflexa; facies externa; five caram, membranam 11-
lam inter et deciduam.
0 Margines feäi decidua: reflexa: et chorii, quffi inter fe intime
P Margo amnii feflus.
P L A T E X X X I I .
'J^WO fgtires from the thirteenth Juijell, at full three months.
F I G: ; / .
A fore-vieu of the womb opened, to fhexu the child, and theflate of the
cervix uteri.
A A The broad ligaments.
B B The round ligaments.
C G The tubes.
D D ríe fimbria:.
E E The ovaries.
F The vagina laid open.
G The pofterior lip of the os uteri.
H H The paffage through the cct\'i:í Mím.
I l l ThefeSion ofthefubflance of the womb,.where an oval piece was taken
out to fhew its contents.
K The membranes cut through.
L Part of the internat furface of the womb.
M That part of the decidua lohich was feparated from it. Xear this
letter is the hole, or deficiency of the decidua oppofite to the paffage
through the cervix uteri.
N The decidua reflexa, chorion and amnion cut through.
O The pl:ícent!i, adhering to the poflerior part of the womb.
The foetus, with two turns of the navelflring round its neck, requires
F I G . I L
A longitudinal Jeâion of the womb, placenta and membranes; with
the child near it, but Jlill attached by the navel-Jiring.
AA The infide of the vagina.
B B The OS uteri cut through.
C C The cervix uteri cut through.
D E The pajfage through the cervix; in the pojierior pari of which E, the
penniform rugas are conjpicuous.
F F F F The Jeâion of the fundus uteri, in which the conception was lodged.
G G ThefeHion of the placenta, which adhered backwards, where this
womb loas remarkably thick.
H H The internal furface of the placenta, covered with the amnion and
I Part of the inner furface of the womb.
K A fmall part of the decidua feparated from that infide of the womb.
LL The internal furface-of the decidua; or the cavity beliueen the decidua
and decidua reflexa.'
M The angle, near the edge of the placenta, tuhere the inner layer of
the decidua is turned over the chorion to form the decidua reflexa.
N The oulfide of the decidua reflexa ; or the cavity between that membrane
and the decidua.
O The cut edges of the decidua reflexa and chorion, which are intimately
P The cut edge of the i
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