I l m . XIX.. 'A2iii ///I'm.i. ,yi/.i/an',' ,t/i/,-ft,>rf i/m.M ,•//n './•//11//11111 fn','////// i7/,r,i/.i . w f / / / , / / / i / J , / / , r
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ID E M uterus ; ejus facie anteriori incifa et in fundum revoluta,
iltefis fecundis, per quas caput foetus, obfcurius licet,
ccrnitur. Hie igitur vifui fefe offert cum fuperficies externa plac
e n t a , dimidiataí quidem, tura pars fuperfieiei intemoe uteri, ei
refpondens, unacùni vaGs qua inter uterum et plaeentam intercedunt.
Partes uteri exteriores lineis foluramodo exprefTa; funt .
A Vaginx extremitas fuperior incifione aperta.
B Uteri orificimn contraitum.
C Uteri cervix nondum dilatata.
D D Ligamenta rotunda.
E E Tuba: ; Ovaria, pone iis fita, oculum fugiunt.
F F Vafa fpermatica.
G G Vafa hypogallrica.
HHH Uteri fubftantia incifa.
I I I Uteri paries anterior :
fccundis fepciratus, et fupra fundum
uteri rellexus.
K Chorion, amnion tegens. Per membranas illas pellucidas
foetus caput eonfpicitur.
LLL Decidua, qua uteri paricti intimo adhairebat. Vafa qusedam
parva, in eam ex utero tranfmiffa, confpiciuntur.
M M M U t e r i fuperficies interna, parti huic decidua; refpondens.
J f J f Superficies externa partis illius placenta: qua: ab utero avulfa
O O Superficies utcii interior huie refpondens.
P P In uteri fuperficie interna arteriae convoluta:, quoe ad placentam
antea tranfierant, j am vero dirupta;, dum uterus a placenta
(J (9 Arteria: in placenta: fuperficie illis refpondentes.
R R Vena: ex placenta: fubflantia exeurrentes ; in ea feilicet parte
fuperfieiei ejus diruptie, qua ad utcrum tranfibant.
S 5 Vena: in facie uteri interna, venis p roxime diflis refpondentes.
T In ángulo, fuperficiem extcrnam placenta; inter et fuperfieiem
internam inverfam uteri, arteria con\oluta, ab utero in placentam
continuata, confpicitur.
V Vena, arteriam proxime di¿lam juxta pofita, et illi refpondens,
ex placenta in uterum continuata.
T^ROM the fame JubjeSl. A fore-view of the womb. Ih fuhflance
J l is cut through and turned up over the fundus, to fhew apart of
the membranes^ through which the child's head is obfcurely feen^ and
about half of the placenta; together with the correjponding internal
furface of the womb^ and the veffcis paffing between the womb and the
placcnta. T'he external parts of the womb are reprefented in out-lines
V The upper extremity of the vagina laid open.
• The orifice of the womb, contradled.
The neck of the womb, not fir etched.
The round ligaments.
The tubes; the ovaries concealed behind them.
The fpermali^ veffels.
The hypogajlric vejels.
HHH Thefubflance of tKe womb, cut through.
I l l The fore-part of the womb raifed up from the fecundines, and turned
over the fundus.
K The chorion covering the amnion; through xohich tranfparenl membranes
the child's head is feen.
L L L The dccidua luhere it adhered to the inner fuface of the womb, in
which are feen fome fmall veffels fenl into it from the womb.
MMM The correfponding inner furface of the womb.
N N The outer furfade of that part of the placcnta from which the womb
O O The correfponding internal furface of the womb.
P P Convoluted arteries upon the inner furface of the womb, which had
paffed to the placenta, and were broken through in feparaling the womb.
Q^Q^ The correfponding arteries on the furface of the placcnta.
R R Veiiis emerging from the fubflance of the placcnta, and broken through
at its furface, where they were pafjing into the womb.
S S The correfponding veins on the infide of the womb.
T In the angle between the outer furface of the placenta, and the inverted
inner furface of the womb, is here feen a convoluted artery, continued
from the womb into the placenta.
V A correfponding vein, near that artery, continued from the placcnta
to the womb.