F I G . I.
ID E M uterus queui cxhibel figura fecunda tabulíe pneccdenüs,
fed iiivcriiis ( i. e. fundo decliviori) ; ut, contentis fuo
•pondere a cervice lUndum vcrfus devolutis, margo placentae
darius diñinguatur; ac decidua, quic ibidem ab interno uteri
pariete in externam cliorii fupcrficicm reílexa, nomen decidua:
rcílexíc aíliunit, melius confpiciatur.
Partes lineis adúmbrala; in tabula pra:cedcnti modo expofita:
funt atque explanatEC : fcilicct^, BB, C,DD, £E, F, GG, HH,
I I , et KK, in figura prima; atquc L et MM in figura fecunda.
^ X J f Decidua Graffa, fadem internam uteri, ubi placenta non adhtcrefcebat,
000 Placentic margo, ubi lamina interna dedduae a facie interna
uteri, ad fadem membranarum exteruam, inllexa fuit atque continuata;
quo in loco efficit
P P Deciduam reflexam, co magis attenuatam, quo longius a margine
placenta: diilat.
(¿ Hie patuit, deciduam non eodem modo, quo cseteras membrana:,
trans aditum in cervice uteri fe porrexiiTe ; fed per paululum
fpaui intra hunc aditum, more inveilientis membrana:,
effe continuatam ; tandemque fenfim evanuiffe, aut cum glutine
ilio, quod vice ca:menti fungitur, effe confufara.
•i facies intema, quaiis apparuit,Ejufden placenta j am feparata.
C,DD, EE, E, G G, H H, I I , KIC, Vide tabula prascedentis
figuram priraam.
L, MAI, Vide ejufdera tabula figuram fecundam.
JVTVjVPars decidua^, undique circa placentse marginem, etiamnum
utero intus adhacrefcens.
O Centnim fuperficiei orbiculata:, in uteri parte anteriori, cui placentahocin
cadavere adhasrefcebat. Hsec arteriis venifque abun-
^dabat, quas fcilicet utero ac placenta; communes fuerant, quafquas
neceiTarioperrupi, duashas partes dum feparabam. Arteria: quidam
par\''a: erant, convoluta^, colorifquemagislucidi, utadliteram
P ; vensE autemperruptcC fpeciem macularum fufcarum, vcl foraminum,
magnitudinis liaud exiguai, pras fe ferebant, ut ad literam
Linea inzequalis qua: fuperficiem hanc fcabram, cui placenta
adha^refcebat, ambit, ext remummarginem placentas a membranis
abfciifa^defignat; eadcmetiam indicai locum quo decidual lamina
interna reficxa fucrat, circum undique,in faciem chorii cxternam.
F I G. I.
'T'HE womb, from the fame JubJeä, turned tipfide down, that the
-L weight of its contents might carry them towards the fundus ; to
ßew the border of the placenta, where the decidua is reflcHed from
the infide of the womb, to the outfide of the chorion, at which laß place
it makes the decidua reflexa.
The parts repreßnted in out-lines were feen and explained in the precedingplate,
vi^. A, BB, C, DD, EE. F, GG, HH, 11, and KK,
in the firjlßgure,and L, M M, in the fécond.
N N N The thick decidua, lining the infide of the womb, where the placenta
was not attached.
O O O The edge of the placenta, where the inner layer of the decidua was
continued, by inflexion, from the infide of the womb to the outfiide of the
membranes-, at which laß place it conßitutes
PP The decidua rellexa, which becomes thinner, in proportion as it is
farther dißant from the edge of the placenta.
C^ Here it was evident that the decidua luas .not, like the other membranes,
extended acrofs the paßage in the neck of the womb, bid was continued
a Utile ivay down that paßage, and there infenfibly loß, or blended
with the glutinous cement.
F I G . I I .
The infide of the fame womb, after the placenta had been feparated.
A, BB, C, DD, EE, F, GG, HH, II, KK, See the firfl figure of the
preceding plate.
L, MM, See the fécond figure of the preceding plate.
N N N Part of the deddua all around the edge of the placenta, left adhering
to the infide of the womb.
The centre of the circular furface at the forepart of the womb, to
which the placenta, in this cafe, adhered. It was full of arteries and
veins, which had pcffed between the womb and placenta, and xuhich
we broke through in feparating thefe two parts : the arteries were fmall,
and convoluted, and of a lighter colour, as at the letter P ; the broken
veins had the appearance of dark fpots, or Iwks, of [omeconfiderable fite,
as at the letter Q.
The irregular line, which furrounds this rough furface to which the
placenta adhered, points out the extreme border of the placenta, which
was cut off from the membranes, and where the inner layer of the
deddua, all around, was reflelled upon the outer furface of the cho-
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