Sexlo cadavere, odavo mcnfe, uterus a latere clexlro vifus,
. alque ila injefta cera prieparatus, ct fcalpello anatomico deniidalus,
ut vaforum ad cum acceffus, coruinque prima: ramificaliones
quam claviriime appareaut . A parte pollica, adhuc pelitoueo
kevi coopcrtus eft uterus. In parte autem anteriori, qua
placenta interne adhxrebat, Ilratum externum uten fabllantia:
cultro anatomico lublatum luit.
4 A Cervicis uteri, nullo modo dilatati, facies exterior. Os uteri
litenc inferiori A oppofitum ; ab qua parte deorfum, pars vagmsc,
adipe tefla, relinquitur. . .
E U In uteri fupcrficie Ib-idura, ubi margine pelvis antea fuit .circiimdatus.
C C Tuba; poR quam ovarium oblitefcebat. .
D D Ligamentum rotunduin, cultro anatomico diffeftum; nimirum
u t vena, ex parte inferiore tortuofa, biuaque arteria: convoluta:,
ex vafis fpermaticis omnes ortum dueentes, in confpef lum venirent.
E Arteria h)'pogailrica.
F Vena liypogailrica.
Vafa ha:c ramos quam plurimos ad vaginam dimittunt, et per latus
uteri afcendunt, nimirum ut per anallomofin eum fpermaticis
fuis propriis eoeant. Partem utriufque tmnei,^ adminiflratione
infuforia necelfario dellruclam, ingenium pic^oris fupplevit.
G Arteria fpermatica.
H Vena fpermatica.
Vafa liscc dum adutemm aecedunt, ramos quam plurimos, antrorfum
ad tubam, et retrorfum ad ovarium mittunt ; deinde, ad
uteri latus ad\'enLantia, per anaftomofin cum lij'pogaftricis eöeunt.
Rami pracipui utriufque, hie, ad fundi uteri partem anteriorem,
cui placenta adha:rebat, curfum tenent.
11 Peritonei, poilicam uteri fuperficiem tegentis, margo.
P L A T E XV I .
^ROMa fixthJuhjeli, aleighl months. A full view, from the right fiele,
of the 7uomb,fo injeSed and differed, as to fhew the approach, and
f r f l general brayichings of the uterine vejels. The bad-part ofthewomh
is flill covered by thèfmooth peritoneum; but at the fore-part,to which
the placenta adhered internally, the outer ftratum of the fubflance of the
womb was removed by diffeHion,
A A The outfide of the neck of the womb, which was not in the leafl dilated.
The OS uteri was oppofite to the lower letter A; from which
downwards, ¡here is apart of the vagina left, covered with fat.
B B A flriaure on the womb, where it was furromded by the brim of the
pelvis. -
C C The tube; behind which the ov^vy lay concealed.
DD The-round ligament dffeaed, to fhew a vein in its middle (twijled
at the inferior pai't) and two convoluted arteries: all from the fpermatic
E • Thi hypogaflric artery.
F The hypogaflric vein.
Thefe v^els feiiddown numerousbranchesto //le \'agina, and mount
upon the fide of the womb, to anapmofe with the refpeSlive fpermatics.
By fixingpipes,for the injection, and tying up thefe veffels, a part of each
trunk was lofi, and then fupplied by fancy.
G The fpermatic artery.
H . The fpermatic vein.
Thefe veffels, in their approach to the womb, fend up numerous branches,
• forewards to the tube, and backwards to the ovary ; then, paffing to the
fide of the fundus uteri, they anaflomofe with the hypogaflric. The
principal branches of both, in this cafe, go to the fore-part of the fundus
uteri, where the placenta was attached.
1 1 The edge of the peritoneum ivhich covers the pofleriorfurface of the
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