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í'vr/w.: Jji/.-iDiì m !>i;iri,' /if r /„.-i/i/n,, ,/ir,.i,',.\ :);',ii/'ri<r •'li/'ir './•,i//.-/iM,i<r.
AQiiinto cadavere, nono etiam geÌlationis menfe, fyftema
arteriofum uteri quintuplici figura exprelTum.
Mulier h<ec, poil partura ncutiquam difficilera, in animi deliquium
inciderat, caufa quidem adilantes latente ; horis auiem
duabus a partu nondum lapfis, illam mors abilulit. Artcrige
cera rubri coloris impletas.
1 fundi parte poflic
Facies uteri inverfi, quo prxfertim loco placentr
Pars media fuperiiciei, cui placenta adliieferat, i
et paulo ad latus finidrum fita;.
Arteriíe convoluta: quamplurimas, quarum i
quo loco per
deciduam ad placentam decurrerant, ruptie fun
' Orificia venarum uteri" (vulgo Qnus appellata) quec per deciduam ad
placentam decurrerant: hxc multo plura quam qua; in figura repricfentantur;
minora pr.xfertim innumera. Ex venarum illanim curfu, uleri
fcilicet fuperficiei parallelo, aere non prius inflato, orificia vix polTunt
confpici. Earum igitur llatu diflenfarum maxima pars delineatur, nimirum
ut umbris infenis, magis confpicuic evaderent, et curfus etiara eambrancE
adhaiferant. Vafahujus partis
Uteri fuperficiei pars c
nia quam minima. Pars
ipfalxvior, quam ea cui Placenta fe i
ferat. Faciei decidus: e:
2 perleílam quandan
Uteri internee lamella: pars, culti
Uteri fibrarum fafciculi, quorum maxima pars clrculos conficiunt.
Oris uteri dilatati margo, veficulis glutinofis diflinélus. .
fublatn, et reclinata, <
Cervicis uteri, ad partem poilicam, ruga; pennata, qute vulgo valvulcc
Vaginie inverfi pars.
F I G. I I ,
Arteria; partem uteri ejufdem anteriorem perreptantes. Uteri facies
externa jam ficcata fuerat, et inde pellucida adeo faéla, ut arierix in confpeélum
diilinde venirent, pariter ac fi in fuperficie extima difperf®
fuilTent. Uterus hie duodecim fuit pollices longus: unde facile patebit,
quantum mole contrahatur in hac figura; quantum etiam in figura
tertiaetquarta,qux ad eandem normara delineantur. Pars base dum arefcebat,
in longitudinemquam latitudinem magis diftenfà fuit ; quapropter
uterus, in hac, et in figura proxime fequenti, longioreft quam ex natura.
Peritonei refedi margo, eo loci, quo, ab utero ad veficam urinariam
ì Tubx.
Ovarium finiflrum. —D Ovarium dextrum. Vid. fig. V.
? Ligamenta rotunda; quorum in finillro eft arteria magna flexuofa, ab
ramo fpermatica:, per analìomofin conjunàìx cum hypogaflrica, tranfmiffa:
in dextro aliquot funt minores.
Truncus arteria: finiftrx hypogaftrica:, ad cervicis uieri latus afcendentis.
Truncus arteria: Qniftra: fpermaiicx, in Hgamcnti luti duplicationem
Arteriarum diflributionem in utero explanare liaud opus eiì. Curfi.is
enim earum ilexuofi, anailomofefque plurims:, per fe fatis patent.
F I G. I I I .
Eundem exhibet luerum a pane poftica vifum.
B B. C. D. E E. Vid. fig. II.—• i-' Arteria hypogaftrica dextra.
a r, ArtPrin: fpermaticx ad ligamenta lata cxcurrenies.
:ui placenta adhxferat arterix flexuofx confertx.
figura, cum iis in ligura precedenti conferamt
lagifque convolutas eiTe, in laterc eo uteri, cui pi
nere licebit. In i
s multo majore
nta adhxferat,
.e in placentan
0 gravido, curfus fanguinis n
Fuudum exhibet uteri, parte poflica furfum verfa.
. 'Fubx. D Ovarium finifirum.
Ovarium dextrum. HH \'id. fig. III.
F I G. V.
Ovariinn dextrum et tuba cjufdcm uteri.
'l'uba. /i Tubx ligamenium, mcfenterio quodammodo refponden
: Tubx orificium externum, iimbriis folta referentibus circumdatum.
Fimbrix a latere utroque oriiìcii tubx, per ligamentum, ad ovarii e.
iremitutem externam, continuatx.
