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NO N U M cadaver, quinto menfe. Apertus omnino uterus,
ac foetus inde exemptus ; quo fubtilius judicium i'cratur de
foetu ipfo, de partibus ejus fecunt invicem comparatis ct dimenfis,
nec non de conditione cervicis uterinze qua: fub hoc tempus
Foetus ipfe, lunilque umbilicalis illuftrationc non egent.
AAA Vulnus per membranas faílum, quo foetus eximiretur; unde
interni3e faciei placenta; pars, circa finem funis umbilicalis, cerni
B B B Amnion et chorion collapfa, et decidua reflexa (qu^ nondum
cgeperat decidua: ipil adhoerefccre) externe cooperta.
C C Tuboe.
D D Ligamenta lata.
Literas fequentes alteri figura feparatim infculptas invenies.
E Decidua, omnera illam partem uteri, quam placenta non occupaverat,
F i ^ F i ^ Subilantia cervicis uteri, ab altero latere ad alterum feda.
G Pars fuperior, angufìior, et la^vior introitus cervicis uteri, ubi
decidua manifcile continuata fuit in membranam ejus internam.
H Pars inferior, latior, et rugofa, ejufdem.
I Facies interna poilerioris labii oris uterini, veficulis, glutine
repletis, bullata.
A Facies interna vicina; partis vagina;.
L L Portiuncula: ha; duas membranarum fluitantium, exhibent, imp
e r f e d e quidem, partes duas cutícula: vaginam inveñientis, qua:
in cadavere, de quo agitur, diflinde admodum, feparabatur ufque
ad ipfam oris uteri prom'inentiam.
P L A T E X X V .
TpR 0 M the ninth fubjedi, in the fijth month. The womb fully
JL opened, and the foetus taken out; to fhew the exa£l dimenfiom and
proportions of the child, and the flate of the ccrvix uteri at this period
of utero-geflation.
The child and its Xavelfiring require no explanation.
A A A The opening made in the membranes for the extraction of the child,
through which is feen the tnfxde of the placenta around the termination
of the navelfiring.
BBB The collapfed amnion and chorion, covered externally with the dccidua
reflexa, which had not as yet contrasted an adhefion to the decidua.
C C The tubes.
D D The broad ligaments.
The following letters are engraved on a feparate figure in out-lines.
E The decidua, lining that part of the xuomb where the placenta
did 7101 adhere to it.
F F F F The feâionjvom fide to fide, of thefuhfiance of the ccrvix uteri.
G The upper, narrower, and fmallcr part of the paffage in the cervix
uteri, lohere the decidua xoas evidently continued down into the inner
membrane of that paffage.
H The lower, wider, and rugous part of that paffage.
I The infide of the poflerior lip of the os \xlcn,Jludded with fmall bags
K The infide of the adjacent part of the vagina.
L L The two fmall pieces of floating membranes, reprefent, though very
imperfeâly, two portions of the cuticular lining of //ie vagina; which,
in this fubjeâ, was feparated diflindly and evidently as far up as the
projeâion of the os uteri.