l - S if
t a b u l a XIV.
AQiiarLo cadavcrc, nono itidcm gravidiutis menfc. Fafciculi
fibraruni mnfciilavium, in parte interna uteri, triplici figura
Hac parte uteri per aliquot dies in aqua macerata, decidua
j am tenera abllergebatur.
F I G. I.
Uteri inverfi, et in latus paululum reclinati, facies poficrior
interna. ,, . ,.
A Uteri OS relaxatum; fupraquod, paulo oblcurius licet, cerMcis
. ruga:, ramorum adinllar difpofiuc, cernuntur. • , '
B B Uteri pars anguila, margine pelvis antea cireumcinaa.
c e Seta in orificio iitriufque tubas; quam circum rafciculi fibrarum
ad mufeulos pertinentiuin, in orbes, eodcm centro terminatos,
fe dil'ponunt.
D Hie iafciculi, in orbem difpofiti, uterum cingunt.
E Uteri fiindi'pars media, qua ordines Iii duo fibrarum, tubas
cino-entiuni, inter fe coSunt, five fe invicein contingunt;
F iiterllitium triangulare, tres inter ordines fibrarum praídifta-'
rum, ubi mutuo inter le coi-unt, diverfiiinque ordinem et curfum
F I G. I I . .
Ejufdem uteri, fonna minuta, confpeaus a latere.
Uteri OS.
Seta in orificio tuba;.
Fibrarum, fine ordine difpofitaruin, llratum, fiiciem
fafciculorum, qui in circulum Ilefluntur, obtegentes.
Ejufdem uteri partis anterioris facies intema.
Os uteri ; fupra quod rug<e anteriores, in ramos abeuntes, fe in
confpeflum dant.
Superficiei cui placenta adhieferat pars media, ubi fibras lafcias
fine ullo ordine Ibrmabant ; quas inter, venarum orificia, in placentas
partem fpongiofam curfum tenendum, paßim occurrunt.
Ad cervicem uteri, fibrse niufculolÌE, in fafciculos coUeclas, nulla:
P L A T E XI V .
OM a fourth ßbjeä, at nine months. This ßews the dijpofition
Jerent views.
The part, was Jleeped in water Jome days, xuhereby the decidua Xf/as
made tender, and then hrujhed o f f .
F I G . I.
The inner JurJace-ojthe pojlerior pari oj the loomb, turned a little to
- one-jáe. • - ' . ^ ^
A The relaxed mouth of the xuomb, over xuhich are faintly Jeen the branching
riigíE of the neck of the luomh.
BB The narrow part'of the womb, luhich was embraced by the brim of
Me pelvis.
C C A hrifile put into the orifice of each lube., round lohich the fafciculi
of imfcular fibres are ranged into concentric circlcs.
D The fafciculi going circularly round the-body of the zuomb.
E The middle of the fundus of the luomb, luhere the two orders of circular
fibres, which furromid the tubes, meet., or become reciprocally
F The triangular inlerflice between the three orders of circular fibres,
xuhere they are all blended, and take a variety of dire£lio7U.
F I G . 11.
A fide-vieiü of thefame womb, in miniature.
The mouth of ths womb.
A brijlle in the orijice of the tube.
An irregular flratum ofjibres, upon the infide of the circular fafciculi.
F I G . I I I .
T he inner furface of the anterior part of the fame womb.
The mouth of the womb: over which are Jeen the anterior branehing
; The centre of the furface to which the placenta adhered, where the
fibres formed irregular, interwoven bands; in the interflices of xuhich
were the orifices of the veins which went into the fpungy part oj the
At Mf cervix no diflinñmujcularfibres appear on the internal furface
of ths womb.
7 ' A / ] . J I V . / i i / m n i i i (in/im'.ir, /u>//o it/iZ/vn ///í'/hw^. './'/i.K'icif// fi/'mmm
/ / u / j f t / Á t r t / ü / / , t / / / M . r / f / / / á r / í f ' / / t / j ' r / , Kr / t f / f / z á / / - .