Ovario jam aperto, arterix ilexuofx, per fubftantiam ejus fparfx, coi
" ' Mac in parte corpus luteum, per medium divifum,
i fubftan-
tia cernitur. Nulla confpiciuntur vafn in centro, quod colore eft albido.
Circa centrum illud undiquaque, fubllantia ejus vafculis abundat.
ZPIVE JguresJrom ajijlh JubjeB at the full time, lo explain the ar-
-i ierial JyJlern of the pregnant womb.
This woman., immediately after a natural labour., grew faint, ai
was faid, without an apparent cauje; and died within thefpace of two
hours. The arteries were injeSled with red wax.
F I G. I.
The womb, inverted.
A The centre oj the Jurface lo which the placenta had been fixed; which was
at the back-parL of the fundus, (nid a little on the lejt ftde.
B B Immmerable convoluted arteries, with broken extremilies, where they had pajed
through the decidua into the placenta. _ .
C C C The orifices of thofe uterine veins, commonly called ftnufes, which had paffed
through the decidua lo the placenta. Thefe orifices were much more numerous
than they are reprefented in this figure.. The /mailer ejpecially were innumerable.
The pajage, or direSlion of thefe veins, _ was almojl parallel lo the Jurface oJ the
wombifo that their orifices were fcarce perceptible, without being injlated. Mojl of
them are reprefcTiled in that fiate; bolh that they may be more dijlin^, • by having a
mile fhade, and that their oblique dire^ion, and the orifices of their communications,
or anajlomofing branches, may be feen.
• D • . Part of the JurJace of the woinb where the membranes luid adhered. This wai
furnfhed with very fmalL vejels only; and was much fmoother than that part to
which the placenta had adhered. In every refpeci ilwas like the outerfurface of
the decidua.
E Part of the inner lamella of the womb, raifed by diffeSlion, and lurntd to one
... .ftde; lofliew
' F. Thefafciculaledfibres of ihe womb, mofl of which, at this place, were nearly cir-
G • The border, formed by the dilated mouth of the womb, andjludded with gelati-
H The branching rugx -commonly called valves, al the pojterior pari of the neck
of the womb.
I Pari of the inverted vagina,
F I G . II.
A fore-view of the oulfide of (he fame womb, after it was dried, and become fo
Iranfparent, that the arteries could be feen dijlin&ly, as if they had been difperjed
on its outer furface. The objeSl was twelve inches long; from which it will be underjlood,
how much the fcale is reduced, in this, as well as in the third and fourth
figures, which are delineated lo the fame proportion. In drying, the preparation
was unavoidablymore flretched in its length, than in its width; whence in this, and
in Ihe following figure, Ihe womb is more oblong, than it is naturally.
A The edge of the ciU peritoneum, where it was refleHed from ihe womb to the
B B The tubes. — C The left ovary.
D The right ovary. See Jig. V.
E E The round ligaments. In the left there is one large ferpcntine artery, fenl down
from an anaflomofing branch of the fpermatic and of the hypogajlric: in ihe right
there are Jeveral Jmali arteries.
F The trunk oJ the left hypogaflric artery, mounting upon the fide of the neck oJ
the womb.
G The trunk of the left fpermatic artery, pajfmg into the duplicalurc oJ the broad
The diflribution of the arteries upon the womb requires no explanation. Their
ferpentine courfe, and frequent anaftomofes are apparent.
F I G . III..
A back-view of the fame fubjea. BB. C. D. EE. See fig. II.
F The right hypogajlric artery.
G G The fpermatic arteries paJfmg into the broad ligaments.
HH The crouded ferpentine arteries in that part of the womb lykri.Mi-placenta
By comparing the arteries in this figure, with thofe in the preceding, we fee thai
they are much larger, and more convoluted, in that fide of the womb to which the
placenta is fixed; the great current of blood being towards the placenta.
F I G. IV.
A full view of the fundus of the fame womb, the back part being upwards.
B B The tubes. D The left ovary.
C The right ovary. H H See fig. III.
The right ovary and tube of the fame womb.
L The lube. — Yi The ligament of the lube, analogous to the mefentery.
C The external orifice oj the tube, furrounded by foliage-like fimbrix.
) The fimbrix continued Jrom each fide of the orifice oJ the tube, all along the
ligament, between that and the outer end of the ovary.
E The ovary cut open, with ferpentine arteries interfperfed through its fubfiance.
F Here, iii the fubfiance of the ovary, the corpus luteum isjeen,jplit through the
middle. Xo veffels appear at its centre, which is of a while complexion; but all
around that centre, itsJubfiance is very vajcutar.